Bug#671382: t38modem: SEGFAULT in MyH323Connection::AdjustMediaFormats

Matej Vela vela at debian.org
Tue May 22 19:35:54 UTC 2012

On Thu, May 03, 2012 at 06:56:26PM +0200, Luigi Gangitano wrote:
> On my up-to-date wheezy (testing) system, t38modem crashes with
> segfault at each try to send or receive a fax.
> #0  0x00000000004749ed in MyH323Connection::AdjustMediaFormats(bool, OpalConnection*, OpalMediaFormatList&) const ()
> #1607 0x0000000000474aac in MyH323Connection::AdjustMediaFormats(bool, OpalConnection*, OpalMediaFormatList&) const ()

A bug in t38modem-opal3.10-patch might be causing runaway recursion --
instead of just reordering arguments to OpalConnection::AdjustMediaFormats,
it changes the otherConnection argument from `NULL' to `other'.

Please give this (untested!) patch a try.  I've added a bit of
documentation as well.


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