packages to consider droppping (linphone)

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at
Thu Jul 28 13:45:39 UTC 2011

On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 08:26:24PM +0300, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> linphone
> --------
> A new version has been in experimental for quite some time. Why is that?

Specifically, I noticed it was it is RC-buggy (#616367).

Trying to reproduce this bug, I noticed it is crashes as try to start
it (#635740). Which makes it not so productive for me to test with.

Anybody here uses it?

As it fails my basic sanity check, I won't move it back from
experimental. But then again, it is not a regression - the version in
Unstable crahsed just the same here.

               Tzafrir Cohen
icq#16849755              jabber:tzafrir.cohen at
+972-50-7952406           mailto:tzafrir.cohen at  iax:guest at

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