[SCM] WebKit Debian packaging branch, debian/unstable, updated. debian/1.1.15-1-40151-g37bb677

rjw rjw at 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
Sat Sep 26 05:53:09 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the debian/unstable branch:
commit e801e239d715b0e8d2cd505ed5e1a322b646d085
Author: rjw <rjw at 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc>
Date:   Wed Dec 12 03:20:27 2001 +0000

    More changes to the WebView API.
    git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@494 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc

diff --git a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/IFWebController.h b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/IFWebController.h
index 9525f73..e2196d9 100644
--- a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/IFWebController.h
+++ b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/IFWebController.h
@@ -6,27 +6,108 @@
 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
- at interface WKWebController : NSObject <WKLoadHandler, WKScriptContextHandler, WKFrameSetHandler, WKCredentialsHandler, WKLocationChangeHandler, WKContextMenuHandler>
+    WKWebController manages the interaction between WKWebView and WKWebDataSource.
+    Intances of WKWebController retain their view and data source.
+    [As in the appkit classes NSWindow and NSWindowController, it will be necessary 
+     to have non-retained back pointers from WKWebView and WKWebDataSource to their
+     controller.  Not retaining the controller will prevent cycles.  Of course, not
+     retaining is bad, as it can lead to dangling references.  We could invert the reference
+     graph and add ...inView: and ...inDataSource: to the API, but that's ugly.  If it's
+     good enough for the appkit, it's good enough for us.  Ugh.]
+                                 .--(p)WKWebController --.
+                                 |      .    .           |
+                                 |     .      .          |
+                                \|/   .        .        \|/
+    (p)WKWebViewDelegate <-- (c)WKWebView     (c)WKWebDataSource --> (p)WKWebDataSourceDelegate
+    (c) indicates a class, (p) indicates a protocol.  The solid lines indicate an 
+    retain reference.  The dotted lines indicate a non-retained reference.
+    The WKWebController implements required behavior.  WKWebView and WKWebDataSource
+    cannot function without a controller.  
+    Delegates implement optional behavior.  WKWebView doesn't require a WKWebViewDelegate,
+    nor does WKWebDataSource require a WKWebDataSourceDelegate.
+    It it expected that alternate implementations of WKWebController will be written for
+    alternate views of the web page described by WKWebDataSource.  For example, a 
+    view that draws the DOM tree would require both a subclass of NSView and an
+    implementation of WKWebController.  It is also possible that a web crawler
+    may implement a WKWebController with no corresponding view.
+    WKConcreteWebController may be subclassed to modify the behavior of the standard
+    WKWebView and WKWebDataSource.
+    WKWebController implements all the behavior that ties together WKWebView
+    and WKWebDataSource.  See each inherited protocol for a more complete
+    description.
+    [Don and I both agree that all these little protocols are useful to cleanly
+     describe snippets of behavior, but do we explicity reference them anywhere,
+     or do we just use the umbrella protocol?]
+ at protocol WKWebController <WKLoadHandler, WKScriptContextHandler, WKFrameSetHandler, WKCredentialsHandler, WKLocationChangeHandler>
+- (void)setDataSource: (WKWebDataSource *)dataSource;
+- (WKWebDataSource *)dataSource
+- (void)setView: (WKWebView *)view;
+- (WKWebView *)view;
+ at end
+    WKWebViewDelegates implement protocols that modify the behavior of
+    WKWebViews.  A WKWebView does not require a delegate.
+ at protocol WKWebViewDelegate <WKContextMenuHandler>
+    WKWebDataSourceDelegate implement protocols that modify the behavior of
+    WKWebDataSources.  A WKWebDataSources does not require a delegate.
+ at protocol WKWebDataSourceDelegate <?>
+ at end
+// Is WKConcreteWebController the right name?  The name fits with the
+// scheme used by Foundation, although Foundation's concrete classes
+// typically aren't public.
+ at interface WKConcreteWebController : NSObject <WKWebController>
+- initWithView: (WKWebView *) dataSource: (WKWebDataSource *)dataSource;
+ at end
 // See the comments in WKWebPageView above for more description about this protocol.
 @protocol WKLocationChangeHandler
-- (BOOL)locationWillChange;
+- (void)loadingStarted;
 - (void)loadingCancelled;
 - (void)loadingStopped;
 - (void)loadingFinished;
-- (void)loadingStarted;
+- (void)loadedPageTitle: (NSString *)title;
 @protocol WKContextMenuHandler
-    We decided to implement this in terms of a fixed set of types rather
-    than per node.
-    What items should be supported in the default context menus?
+// Returns the array of menu items for this node that will be displayed in the context menu.
+// Typically this would be implemented by returning the results of WKWebView defaultContextMenuItemsForNode:
+// after making any desired changes or additions.
+- (NSArray *)contextMenuItemsForNode: (WKDOMNode *);
@@ -56,7 +137,9 @@
     typically for non-base URLs this should be done after a URL (i.e. image)
     has been completely downloaded.
-- (void)receivedDataForLocation: (WKLoadProgress *)progress;
+- (void)receivedProgress: (WKLoadProgress *)progress forLocation: (NSString *)lcoation;
+- (void)timeoutForLocation: (NSString *)location partialProgress: (WKLoadProgress *)progress;
@@ -69,13 +152,32 @@
 @interface WKLoadProgress 
     int bytesSoFar;	// 0 if this is the start of load
-    int totalLoaded;	// -1 if this is not known.
+    int totalToLoad;	// -1 if this is not known.
                         // bytesSoFar == totalLoaded when complete
-    NSString *location; // Needs to be a string, not URL.
-    LOAD_TYPES type;	// load types, either image, css, jscript, or html
+    WK_LOAD_TYPES type;	// load types, either image, css, jscript, or html
+ at end
+   Error handling:
+        error conditions:
+            timeout
+            unrecognized/handled mime-type
+            javascript errors
+            invalid url
+            parsing errors
+ at interface WKError
+    NSString *description;
+    int code;
+ at protocol WKWebDataSourceErrorHandler
+- error: (WKError *)error;
+ at end
@@ -85,6 +187,7 @@
 @protocol WKScriptContextHandler
+// setStatusText and statusText are used by Javascript's status bar text methods.
 - (void)setStatusText: (NSString *)text;
 - (NSString *)statusText;
@@ -99,11 +202,10 @@
 @protocol WKFrameSetHandler
 - (NSArray *)frameNames;
-- (WKFrame *)findFrameNamed: (NSString *)name;
+- (id <WKFrame>) findFrameNamed: (NSString *)name;
 - (BOOL)frameExists: (NSString *)name;
-- (BOOL)openURLInFrame: (WKFrame *)aFrame url: (NSURL *)url;
+- (void)openURL: (NSURL *)url inFrame: (id <WKFrame>) frame;
- at protocol WKFrame
- at end
diff --git a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/IFWebDataSource.h b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/IFWebDataSource.h
index 42c6bff..6d3f53b 100644
--- a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/IFWebDataSource.h
+++ b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/IFWebDataSource.h
@@ -17,19 +17,9 @@
     Typical usage of a WKWebDataSource.
     WKWebDataSource *dataSource = [[WKWebDataSource alloc] initWithURL: url];
-    [dataSource setFrameSetHandler: (WKFrameSetHandler *)myManager];
-    [dataSource setScriptContextHandler: (WKScriptContextHandler *)myContext];
-    [dataSource setLoadHandler: (WKLoadHandler *)myLoadHandler];
-    [dataSource setCredentialsHandler: (WKCredentialsHandler *)myCredentialsHandler];
-    ...
-    or
-    ...
-    [dataSource setController: (WKWebController *)myController];
+    id <WKWebController>myController = [[MyControllerClass alloc] init];
+    [myController setDataSource: dataSource];
-    Questions:  
-        Multiple protocols or controller?
-        Should we use CF XML data types, or our own?
@@ -41,40 +31,60 @@
-// Can these init methods return nil? e.g. if URL is invalid, or should they
-// throw exceptions?
-- initWithURL: (NSURL *)url;
+// Returns nil if object cannot be initialized due to a malformed URL (RFC 1808).
+- initWithURL: (NSURL *)inputUrl;
 - initWithData: (NSData *)data;
 - initWithString: (NSString *)string;
-// ?? How do you create subclasses of WKURILoader, how is this
-// expected to be used?
+// Ken, need some help with one.
 - initWithLoader: (WKURILoader *)loader;
-// ?? We don't have a NS streams API!!
-- initWithStream: (NSStream *)stream
+// Set the controller for this data source.  NOTE:  The controller is not retained by the
+// data source.
+// Perhaps setController: should be private?
+- (void)setController: (id <WKWebController>)controller;
+- (id <WKWebController>)controller;
 // May return nil if not initialized with a URL.
-- (NSURL *)url;
+- (NSURL *)inputURL;
+// The inputURL may resolve to a different URL as a result of
+// either a client side refresh <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" ...> or
+// a DNS redirect.  Both of these implicit actions should not
+// require a new data source.  The resolvedURL is the URL that is
+// ultimately used to fetch page data.
+// [We need more brain cells applied to this issue.]  
+- (NSURL *)resolvedURL;
-// Start actually getting (if initialized with a URL) and parsing data.
-- (void)startLoading;
+// Start actually getting (if initialized with a URL) and parsing data. If the data source
+// is still performing a previous load it will be stopped.
+// If forceRefresh is YES the document will load from the net, not the cache.
+- (void)startLoading: (BOOL)forceRefresh;
+// Cancels any pending loads.  A data source is conceptually only ever loading
+// one document at a time, although one document may have many related
+// resources.  stopLoading will stop all loads related to the data source.
+// Returns NO if the data source is not currently loading.
+- (void)stopLoading;
+// Returns YES if there are any pending loads.
+- (BOOL)isLoading;
-// Cancel any pending loads.
-- (BOOL)stopLoading;
 // Get DOM access to the document.
 - (WKDOMDocument *)document;
 // Get the actual source of the docment.
 - (NSString *)documentText;
-// Get a 'pretty' version of the document, created by traversal of the DOM.
-- (NSString *)formattedDocumentText;
-// Get the currently focused node.  Is this appropriate for the model, or
-// should this be handled by the view?
-- (WKDOMNode *)activeNode;
 // URL reference point, these should probably not be public for 1.0.
 - setBase: (NSURL *)url;
@@ -82,81 +92,33 @@
 - setBaseTarget: (NSURL *)url;
 - (NSURL *)baseTarget;
 - (NSString *)encoding;
 // Style sheet
 - (void)setUserStyleSheet: (NSURL *)url;
 - (void)setUserStyleSheet: (NSString *)sheet;
-// Searching, to support find in clients.  regular expressions?
-- (WKSearchState *)findTextBegin;
-- (NSString *)findTextNext: (WKRegularExpression *)exp direction: (BOOL)forward state: (WKSearchState *)state;
-- (NSString *)findTextNext: (NSString *)string direction: (BOOL)forward caseSensitive: (BOOL)case state: (WKSearchState *)state;
-// Selection
-- (NSString *)selectedText;
-- (WKDOMRange *)selectedRange;
-- (void)setSelection: (WKDOMRange *range);
-- (BOOL)hasSelection;
-- (void)selectAll;
-- (void)setController: (WKWebController *)controller;
-- (void)setLoadHandler: (WKLoadHandler *)fmanager;
-- (void)setFrameSetHandler: (WKFrameSetHandler *)fmanager;
-- (void)setScriptContextHandler: (WKScriptContextHandler *)context;
-- executeScript: (NSString *)string;
-// Same as above except uses the node as 'this' value
-- executeScript: (NSString *)string withNode: (WKDOMNode *)node;
-// This API reflects the KDE API, but is it sufficient?
-- (BOOL)scheduleScript: (NSString *)string withNode: (WKDOMNode *)node 
-- executeScheduledScript;
+// Searching, to support find in clients.  regular expressions?
+- (WKSearchState *)beginSearch;
+- (NSString *)searchFor: (NSString *)string direction: (BOOL)forward caseSensitive: (BOOL)case state: (WKSearchState *)state;
 // a.k.a shortcut icons, http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/Author/dhtml/howto/ShortcutIcon.asp.
-// This may be removed to a category to prevent unnecessary linkage to the AppKit.  Note, however
-// that this means WebCore, specifically KWQ, also doesn't have dependencies on the AppKit.
+// This method may be moved to a category to prevent unnecessary linkage to the AppKit.  Note, however
+// that WebCore also has dependencies on the appkit.
 - (NSImage *)icon;
 // Is page secure, e.g. https, ftps
-// Should this perhaps be on the URL?
-// This would the be implemented like this
-// return [[self url] isSecure];
 - (BOOL)isPageSecure;
-// ---------------------- Convenience methods ----------------------
-- (NSString *)pageTitle;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------
+// Returns nil or the page title.
+- (NSString *)pageTitle;
-    Notifications?
-        In general, how often should we notify?  We should use notifications
-        if we anticipate multiple clients, no return types, and generally
-        asynchronous or indirect behaviour.
-        notifications:
-            WKSelectionChangedNotification
-            WKNodeActivatedNotification
-            WKDocumentChangedNotification
-    Error handling:
-        exceptions?
-        nil returns?
-        errors by notification?
-        error conditions:
-            timeout
-            unrecognized/handled mime-type
-            javascript errors
-            invalid url
-            parsing errors
diff --git a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/IFWebView.h b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/IFWebView.h
index e15db15..1a113ad 100644
--- a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/IFWebView.h
+++ b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/IFWebView.h
@@ -14,70 +14,53 @@
     Typical usage of a WKWebView.
     NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString: @"http://www.apple.com"];
-    ...
     WKWebDataSource *dataSource = [[WKWebDataSource alloc] initWithURL: url];
     WKWebView *view = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame: myFrame];
-    [view setDataSource: dataSource];
-    [[view dataSource] startLoading];
-    ...
-    or
-    ...
-    WKWebDataSource *dataSource = [[WKWebDataSource alloc] initWithURL: url];
-    WKWebView *view = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame: myFrame DataSource: url];
-    [[view dataSource] startLoading];
+    WKConcreteWebController *controller = [[WKConcreteWebController alloc] initWithView: view dataSource: dataSource];
+    [[[view controller] dataSource] startLoading];
     WKWebView *view = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame: myFrame url: url];
-    [[view dataSource] startLoading];
+    [[[view controller] dataSource] startLoading];
-    What is the behaviour of the view after it has been initialized and -startLoading is called?
+    What is the behaviour of the view after it has been initialized and 
+    startLoading: is called?
-        1.  When the data source is set (i.e. -setDataSource:) -locationWillChange will be sent
-            to the view's controller.  It may veto by returning NO.  Note that if the convenience initializers
-            are used no controller will have been set, and thus no chance to veto will be provided.
+        1.  No WKLocationChangedHandler messages will be sent until 
+            startLoading: is called.  After startLoading is called a loadingStarted
+            message will be sent to the controller.  The view will remain unchanged 
+            until the controller receives a receivedDataForLocation: message 
+            from the data source.  
+            If stopLoading is called before receipt of a receivedDataForLocation:, loading will 
+            abort, the view will be unchanged, and the controller will receive a loadingCancelled 
+            message.
-        2.  The view will do nothing until receipt of its first -receivedDataForURL: message
-            from its data source.  Thus the view will not change its content before users have
-            a chance to cancel slow URLs.  
-            During this time, if -stopLoading is called on the data source, loading will 
-            abort.  If the loading is stopped the contents of the window will be unchanged.
-            [This implies that the data source should revert to the previous data source.
-            Will that be problematic?.]  The controller will receive a -loadingCancelled message
-            if the load is aborted during this period.
-            Controllers should initiate progress indicators at this point (how?).
+            Controllers should initiate progress indicators upon receipt of loadingStarted,
+            and terminate when either a loadingCancelled or loadingStopped is received.
-        3.  After receipt of it first -receivedDataForURL: it will clear its contents
-            and perform its first layout.  At this point a loadingStarted message will
-            be sent to the client.
+        2.  After the controller receives it's first receivedDataForLocation: the contents of
+            the view will be cleared and layout may begin.
-        4.  Upon every subsequent receipts of -finishedReceivingDataForURL: messages it
-            will perform additional layouts.  Note that these may be coalesced, depending
-            on the interval the messages are received.  During this time the load may
-            be stopped.  The layout may be incomplete if the load is stopped before all
-            the referenced documents are loaded.  If the layout is stopped during this
-            period the controller will received a -loadingStopped message.
+        3.  Upon subsequent receipt of receivedDataForLocation: messages the controller
+            may trigger a document layout.  Note that layouts may be coalesced.  If stopLoading
+            is called before the document has fully loaded, the layout will be incomplete, and a
+            loadingStopped message will be sent to the controller
-        5.  When -documentReceived is received the loading and initial layout is complete.
-            Controllers should terminate progress indicators at this point.  At this point
-            controller will receive a -loadingFinished message.
-    What is the behavior of the view when a link is clicked?
-        See above.  The behavior is exactly as above.  
-   ***
-   The control behavior and view/model interdependencies of WK are manifested by several 
-   protocols (so far: WKLoadHandler, WKScriptContextHandler, WKFrameSetHandler).  This 
-   behavior is encapsulated in a WKWebController class.  Behavior that may be extended/overriden 
-   is described with several protocols:  WKLocationChangeHandler and WKContextMenuHandler.
-   WKWebController also implements these protocols.
-   ***   
+        4.  When the controller receives a receivedDataForLocation: with a WKLoadProgress that 
+            contains bytesSoFar==totalToLoad the location specified is completely loaded.  Clients
+            may display the location string to indicate completion of a loaded resource.
+            When the controller receives a loadingFinished message the main document and all it
+            resources have been loaded.  Controllers should terminate progress indicators at 
+            this point.
 @interface WKWebView : NSView
@@ -86,22 +69,31 @@
 - initWithFrame: (NSRect)frame;
-- initWithFrame: (NSRect)frame dataSource: (NSWebPageDataSource *)dataSource;
+// Convenience method.  initWithFrame:url: will create a controller and data source.
 - initWithFrame: (NSRect)frame url: (NSURL *)url;
-- (NSWebPageDataSource *)dataSource;
-- (void)setDataSource: (NSWebPageDataSource *)ds;
-// Either creates a new datasource or reuses the same datasource for
-// URLs that are qualified, i.e. URLs with an anchor target.
-- (BOOL)setURL: (NSURL *)url;
+// Set and get the delegate.
+- (void)setDelegate: (id <WKWebViewDelegate>)delegate;
+- (id <WKWebViewDelegate>)delegate;
+// Set and get the controller.  Note that the controller is not retained.
+// Perhaps setController: should be private?
+- (void)setController: (id <WKWebController>)controller;
+- (id <WKWebController>)controller;
 // This method should not be public until we have a more completely
 // understood way to subclass WKWebView.
 - (void)layout;
+// Stop animating animated GIFs, etc.
 - (void)stopAnimations;
 // Font API
 - (void)setFontSizes: (NSArray *)sizes;
 - (NSArray *)fontSize;
@@ -111,32 +103,40 @@
 - (void)setFixedFont: (NSSFont *)font;
 - (NSFont *)fixedFont;
-// Drag and drop links and images.  Others?
-- (void)setDragFromEnabled: (BOOL)flag;
-- (BOOL)dragFromEnabled;
-- (void)setDragToEnabled: (BOOL)flag;
-- (BOOL)dragToEnabled;
+// Drag and drop links and images.  Others?
+- (void)setCanDragFrom: (BOOL)flag;
+- (BOOL)canDragFrom;
+- (void)setCanDragTo: (BOOL)flag;
+- (BOOL)canDragTo;
-- (void)setController: (WKWebController *)controller;
-- (void)setLocationChangeHandler: (WKLocationChangeHandler *)client;
-- (void)setContextMenuHandler: (WKContextMenuHandler *)handler;
+// Returns an array of built-in context menu items for this node.
+// Generally called by WKContextMenuHandlers from contextMenuItemsForNode:
+- (NSArray *)defaultContextMenuItemsForNode: (WKDOMNode *);
 - (void)setEnableContextMenus: (BOOL)flag;
 - (BOOL)contextMenusEnabled;
-- (void)setDefaultContextMenu: (NSMenu *)menu;
-- (NSMenu *)defaultContextMenu;
-// MCJ thinks we need high level find API.
+// Most folks want selection API on the view.  Don suggested we mirror the
+// NSText API.  NSText represents selection as a range.  What does this mean
+// in the context of an HTML page?  What is the selection range in a table?
+// What can you do with the selection range?  I'm not sure if can get away
+// with this simplistic API.  We may have to use something similar to the
+// DOM selection API.  I'm also still uncomfortable putting this API on the
+// view.
+- (void)setSelectedRange:(NSRange)aRange;
+- (NSRange)selectedRange;
+// MCJ thinks we need high level find API on view.
-    Other areas still to consider:
+    Areas still to consider:
         ALT image text and link URLs
             Should this be built-in?  or able to be overriden?
diff --git a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WKWebController.h b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WKWebController.h
index 9525f73..e2196d9 100644
--- a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WKWebController.h
+++ b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WKWebController.h
@@ -6,27 +6,108 @@
 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
- at interface WKWebController : NSObject <WKLoadHandler, WKScriptContextHandler, WKFrameSetHandler, WKCredentialsHandler, WKLocationChangeHandler, WKContextMenuHandler>
+    WKWebController manages the interaction between WKWebView and WKWebDataSource.
+    Intances of WKWebController retain their view and data source.
+    [As in the appkit classes NSWindow and NSWindowController, it will be necessary 
+     to have non-retained back pointers from WKWebView and WKWebDataSource to their
+     controller.  Not retaining the controller will prevent cycles.  Of course, not
+     retaining is bad, as it can lead to dangling references.  We could invert the reference
+     graph and add ...inView: and ...inDataSource: to the API, but that's ugly.  If it's
+     good enough for the appkit, it's good enough for us.  Ugh.]
+                                 .--(p)WKWebController --.
+                                 |      .    .           |
+                                 |     .      .          |
+                                \|/   .        .        \|/
+    (p)WKWebViewDelegate <-- (c)WKWebView     (c)WKWebDataSource --> (p)WKWebDataSourceDelegate
+    (c) indicates a class, (p) indicates a protocol.  The solid lines indicate an 
+    retain reference.  The dotted lines indicate a non-retained reference.
+    The WKWebController implements required behavior.  WKWebView and WKWebDataSource
+    cannot function without a controller.  
+    Delegates implement optional behavior.  WKWebView doesn't require a WKWebViewDelegate,
+    nor does WKWebDataSource require a WKWebDataSourceDelegate.
+    It it expected that alternate implementations of WKWebController will be written for
+    alternate views of the web page described by WKWebDataSource.  For example, a 
+    view that draws the DOM tree would require both a subclass of NSView and an
+    implementation of WKWebController.  It is also possible that a web crawler
+    may implement a WKWebController with no corresponding view.
+    WKConcreteWebController may be subclassed to modify the behavior of the standard
+    WKWebView and WKWebDataSource.
+    WKWebController implements all the behavior that ties together WKWebView
+    and WKWebDataSource.  See each inherited protocol for a more complete
+    description.
+    [Don and I both agree that all these little protocols are useful to cleanly
+     describe snippets of behavior, but do we explicity reference them anywhere,
+     or do we just use the umbrella protocol?]
+ at protocol WKWebController <WKLoadHandler, WKScriptContextHandler, WKFrameSetHandler, WKCredentialsHandler, WKLocationChangeHandler>
+- (void)setDataSource: (WKWebDataSource *)dataSource;
+- (WKWebDataSource *)dataSource
+- (void)setView: (WKWebView *)view;
+- (WKWebView *)view;
+ at end
+    WKWebViewDelegates implement protocols that modify the behavior of
+    WKWebViews.  A WKWebView does not require a delegate.
+ at protocol WKWebViewDelegate <WKContextMenuHandler>
+    WKWebDataSourceDelegate implement protocols that modify the behavior of
+    WKWebDataSources.  A WKWebDataSources does not require a delegate.
+ at protocol WKWebDataSourceDelegate <?>
+ at end
+// Is WKConcreteWebController the right name?  The name fits with the
+// scheme used by Foundation, although Foundation's concrete classes
+// typically aren't public.
+ at interface WKConcreteWebController : NSObject <WKWebController>
+- initWithView: (WKWebView *) dataSource: (WKWebDataSource *)dataSource;
+ at end
 // See the comments in WKWebPageView above for more description about this protocol.
 @protocol WKLocationChangeHandler
-- (BOOL)locationWillChange;
+- (void)loadingStarted;
 - (void)loadingCancelled;
 - (void)loadingStopped;
 - (void)loadingFinished;
-- (void)loadingStarted;
+- (void)loadedPageTitle: (NSString *)title;
 @protocol WKContextMenuHandler
-    We decided to implement this in terms of a fixed set of types rather
-    than per node.
-    What items should be supported in the default context menus?
+// Returns the array of menu items for this node that will be displayed in the context menu.
+// Typically this would be implemented by returning the results of WKWebView defaultContextMenuItemsForNode:
+// after making any desired changes or additions.
+- (NSArray *)contextMenuItemsForNode: (WKDOMNode *);
@@ -56,7 +137,9 @@
     typically for non-base URLs this should be done after a URL (i.e. image)
     has been completely downloaded.
-- (void)receivedDataForLocation: (WKLoadProgress *)progress;
+- (void)receivedProgress: (WKLoadProgress *)progress forLocation: (NSString *)lcoation;
+- (void)timeoutForLocation: (NSString *)location partialProgress: (WKLoadProgress *)progress;
@@ -69,13 +152,32 @@
 @interface WKLoadProgress 
     int bytesSoFar;	// 0 if this is the start of load
-    int totalLoaded;	// -1 if this is not known.
+    int totalToLoad;	// -1 if this is not known.
                         // bytesSoFar == totalLoaded when complete
-    NSString *location; // Needs to be a string, not URL.
-    LOAD_TYPES type;	// load types, either image, css, jscript, or html
+    WK_LOAD_TYPES type;	// load types, either image, css, jscript, or html
+ at end
+   Error handling:
+        error conditions:
+            timeout
+            unrecognized/handled mime-type
+            javascript errors
+            invalid url
+            parsing errors
+ at interface WKError
+    NSString *description;
+    int code;
+ at protocol WKWebDataSourceErrorHandler
+- error: (WKError *)error;
+ at end
@@ -85,6 +187,7 @@
 @protocol WKScriptContextHandler
+// setStatusText and statusText are used by Javascript's status bar text methods.
 - (void)setStatusText: (NSString *)text;
 - (NSString *)statusText;
@@ -99,11 +202,10 @@
 @protocol WKFrameSetHandler
 - (NSArray *)frameNames;
-- (WKFrame *)findFrameNamed: (NSString *)name;
+- (id <WKFrame>) findFrameNamed: (NSString *)name;
 - (BOOL)frameExists: (NSString *)name;
-- (BOOL)openURLInFrame: (WKFrame *)aFrame url: (NSURL *)url;
+- (void)openURL: (NSURL *)url inFrame: (id <WKFrame>) frame;
- at protocol WKFrame
- at end
diff --git a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WKWebDataSource.h b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WKWebDataSource.h
index 42c6bff..6d3f53b 100644
--- a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WKWebDataSource.h
+++ b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WKWebDataSource.h
@@ -17,19 +17,9 @@
     Typical usage of a WKWebDataSource.
     WKWebDataSource *dataSource = [[WKWebDataSource alloc] initWithURL: url];
-    [dataSource setFrameSetHandler: (WKFrameSetHandler *)myManager];
-    [dataSource setScriptContextHandler: (WKScriptContextHandler *)myContext];
-    [dataSource setLoadHandler: (WKLoadHandler *)myLoadHandler];
-    [dataSource setCredentialsHandler: (WKCredentialsHandler *)myCredentialsHandler];
-    ...
-    or
-    ...
-    [dataSource setController: (WKWebController *)myController];
+    id <WKWebController>myController = [[MyControllerClass alloc] init];
+    [myController setDataSource: dataSource];
-    Questions:  
-        Multiple protocols or controller?
-        Should we use CF XML data types, or our own?
@@ -41,40 +31,60 @@
-// Can these init methods return nil? e.g. if URL is invalid, or should they
-// throw exceptions?
-- initWithURL: (NSURL *)url;
+// Returns nil if object cannot be initialized due to a malformed URL (RFC 1808).
+- initWithURL: (NSURL *)inputUrl;
 - initWithData: (NSData *)data;
 - initWithString: (NSString *)string;
-// ?? How do you create subclasses of WKURILoader, how is this
-// expected to be used?
+// Ken, need some help with one.
 - initWithLoader: (WKURILoader *)loader;
-// ?? We don't have a NS streams API!!
-- initWithStream: (NSStream *)stream
+// Set the controller for this data source.  NOTE:  The controller is not retained by the
+// data source.
+// Perhaps setController: should be private?
+- (void)setController: (id <WKWebController>)controller;
+- (id <WKWebController>)controller;
 // May return nil if not initialized with a URL.
-- (NSURL *)url;
+- (NSURL *)inputURL;
+// The inputURL may resolve to a different URL as a result of
+// either a client side refresh <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" ...> or
+// a DNS redirect.  Both of these implicit actions should not
+// require a new data source.  The resolvedURL is the URL that is
+// ultimately used to fetch page data.
+// [We need more brain cells applied to this issue.]  
+- (NSURL *)resolvedURL;
-// Start actually getting (if initialized with a URL) and parsing data.
-- (void)startLoading;
+// Start actually getting (if initialized with a URL) and parsing data. If the data source
+// is still performing a previous load it will be stopped.
+// If forceRefresh is YES the document will load from the net, not the cache.
+- (void)startLoading: (BOOL)forceRefresh;
+// Cancels any pending loads.  A data source is conceptually only ever loading
+// one document at a time, although one document may have many related
+// resources.  stopLoading will stop all loads related to the data source.
+// Returns NO if the data source is not currently loading.
+- (void)stopLoading;
+// Returns YES if there are any pending loads.
+- (BOOL)isLoading;
-// Cancel any pending loads.
-- (BOOL)stopLoading;
 // Get DOM access to the document.
 - (WKDOMDocument *)document;
 // Get the actual source of the docment.
 - (NSString *)documentText;
-// Get a 'pretty' version of the document, created by traversal of the DOM.
-- (NSString *)formattedDocumentText;
-// Get the currently focused node.  Is this appropriate for the model, or
-// should this be handled by the view?
-- (WKDOMNode *)activeNode;
 // URL reference point, these should probably not be public for 1.0.
 - setBase: (NSURL *)url;
@@ -82,81 +92,33 @@
 - setBaseTarget: (NSURL *)url;
 - (NSURL *)baseTarget;
 - (NSString *)encoding;
 // Style sheet
 - (void)setUserStyleSheet: (NSURL *)url;
 - (void)setUserStyleSheet: (NSString *)sheet;
-// Searching, to support find in clients.  regular expressions?
-- (WKSearchState *)findTextBegin;
-- (NSString *)findTextNext: (WKRegularExpression *)exp direction: (BOOL)forward state: (WKSearchState *)state;
-- (NSString *)findTextNext: (NSString *)string direction: (BOOL)forward caseSensitive: (BOOL)case state: (WKSearchState *)state;
-// Selection
-- (NSString *)selectedText;
-- (WKDOMRange *)selectedRange;
-- (void)setSelection: (WKDOMRange *range);
-- (BOOL)hasSelection;
-- (void)selectAll;
-- (void)setController: (WKWebController *)controller;
-- (void)setLoadHandler: (WKLoadHandler *)fmanager;
-- (void)setFrameSetHandler: (WKFrameSetHandler *)fmanager;
-- (void)setScriptContextHandler: (WKScriptContextHandler *)context;
-- executeScript: (NSString *)string;
-// Same as above except uses the node as 'this' value
-- executeScript: (NSString *)string withNode: (WKDOMNode *)node;
-// This API reflects the KDE API, but is it sufficient?
-- (BOOL)scheduleScript: (NSString *)string withNode: (WKDOMNode *)node 
-- executeScheduledScript;
+// Searching, to support find in clients.  regular expressions?
+- (WKSearchState *)beginSearch;
+- (NSString *)searchFor: (NSString *)string direction: (BOOL)forward caseSensitive: (BOOL)case state: (WKSearchState *)state;
 // a.k.a shortcut icons, http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/Author/dhtml/howto/ShortcutIcon.asp.
-// This may be removed to a category to prevent unnecessary linkage to the AppKit.  Note, however
-// that this means WebCore, specifically KWQ, also doesn't have dependencies on the AppKit.
+// This method may be moved to a category to prevent unnecessary linkage to the AppKit.  Note, however
+// that WebCore also has dependencies on the appkit.
 - (NSImage *)icon;
 // Is page secure, e.g. https, ftps
-// Should this perhaps be on the URL?
-// This would the be implemented like this
-// return [[self url] isSecure];
 - (BOOL)isPageSecure;
-// ---------------------- Convenience methods ----------------------
-- (NSString *)pageTitle;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------
+// Returns nil or the page title.
+- (NSString *)pageTitle;
-    Notifications?
-        In general, how often should we notify?  We should use notifications
-        if we anticipate multiple clients, no return types, and generally
-        asynchronous or indirect behaviour.
-        notifications:
-            WKSelectionChangedNotification
-            WKNodeActivatedNotification
-            WKDocumentChangedNotification
-    Error handling:
-        exceptions?
-        nil returns?
-        errors by notification?
-        error conditions:
-            timeout
-            unrecognized/handled mime-type
-            javascript errors
-            invalid url
-            parsing errors
diff --git a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WKWebView.h b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WKWebView.h
index e15db15..1a113ad 100644
--- a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WKWebView.h
+++ b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WKWebView.h
@@ -14,70 +14,53 @@
     Typical usage of a WKWebView.
     NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString: @"http://www.apple.com"];
-    ...
     WKWebDataSource *dataSource = [[WKWebDataSource alloc] initWithURL: url];
     WKWebView *view = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame: myFrame];
-    [view setDataSource: dataSource];
-    [[view dataSource] startLoading];
-    ...
-    or
-    ...
-    WKWebDataSource *dataSource = [[WKWebDataSource alloc] initWithURL: url];
-    WKWebView *view = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame: myFrame DataSource: url];
-    [[view dataSource] startLoading];
+    WKConcreteWebController *controller = [[WKConcreteWebController alloc] initWithView: view dataSource: dataSource];
+    [[[view controller] dataSource] startLoading];
     WKWebView *view = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame: myFrame url: url];
-    [[view dataSource] startLoading];
+    [[[view controller] dataSource] startLoading];
-    What is the behaviour of the view after it has been initialized and -startLoading is called?
+    What is the behaviour of the view after it has been initialized and 
+    startLoading: is called?
-        1.  When the data source is set (i.e. -setDataSource:) -locationWillChange will be sent
-            to the view's controller.  It may veto by returning NO.  Note that if the convenience initializers
-            are used no controller will have been set, and thus no chance to veto will be provided.
+        1.  No WKLocationChangedHandler messages will be sent until 
+            startLoading: is called.  After startLoading is called a loadingStarted
+            message will be sent to the controller.  The view will remain unchanged 
+            until the controller receives a receivedDataForLocation: message 
+            from the data source.  
+            If stopLoading is called before receipt of a receivedDataForLocation:, loading will 
+            abort, the view will be unchanged, and the controller will receive a loadingCancelled 
+            message.
-        2.  The view will do nothing until receipt of its first -receivedDataForURL: message
-            from its data source.  Thus the view will not change its content before users have
-            a chance to cancel slow URLs.  
-            During this time, if -stopLoading is called on the data source, loading will 
-            abort.  If the loading is stopped the contents of the window will be unchanged.
-            [This implies that the data source should revert to the previous data source.
-            Will that be problematic?.]  The controller will receive a -loadingCancelled message
-            if the load is aborted during this period.
-            Controllers should initiate progress indicators at this point (how?).
+            Controllers should initiate progress indicators upon receipt of loadingStarted,
+            and terminate when either a loadingCancelled or loadingStopped is received.
-        3.  After receipt of it first -receivedDataForURL: it will clear its contents
-            and perform its first layout.  At this point a loadingStarted message will
-            be sent to the client.
+        2.  After the controller receives it's first receivedDataForLocation: the contents of
+            the view will be cleared and layout may begin.
-        4.  Upon every subsequent receipts of -finishedReceivingDataForURL: messages it
-            will perform additional layouts.  Note that these may be coalesced, depending
-            on the interval the messages are received.  During this time the load may
-            be stopped.  The layout may be incomplete if the load is stopped before all
-            the referenced documents are loaded.  If the layout is stopped during this
-            period the controller will received a -loadingStopped message.
+        3.  Upon subsequent receipt of receivedDataForLocation: messages the controller
+            may trigger a document layout.  Note that layouts may be coalesced.  If stopLoading
+            is called before the document has fully loaded, the layout will be incomplete, and a
+            loadingStopped message will be sent to the controller
-        5.  When -documentReceived is received the loading and initial layout is complete.
-            Controllers should terminate progress indicators at this point.  At this point
-            controller will receive a -loadingFinished message.
-    What is the behavior of the view when a link is clicked?
-        See above.  The behavior is exactly as above.  
-   ***
-   The control behavior and view/model interdependencies of WK are manifested by several 
-   protocols (so far: WKLoadHandler, WKScriptContextHandler, WKFrameSetHandler).  This 
-   behavior is encapsulated in a WKWebController class.  Behavior that may be extended/overriden 
-   is described with several protocols:  WKLocationChangeHandler and WKContextMenuHandler.
-   WKWebController also implements these protocols.
-   ***   
+        4.  When the controller receives a receivedDataForLocation: with a WKLoadProgress that 
+            contains bytesSoFar==totalToLoad the location specified is completely loaded.  Clients
+            may display the location string to indicate completion of a loaded resource.
+            When the controller receives a loadingFinished message the main document and all it
+            resources have been loaded.  Controllers should terminate progress indicators at 
+            this point.
 @interface WKWebView : NSView
@@ -86,22 +69,31 @@
 - initWithFrame: (NSRect)frame;
-- initWithFrame: (NSRect)frame dataSource: (NSWebPageDataSource *)dataSource;
+// Convenience method.  initWithFrame:url: will create a controller and data source.
 - initWithFrame: (NSRect)frame url: (NSURL *)url;
-- (NSWebPageDataSource *)dataSource;
-- (void)setDataSource: (NSWebPageDataSource *)ds;
-// Either creates a new datasource or reuses the same datasource for
-// URLs that are qualified, i.e. URLs with an anchor target.
-- (BOOL)setURL: (NSURL *)url;
+// Set and get the delegate.
+- (void)setDelegate: (id <WKWebViewDelegate>)delegate;
+- (id <WKWebViewDelegate>)delegate;
+// Set and get the controller.  Note that the controller is not retained.
+// Perhaps setController: should be private?
+- (void)setController: (id <WKWebController>)controller;
+- (id <WKWebController>)controller;
 // This method should not be public until we have a more completely
 // understood way to subclass WKWebView.
 - (void)layout;
+// Stop animating animated GIFs, etc.
 - (void)stopAnimations;
 // Font API
 - (void)setFontSizes: (NSArray *)sizes;
 - (NSArray *)fontSize;
@@ -111,32 +103,40 @@
 - (void)setFixedFont: (NSSFont *)font;
 - (NSFont *)fixedFont;
-// Drag and drop links and images.  Others?
-- (void)setDragFromEnabled: (BOOL)flag;
-- (BOOL)dragFromEnabled;
-- (void)setDragToEnabled: (BOOL)flag;
-- (BOOL)dragToEnabled;
+// Drag and drop links and images.  Others?
+- (void)setCanDragFrom: (BOOL)flag;
+- (BOOL)canDragFrom;
+- (void)setCanDragTo: (BOOL)flag;
+- (BOOL)canDragTo;
-- (void)setController: (WKWebController *)controller;
-- (void)setLocationChangeHandler: (WKLocationChangeHandler *)client;
-- (void)setContextMenuHandler: (WKContextMenuHandler *)handler;
+// Returns an array of built-in context menu items for this node.
+// Generally called by WKContextMenuHandlers from contextMenuItemsForNode:
+- (NSArray *)defaultContextMenuItemsForNode: (WKDOMNode *);
 - (void)setEnableContextMenus: (BOOL)flag;
 - (BOOL)contextMenusEnabled;
-- (void)setDefaultContextMenu: (NSMenu *)menu;
-- (NSMenu *)defaultContextMenu;
-// MCJ thinks we need high level find API.
+// Most folks want selection API on the view.  Don suggested we mirror the
+// NSText API.  NSText represents selection as a range.  What does this mean
+// in the context of an HTML page?  What is the selection range in a table?
+// What can you do with the selection range?  I'm not sure if can get away
+// with this simplistic API.  We may have to use something similar to the
+// DOM selection API.  I'm also still uncomfortable putting this API on the
+// view.
+- (void)setSelectedRange:(NSRange)aRange;
+- (NSRange)selectedRange;
+// MCJ thinks we need high level find API on view.
-    Other areas still to consider:
+    Areas still to consider:
         ALT image text and link URLs
             Should this be built-in?  or able to be overriden?
diff --git a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebController.h b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebController.h
index 9525f73..e2196d9 100644
--- a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebController.h
+++ b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebController.h
@@ -6,27 +6,108 @@
 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
- at interface WKWebController : NSObject <WKLoadHandler, WKScriptContextHandler, WKFrameSetHandler, WKCredentialsHandler, WKLocationChangeHandler, WKContextMenuHandler>
+    WKWebController manages the interaction between WKWebView and WKWebDataSource.
+    Intances of WKWebController retain their view and data source.
+    [As in the appkit classes NSWindow and NSWindowController, it will be necessary 
+     to have non-retained back pointers from WKWebView and WKWebDataSource to their
+     controller.  Not retaining the controller will prevent cycles.  Of course, not
+     retaining is bad, as it can lead to dangling references.  We could invert the reference
+     graph and add ...inView: and ...inDataSource: to the API, but that's ugly.  If it's
+     good enough for the appkit, it's good enough for us.  Ugh.]
+                                 .--(p)WKWebController --.
+                                 |      .    .           |
+                                 |     .      .          |
+                                \|/   .        .        \|/
+    (p)WKWebViewDelegate <-- (c)WKWebView     (c)WKWebDataSource --> (p)WKWebDataSourceDelegate
+    (c) indicates a class, (p) indicates a protocol.  The solid lines indicate an 
+    retain reference.  The dotted lines indicate a non-retained reference.
+    The WKWebController implements required behavior.  WKWebView and WKWebDataSource
+    cannot function without a controller.  
+    Delegates implement optional behavior.  WKWebView doesn't require a WKWebViewDelegate,
+    nor does WKWebDataSource require a WKWebDataSourceDelegate.
+    It it expected that alternate implementations of WKWebController will be written for
+    alternate views of the web page described by WKWebDataSource.  For example, a 
+    view that draws the DOM tree would require both a subclass of NSView and an
+    implementation of WKWebController.  It is also possible that a web crawler
+    may implement a WKWebController with no corresponding view.
+    WKConcreteWebController may be subclassed to modify the behavior of the standard
+    WKWebView and WKWebDataSource.
+    WKWebController implements all the behavior that ties together WKWebView
+    and WKWebDataSource.  See each inherited protocol for a more complete
+    description.
+    [Don and I both agree that all these little protocols are useful to cleanly
+     describe snippets of behavior, but do we explicity reference them anywhere,
+     or do we just use the umbrella protocol?]
+ at protocol WKWebController <WKLoadHandler, WKScriptContextHandler, WKFrameSetHandler, WKCredentialsHandler, WKLocationChangeHandler>
+- (void)setDataSource: (WKWebDataSource *)dataSource;
+- (WKWebDataSource *)dataSource
+- (void)setView: (WKWebView *)view;
+- (WKWebView *)view;
+ at end
+    WKWebViewDelegates implement protocols that modify the behavior of
+    WKWebViews.  A WKWebView does not require a delegate.
+ at protocol WKWebViewDelegate <WKContextMenuHandler>
+    WKWebDataSourceDelegate implement protocols that modify the behavior of
+    WKWebDataSources.  A WKWebDataSources does not require a delegate.
+ at protocol WKWebDataSourceDelegate <?>
+ at end
+// Is WKConcreteWebController the right name?  The name fits with the
+// scheme used by Foundation, although Foundation's concrete classes
+// typically aren't public.
+ at interface WKConcreteWebController : NSObject <WKWebController>
+- initWithView: (WKWebView *) dataSource: (WKWebDataSource *)dataSource;
+ at end
 // See the comments in WKWebPageView above for more description about this protocol.
 @protocol WKLocationChangeHandler
-- (BOOL)locationWillChange;
+- (void)loadingStarted;
 - (void)loadingCancelled;
 - (void)loadingStopped;
 - (void)loadingFinished;
-- (void)loadingStarted;
+- (void)loadedPageTitle: (NSString *)title;
 @protocol WKContextMenuHandler
-    We decided to implement this in terms of a fixed set of types rather
-    than per node.
-    What items should be supported in the default context menus?
+// Returns the array of menu items for this node that will be displayed in the context menu.
+// Typically this would be implemented by returning the results of WKWebView defaultContextMenuItemsForNode:
+// after making any desired changes or additions.
+- (NSArray *)contextMenuItemsForNode: (WKDOMNode *);
@@ -56,7 +137,9 @@
     typically for non-base URLs this should be done after a URL (i.e. image)
     has been completely downloaded.
-- (void)receivedDataForLocation: (WKLoadProgress *)progress;
+- (void)receivedProgress: (WKLoadProgress *)progress forLocation: (NSString *)lcoation;
+- (void)timeoutForLocation: (NSString *)location partialProgress: (WKLoadProgress *)progress;
@@ -69,13 +152,32 @@
 @interface WKLoadProgress 
     int bytesSoFar;	// 0 if this is the start of load
-    int totalLoaded;	// -1 if this is not known.
+    int totalToLoad;	// -1 if this is not known.
                         // bytesSoFar == totalLoaded when complete
-    NSString *location; // Needs to be a string, not URL.
-    LOAD_TYPES type;	// load types, either image, css, jscript, or html
+    WK_LOAD_TYPES type;	// load types, either image, css, jscript, or html
+ at end
+   Error handling:
+        error conditions:
+            timeout
+            unrecognized/handled mime-type
+            javascript errors
+            invalid url
+            parsing errors
+ at interface WKError
+    NSString *description;
+    int code;
+ at protocol WKWebDataSourceErrorHandler
+- error: (WKError *)error;
+ at end
@@ -85,6 +187,7 @@
 @protocol WKScriptContextHandler
+// setStatusText and statusText are used by Javascript's status bar text methods.
 - (void)setStatusText: (NSString *)text;
 - (NSString *)statusText;
@@ -99,11 +202,10 @@
 @protocol WKFrameSetHandler
 - (NSArray *)frameNames;
-- (WKFrame *)findFrameNamed: (NSString *)name;
+- (id <WKFrame>) findFrameNamed: (NSString *)name;
 - (BOOL)frameExists: (NSString *)name;
-- (BOOL)openURLInFrame: (WKFrame *)aFrame url: (NSURL *)url;
+- (void)openURL: (NSURL *)url inFrame: (id <WKFrame>) frame;
- at protocol WKFrame
- at end
diff --git a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebDataSource.h b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebDataSource.h
index 42c6bff..6d3f53b 100644
--- a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebDataSource.h
+++ b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebDataSource.h
@@ -17,19 +17,9 @@
     Typical usage of a WKWebDataSource.
     WKWebDataSource *dataSource = [[WKWebDataSource alloc] initWithURL: url];
-    [dataSource setFrameSetHandler: (WKFrameSetHandler *)myManager];
-    [dataSource setScriptContextHandler: (WKScriptContextHandler *)myContext];
-    [dataSource setLoadHandler: (WKLoadHandler *)myLoadHandler];
-    [dataSource setCredentialsHandler: (WKCredentialsHandler *)myCredentialsHandler];
-    ...
-    or
-    ...
-    [dataSource setController: (WKWebController *)myController];
+    id <WKWebController>myController = [[MyControllerClass alloc] init];
+    [myController setDataSource: dataSource];
-    Questions:  
-        Multiple protocols or controller?
-        Should we use CF XML data types, or our own?
@@ -41,40 +31,60 @@
-// Can these init methods return nil? e.g. if URL is invalid, or should they
-// throw exceptions?
-- initWithURL: (NSURL *)url;
+// Returns nil if object cannot be initialized due to a malformed URL (RFC 1808).
+- initWithURL: (NSURL *)inputUrl;
 - initWithData: (NSData *)data;
 - initWithString: (NSString *)string;
-// ?? How do you create subclasses of WKURILoader, how is this
-// expected to be used?
+// Ken, need some help with one.
 - initWithLoader: (WKURILoader *)loader;
-// ?? We don't have a NS streams API!!
-- initWithStream: (NSStream *)stream
+// Set the controller for this data source.  NOTE:  The controller is not retained by the
+// data source.
+// Perhaps setController: should be private?
+- (void)setController: (id <WKWebController>)controller;
+- (id <WKWebController>)controller;
 // May return nil if not initialized with a URL.
-- (NSURL *)url;
+- (NSURL *)inputURL;
+// The inputURL may resolve to a different URL as a result of
+// either a client side refresh <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" ...> or
+// a DNS redirect.  Both of these implicit actions should not
+// require a new data source.  The resolvedURL is the URL that is
+// ultimately used to fetch page data.
+// [We need more brain cells applied to this issue.]  
+- (NSURL *)resolvedURL;
-// Start actually getting (if initialized with a URL) and parsing data.
-- (void)startLoading;
+// Start actually getting (if initialized with a URL) and parsing data. If the data source
+// is still performing a previous load it will be stopped.
+// If forceRefresh is YES the document will load from the net, not the cache.
+- (void)startLoading: (BOOL)forceRefresh;
+// Cancels any pending loads.  A data source is conceptually only ever loading
+// one document at a time, although one document may have many related
+// resources.  stopLoading will stop all loads related to the data source.
+// Returns NO if the data source is not currently loading.
+- (void)stopLoading;
+// Returns YES if there are any pending loads.
+- (BOOL)isLoading;
-// Cancel any pending loads.
-- (BOOL)stopLoading;
 // Get DOM access to the document.
 - (WKDOMDocument *)document;
 // Get the actual source of the docment.
 - (NSString *)documentText;
-// Get a 'pretty' version of the document, created by traversal of the DOM.
-- (NSString *)formattedDocumentText;
-// Get the currently focused node.  Is this appropriate for the model, or
-// should this be handled by the view?
-- (WKDOMNode *)activeNode;
 // URL reference point, these should probably not be public for 1.0.
 - setBase: (NSURL *)url;
@@ -82,81 +92,33 @@
 - setBaseTarget: (NSURL *)url;
 - (NSURL *)baseTarget;
 - (NSString *)encoding;
 // Style sheet
 - (void)setUserStyleSheet: (NSURL *)url;
 - (void)setUserStyleSheet: (NSString *)sheet;
-// Searching, to support find in clients.  regular expressions?
-- (WKSearchState *)findTextBegin;
-- (NSString *)findTextNext: (WKRegularExpression *)exp direction: (BOOL)forward state: (WKSearchState *)state;
-- (NSString *)findTextNext: (NSString *)string direction: (BOOL)forward caseSensitive: (BOOL)case state: (WKSearchState *)state;
-// Selection
-- (NSString *)selectedText;
-- (WKDOMRange *)selectedRange;
-- (void)setSelection: (WKDOMRange *range);
-- (BOOL)hasSelection;
-- (void)selectAll;
-- (void)setController: (WKWebController *)controller;
-- (void)setLoadHandler: (WKLoadHandler *)fmanager;
-- (void)setFrameSetHandler: (WKFrameSetHandler *)fmanager;
-- (void)setScriptContextHandler: (WKScriptContextHandler *)context;
-- executeScript: (NSString *)string;
-// Same as above except uses the node as 'this' value
-- executeScript: (NSString *)string withNode: (WKDOMNode *)node;
-// This API reflects the KDE API, but is it sufficient?
-- (BOOL)scheduleScript: (NSString *)string withNode: (WKDOMNode *)node 
-- executeScheduledScript;
+// Searching, to support find in clients.  regular expressions?
+- (WKSearchState *)beginSearch;
+- (NSString *)searchFor: (NSString *)string direction: (BOOL)forward caseSensitive: (BOOL)case state: (WKSearchState *)state;
 // a.k.a shortcut icons, http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/Author/dhtml/howto/ShortcutIcon.asp.
-// This may be removed to a category to prevent unnecessary linkage to the AppKit.  Note, however
-// that this means WebCore, specifically KWQ, also doesn't have dependencies on the AppKit.
+// This method may be moved to a category to prevent unnecessary linkage to the AppKit.  Note, however
+// that WebCore also has dependencies on the appkit.
 - (NSImage *)icon;
 // Is page secure, e.g. https, ftps
-// Should this perhaps be on the URL?
-// This would the be implemented like this
-// return [[self url] isSecure];
 - (BOOL)isPageSecure;
-// ---------------------- Convenience methods ----------------------
-- (NSString *)pageTitle;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------
+// Returns nil or the page title.
+- (NSString *)pageTitle;
-    Notifications?
-        In general, how often should we notify?  We should use notifications
-        if we anticipate multiple clients, no return types, and generally
-        asynchronous or indirect behaviour.
-        notifications:
-            WKSelectionChangedNotification
-            WKNodeActivatedNotification
-            WKDocumentChangedNotification
-    Error handling:
-        exceptions?
-        nil returns?
-        errors by notification?
-        error conditions:
-            timeout
-            unrecognized/handled mime-type
-            javascript errors
-            invalid url
-            parsing errors
diff --git a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebFrameView.h b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebFrameView.h
index e15db15..1a113ad 100644
--- a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebFrameView.h
+++ b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebFrameView.h
@@ -14,70 +14,53 @@
     Typical usage of a WKWebView.
     NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString: @"http://www.apple.com"];
-    ...
     WKWebDataSource *dataSource = [[WKWebDataSource alloc] initWithURL: url];
     WKWebView *view = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame: myFrame];
-    [view setDataSource: dataSource];
-    [[view dataSource] startLoading];
-    ...
-    or
-    ...
-    WKWebDataSource *dataSource = [[WKWebDataSource alloc] initWithURL: url];
-    WKWebView *view = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame: myFrame DataSource: url];
-    [[view dataSource] startLoading];
+    WKConcreteWebController *controller = [[WKConcreteWebController alloc] initWithView: view dataSource: dataSource];
+    [[[view controller] dataSource] startLoading];
     WKWebView *view = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame: myFrame url: url];
-    [[view dataSource] startLoading];
+    [[[view controller] dataSource] startLoading];
-    What is the behaviour of the view after it has been initialized and -startLoading is called?
+    What is the behaviour of the view after it has been initialized and 
+    startLoading: is called?
-        1.  When the data source is set (i.e. -setDataSource:) -locationWillChange will be sent
-            to the view's controller.  It may veto by returning NO.  Note that if the convenience initializers
-            are used no controller will have been set, and thus no chance to veto will be provided.
+        1.  No WKLocationChangedHandler messages will be sent until 
+            startLoading: is called.  After startLoading is called a loadingStarted
+            message will be sent to the controller.  The view will remain unchanged 
+            until the controller receives a receivedDataForLocation: message 
+            from the data source.  
+            If stopLoading is called before receipt of a receivedDataForLocation:, loading will 
+            abort, the view will be unchanged, and the controller will receive a loadingCancelled 
+            message.
-        2.  The view will do nothing until receipt of its first -receivedDataForURL: message
-            from its data source.  Thus the view will not change its content before users have
-            a chance to cancel slow URLs.  
-            During this time, if -stopLoading is called on the data source, loading will 
-            abort.  If the loading is stopped the contents of the window will be unchanged.
-            [This implies that the data source should revert to the previous data source.
-            Will that be problematic?.]  The controller will receive a -loadingCancelled message
-            if the load is aborted during this period.
-            Controllers should initiate progress indicators at this point (how?).
+            Controllers should initiate progress indicators upon receipt of loadingStarted,
+            and terminate when either a loadingCancelled or loadingStopped is received.
-        3.  After receipt of it first -receivedDataForURL: it will clear its contents
-            and perform its first layout.  At this point a loadingStarted message will
-            be sent to the client.
+        2.  After the controller receives it's first receivedDataForLocation: the contents of
+            the view will be cleared and layout may begin.
-        4.  Upon every subsequent receipts of -finishedReceivingDataForURL: messages it
-            will perform additional layouts.  Note that these may be coalesced, depending
-            on the interval the messages are received.  During this time the load may
-            be stopped.  The layout may be incomplete if the load is stopped before all
-            the referenced documents are loaded.  If the layout is stopped during this
-            period the controller will received a -loadingStopped message.
+        3.  Upon subsequent receipt of receivedDataForLocation: messages the controller
+            may trigger a document layout.  Note that layouts may be coalesced.  If stopLoading
+            is called before the document has fully loaded, the layout will be incomplete, and a
+            loadingStopped message will be sent to the controller
-        5.  When -documentReceived is received the loading and initial layout is complete.
-            Controllers should terminate progress indicators at this point.  At this point
-            controller will receive a -loadingFinished message.
-    What is the behavior of the view when a link is clicked?
-        See above.  The behavior is exactly as above.  
-   ***
-   The control behavior and view/model interdependencies of WK are manifested by several 
-   protocols (so far: WKLoadHandler, WKScriptContextHandler, WKFrameSetHandler).  This 
-   behavior is encapsulated in a WKWebController class.  Behavior that may be extended/overriden 
-   is described with several protocols:  WKLocationChangeHandler and WKContextMenuHandler.
-   WKWebController also implements these protocols.
-   ***   
+        4.  When the controller receives a receivedDataForLocation: with a WKLoadProgress that 
+            contains bytesSoFar==totalToLoad the location specified is completely loaded.  Clients
+            may display the location string to indicate completion of a loaded resource.
+            When the controller receives a loadingFinished message the main document and all it
+            resources have been loaded.  Controllers should terminate progress indicators at 
+            this point.
 @interface WKWebView : NSView
@@ -86,22 +69,31 @@
 - initWithFrame: (NSRect)frame;
-- initWithFrame: (NSRect)frame dataSource: (NSWebPageDataSource *)dataSource;
+// Convenience method.  initWithFrame:url: will create a controller and data source.
 - initWithFrame: (NSRect)frame url: (NSURL *)url;
-- (NSWebPageDataSource *)dataSource;
-- (void)setDataSource: (NSWebPageDataSource *)ds;
-// Either creates a new datasource or reuses the same datasource for
-// URLs that are qualified, i.e. URLs with an anchor target.
-- (BOOL)setURL: (NSURL *)url;
+// Set and get the delegate.
+- (void)setDelegate: (id <WKWebViewDelegate>)delegate;
+- (id <WKWebViewDelegate>)delegate;
+// Set and get the controller.  Note that the controller is not retained.
+// Perhaps setController: should be private?
+- (void)setController: (id <WKWebController>)controller;
+- (id <WKWebController>)controller;
 // This method should not be public until we have a more completely
 // understood way to subclass WKWebView.
 - (void)layout;
+// Stop animating animated GIFs, etc.
 - (void)stopAnimations;
 // Font API
 - (void)setFontSizes: (NSArray *)sizes;
 - (NSArray *)fontSize;
@@ -111,32 +103,40 @@
 - (void)setFixedFont: (NSSFont *)font;
 - (NSFont *)fixedFont;
-// Drag and drop links and images.  Others?
-- (void)setDragFromEnabled: (BOOL)flag;
-- (BOOL)dragFromEnabled;
-- (void)setDragToEnabled: (BOOL)flag;
-- (BOOL)dragToEnabled;
+// Drag and drop links and images.  Others?
+- (void)setCanDragFrom: (BOOL)flag;
+- (BOOL)canDragFrom;
+- (void)setCanDragTo: (BOOL)flag;
+- (BOOL)canDragTo;
-- (void)setController: (WKWebController *)controller;
-- (void)setLocationChangeHandler: (WKLocationChangeHandler *)client;
-- (void)setContextMenuHandler: (WKContextMenuHandler *)handler;
+// Returns an array of built-in context menu items for this node.
+// Generally called by WKContextMenuHandlers from contextMenuItemsForNode:
+- (NSArray *)defaultContextMenuItemsForNode: (WKDOMNode *);
 - (void)setEnableContextMenus: (BOOL)flag;
 - (BOOL)contextMenusEnabled;
-- (void)setDefaultContextMenu: (NSMenu *)menu;
-- (NSMenu *)defaultContextMenu;
-// MCJ thinks we need high level find API.
+// Most folks want selection API on the view.  Don suggested we mirror the
+// NSText API.  NSText represents selection as a range.  What does this mean
+// in the context of an HTML page?  What is the selection range in a table?
+// What can you do with the selection range?  I'm not sure if can get away
+// with this simplistic API.  We may have to use something similar to the
+// DOM selection API.  I'm also still uncomfortable putting this API on the
+// view.
+- (void)setSelectedRange:(NSRange)aRange;
+- (NSRange)selectedRange;
+// MCJ thinks we need high level find API on view.
-    Other areas still to consider:
+    Areas still to consider:
         ALT image text and link URLs
             Should this be built-in?  or able to be overriden?
diff --git a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebView.h b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebView.h
index 9525f73..e2196d9 100644
--- a/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebView.h
+++ b/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebView.h
@@ -6,27 +6,108 @@
 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
- at interface WKWebController : NSObject <WKLoadHandler, WKScriptContextHandler, WKFrameSetHandler, WKCredentialsHandler, WKLocationChangeHandler, WKContextMenuHandler>
+    WKWebController manages the interaction between WKWebView and WKWebDataSource.
+    Intances of WKWebController retain their view and data source.
+    [As in the appkit classes NSWindow and NSWindowController, it will be necessary 
+     to have non-retained back pointers from WKWebView and WKWebDataSource to their
+     controller.  Not retaining the controller will prevent cycles.  Of course, not
+     retaining is bad, as it can lead to dangling references.  We could invert the reference
+     graph and add ...inView: and ...inDataSource: to the API, but that's ugly.  If it's
+     good enough for the appkit, it's good enough for us.  Ugh.]
+                                 .--(p)WKWebController --.
+                                 |      .    .           |
+                                 |     .      .          |
+                                \|/   .        .        \|/
+    (p)WKWebViewDelegate <-- (c)WKWebView     (c)WKWebDataSource --> (p)WKWebDataSourceDelegate
+    (c) indicates a class, (p) indicates a protocol.  The solid lines indicate an 
+    retain reference.  The dotted lines indicate a non-retained reference.
+    The WKWebController implements required behavior.  WKWebView and WKWebDataSource
+    cannot function without a controller.  
+    Delegates implement optional behavior.  WKWebView doesn't require a WKWebViewDelegate,
+    nor does WKWebDataSource require a WKWebDataSourceDelegate.
+    It it expected that alternate implementations of WKWebController will be written for
+    alternate views of the web page described by WKWebDataSource.  For example, a 
+    view that draws the DOM tree would require both a subclass of NSView and an
+    implementation of WKWebController.  It is also possible that a web crawler
+    may implement a WKWebController with no corresponding view.
+    WKConcreteWebController may be subclassed to modify the behavior of the standard
+    WKWebView and WKWebDataSource.
+    WKWebController implements all the behavior that ties together WKWebView
+    and WKWebDataSource.  See each inherited protocol for a more complete
+    description.
+    [Don and I both agree that all these little protocols are useful to cleanly
+     describe snippets of behavior, but do we explicity reference them anywhere,
+     or do we just use the umbrella protocol?]
+ at protocol WKWebController <WKLoadHandler, WKScriptContextHandler, WKFrameSetHandler, WKCredentialsHandler, WKLocationChangeHandler>
+- (void)setDataSource: (WKWebDataSource *)dataSource;
+- (WKWebDataSource *)dataSource
+- (void)setView: (WKWebView *)view;
+- (WKWebView *)view;
+ at end
+    WKWebViewDelegates implement protocols that modify the behavior of
+    WKWebViews.  A WKWebView does not require a delegate.
+ at protocol WKWebViewDelegate <WKContextMenuHandler>
+    WKWebDataSourceDelegate implement protocols that modify the behavior of
+    WKWebDataSources.  A WKWebDataSources does not require a delegate.
+ at protocol WKWebDataSourceDelegate <?>
+ at end
+// Is WKConcreteWebController the right name?  The name fits with the
+// scheme used by Foundation, although Foundation's concrete classes
+// typically aren't public.
+ at interface WKConcreteWebController : NSObject <WKWebController>
+- initWithView: (WKWebView *) dataSource: (WKWebDataSource *)dataSource;
+ at end
 // See the comments in WKWebPageView above for more description about this protocol.
 @protocol WKLocationChangeHandler
-- (BOOL)locationWillChange;
+- (void)loadingStarted;
 - (void)loadingCancelled;
 - (void)loadingStopped;
 - (void)loadingFinished;
-- (void)loadingStarted;
+- (void)loadedPageTitle: (NSString *)title;
 @protocol WKContextMenuHandler
-    We decided to implement this in terms of a fixed set of types rather
-    than per node.
-    What items should be supported in the default context menus?
+// Returns the array of menu items for this node that will be displayed in the context menu.
+// Typically this would be implemented by returning the results of WKWebView defaultContextMenuItemsForNode:
+// after making any desired changes or additions.
+- (NSArray *)contextMenuItemsForNode: (WKDOMNode *);
@@ -56,7 +137,9 @@
     typically for non-base URLs this should be done after a URL (i.e. image)
     has been completely downloaded.
-- (void)receivedDataForLocation: (WKLoadProgress *)progress;
+- (void)receivedProgress: (WKLoadProgress *)progress forLocation: (NSString *)lcoation;
+- (void)timeoutForLocation: (NSString *)location partialProgress: (WKLoadProgress *)progress;
@@ -69,13 +152,32 @@
 @interface WKLoadProgress 
     int bytesSoFar;	// 0 if this is the start of load
-    int totalLoaded;	// -1 if this is not known.
+    int totalToLoad;	// -1 if this is not known.
                         // bytesSoFar == totalLoaded when complete
-    NSString *location; // Needs to be a string, not URL.
-    LOAD_TYPES type;	// load types, either image, css, jscript, or html
+    WK_LOAD_TYPES type;	// load types, either image, css, jscript, or html
+ at end
+   Error handling:
+        error conditions:
+            timeout
+            unrecognized/handled mime-type
+            javascript errors
+            invalid url
+            parsing errors
+ at interface WKError
+    NSString *description;
+    int code;
+ at protocol WKWebDataSourceErrorHandler
+- error: (WKError *)error;
+ at end
@@ -85,6 +187,7 @@
 @protocol WKScriptContextHandler
+// setStatusText and statusText are used by Javascript's status bar text methods.
 - (void)setStatusText: (NSString *)text;
 - (NSString *)statusText;
@@ -99,11 +202,10 @@
 @protocol WKFrameSetHandler
 - (NSArray *)frameNames;
-- (WKFrame *)findFrameNamed: (NSString *)name;
+- (id <WKFrame>) findFrameNamed: (NSString *)name;
 - (BOOL)frameExists: (NSString *)name;
-- (BOOL)openURLInFrame: (WKFrame *)aFrame url: (NSURL *)url;
+- (void)openURL: (NSURL *)url inFrame: (id <WKFrame>) frame;
- at protocol WKFrame
- at end

WebKit Debian packaging

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