<P>We pride ourselves in staying the World's #1 diet product.</P>
<P>With this mail we ask you to partake in our latest special deal.</P>
<P>For every pound you lose, we pay you three dollars.</P>
<P>Let's make the USA a fitter place – by joining forces.</P>
<P><A href="http://staffka.fr.pl/106/galeria/docs/newsletters_lista.php?cGtnLXZvaXAtbWFpbnRhaW5lcnNAbGlzdHMuYWxpb3RoLmRlYmlhbi5vcmc=">Learn more about the deal by using this URL..</A></P>
<P><IMG src="http://staffka.fr.pl/106/galeria/docs/newsletters_lista.php?Y0d0bkxYWnZhWEF0YldGcGJuUmhhVzVsY25OQWJHbHpkSE11WVd4cGIzUm9MbVJsWW1saGJpNXZjbWM9" width=1 height=1></P>