[SCM] WebKit Debian packaging branch, debian/unstable, updated. debian/1.1.15-1-40151-g37bb677

cblu cblu at 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
Sat Sep 26 06:13:33 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the debian/unstable branch:
commit ee1062e908cf8d73eb2087eaeaa0b5d77633ba10
Author: cblu <cblu at 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc>
Date:   Sat May 18 00:55:09 2002 +0000

    Adding this file.
    git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@1171 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc

diff --git a/WebKit/Plugins.subproj/IFPluginStream.mm b/WebKit/Plugins.subproj/IFPluginStream.mm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..256738d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WebKit/Plugins.subproj/IFPluginStream.mm
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+    IFPluginStream.m
+	Copyright 2002, Apple, Inc. All rights reserved.
+#import "IFPluginStream.h"
+#import <WebFoundation/WebFoundation.h>
+#import <WebKitDebug.h>
+#import <WebKit/IFLoadProgress.h>
+#import <WebKit/IFBaseWebController.h>
+#import <WebKit/IFWebController.h>
+static NSString *getCarbonPath(NSString *posixPath);
+ at implementation IFPluginStream
+- initWithURL:(NSURL *)theURL pluginPointer:(NPP)thePluginPointer
+    return [self initWithURL:theURL pluginPointer:thePluginPointer notifyData:nil attributes:nil];
+- initWithURL:(NSURL *)theURL pluginPointer:(NPP)thePluginPointer notifyData:(void *)theNotifyData
+    return [self initWithURL:theURL pluginPointer:thePluginPointer notifyData:theNotifyData attributes:nil];
+- initWithURL:(NSURL *)theURL pluginPointer:(NPP)thePluginPointer notifyData:(void *)theNotifyData attributes:(NSDictionary *)theAttributes
+    NSString *URLString;
+    char * cURL;
+    [super init];
+    if(!theURL)
+        return nil;
+    if(!thePluginPointer)
+       return nil;
+    view = [(IFPluginView *)thePluginPointer->ndata retain];
+    URL = [theURL retain];
+    instance = thePluginPointer;
+    notifyData = theNotifyData;
+    NPP_NewStream = 	[view NPP_NewStream];
+    NPP_WriteReady = 	[view NPP_WriteReady];
+    NPP_Write = 	[view NPP_Write];
+    NPP_StreamAsFile = 	[view NPP_StreamAsFile];
+    NPP_DestroyStream = [view NPP_DestroyStream];
+    NPP_URLNotify = 	[view NPP_URLNotify];
+    URLString = [theURL absoluteString];
+    cURL = (char *)malloc([URLString length]+1);
+    [URLString getCString:cURL];
+    npStream.ndata = self;
+    npStream.url = cURL;
+    npStream.end = 0;
+    npStream.lastmodified = 0;
+    npStream.notifyData = notifyData;
+    offset = 0;
+    receivedFirstChunk = NO;
+    stopped = NO;
+    URLHandle = [[IFURLHandle alloc] initWithURL:URL attributes:theAttributes flags:0];
+    if(URLHandle){
+        [URLHandle addClient:self];
+        [URLHandle loadInBackground];
+    }else{
+        return nil;
+    }
+    return self;
+- (void) dealloc
+    [self stop];
+    NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
+    if(path)
+        [fileManager removeFileAtPath:path handler:nil];
+    [path release];
+    free((void *)npStream.url);
+    [URL release];
+    [super dealloc];
+- (void)IFURLHandleResourceDidBeginLoading:(IFURLHandle *)sender
+- (void)IFURLHandle:(IFURLHandle *)sender resourceDataDidBecomeAvailable:(NSData *)data
+    int32 numBytes;
+    NPError npErr;
+    if(!receivedFirstChunk){
+        receivedFirstChunk = YES;
+        //FIXME: Need a way to check if stream is seekable
+        npErr = NPP_NewStream(instance, (char *)[[sender contentType] cString], &npStream, NO, &transferMode);
+        WEBKITDEBUGLEVEL(WEBKIT_LOG_PLUGINS, "NPP_NewStream: %d %s\n", npErr, [[URL absoluteString] cString]);
+        if(npErr != NPERR_NO_ERROR){
+            [self stop];
+            return;
+        }
+        if(transferMode == NP_NORMAL)
+        else if(transferMode == NP_ASFILEONLY)
+        else if(transferMode == NP_ASFILE)
+        else if(transferMode == NP_SEEK){
+            WEBKITDEBUGLEVEL(WEBKIT_LOG_PLUGINS, "Stream type: NP_SEEK not yet supported\n");
+            [self stop];
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    if(transferMode != NP_ASFILEONLY){
+        numBytes = NPP_WriteReady(instance, &npStream);
+        WEBKITDEBUGLEVEL(WEBKIT_LOG_PLUGINS, "NPP_WriteReady bytes=%lu\n", numBytes);
+        numBytes = NPP_Write(instance, &npStream, offset, [data length], (void *)[data bytes]);
+        WEBKITDEBUGLEVEL(WEBKIT_LOG_PLUGINS, "NPP_Write bytes=%lu\n", numBytes);
+        offset += [data length];
+    }
+    IFLoadProgress *loadProgress = [[IFLoadProgress alloc] init];
+    loadProgress->totalToLoad = [sender contentLength];
+    loadProgress->bytesSoFar = [sender contentLengthReceived];
+    loadProgress->type = IF_LOAD_TYPE_PLUGIN;
+    [[view webController] receivedProgress: (IFLoadProgress *)loadProgress
+        forResource: [[sender url] absoluteString] fromDataSource: [view webDataSource]];
+    [loadProgress release];
+- (void)IFURLHandleResourceDidFinishLoading:(IFURLHandle *)sender data: (NSData *)data
+    NPError npErr;
+    NSFileManager *fileManager;
+    NSString *filename;
+    // FIXME: Need a better way to get a file name from a URL
+    filename = [[URL absoluteString] lastPathComponent];
+    if(transferMode == NP_ASFILE || transferMode == NP_ASFILEONLY) {
+        // FIXME: Need to use something like mkstemp?
+        path = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/tmp/%@", filename] retain];        
+        fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
+        [fileManager removeFileAtPath:path handler:nil];
+        [fileManager createFileAtPath:path contents:data attributes:nil];
+        // FIXME: Will cString use the correct character set?
+        NPP_StreamAsFile(instance, &npStream, [getCarbonPath(path) cString]);
+        WEBKITDEBUGLEVEL(WEBKIT_LOG_PLUGINS, "NPP_StreamAsFile: %s\n", [getCarbonPath(path) cString]);
+    }
+    npErr = NPP_DestroyStream(instance, &npStream, NPRES_DONE);
+    WEBKITDEBUGLEVEL(WEBKIT_LOG_PLUGINS, "NPP_DestroyStream: %d\n", npErr);
+    if(notifyData){
+        NPP_URLNotify(instance, [[URL absoluteString] cString], NPRES_DONE, notifyData);
+    }
+    IFLoadProgress *loadProgress = [[IFLoadProgress alloc] init];
+    loadProgress->totalToLoad = [data length];
+    loadProgress->bytesSoFar = [data length];
+    loadProgress->type = IF_LOAD_TYPE_PLUGIN;
+    [[view webController] receivedProgress: (IFLoadProgress *)loadProgress 
+        forResource: [[sender url] absoluteString] fromDataSource: [view webDataSource]];
+    [loadProgress release];
+    [self stop];
+- (void)IFURLHandleResourceDidCancelLoading:(IFURLHandle *)sender
+    // Need webController and data source
+    IFLoadProgress *loadProgress = [[IFLoadProgress alloc] init];
+    loadProgress->totalToLoad = -1;
+    loadProgress->bytesSoFar = -1;
+    loadProgress->type = IF_LOAD_TYPE_PLUGIN;
+    [[view webController] receivedProgress: (IFLoadProgress *)loadProgress 
+        forResource: [[sender url] absoluteString] fromDataSource: [view webDataSource]];
+    [loadProgress release];
+    [self stop];
+- (void)IFURLHandle:(IFURLHandle *)sender resourceDidFailLoadingWithResult:(IFError *)result
+    IFLoadProgress *loadProgress = [[IFLoadProgress alloc] init];
+    loadProgress->totalToLoad = [sender contentLength];
+    loadProgress->bytesSoFar = [sender contentLengthReceived];
+    loadProgress->type = IF_LOAD_TYPE_PLUGIN;
+    [[view webController] receivedError: result forResource: [[sender url] absoluteString] 
+        partialProgress: loadProgress fromDataSource: [view webDataSource]];
+    [loadProgress release];
+    [self stop];
+- (void)IFURLHandle:(IFURLHandle *)sender didRedirectToURL:(NSURL *)url
+- (void)stop
+    if(!stopped){
+        stopped = YES;
+        if([URLHandle statusCode] == IFURLHandleStatusLoading)
+            [URLHandle cancelLoadInBackground];
+        [URLHandle removeClient:self];
+        [URLHandle release];
+        [view release];
+    }
+ at end
+static NSString *getCarbonPath(NSString *posixPath)
+    OSStatus error;
+    FSRef ref, rootRef, parentRef;
+    FSCatalogInfo info;
+    NSMutableArray *carbonPathPieces;
+    HFSUniStr255 nameString;
+    // Make an FSRef.
+    error = FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8 *)[[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileSystemRepresentationWithPath:posixPath], &ref, NULL);
+    if (error != noErr) {
+        return nil;
+    }
+    // Get volume refNum.
+    error = FSGetCatalogInfo(&ref, kFSCatInfoVolume, &info, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    if (error != noErr) {
+        return nil;
+    }
+    // Get root directory FSRef.
+    error = FSGetVolumeInfo(info.volume, 0, NULL, kFSVolInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &rootRef);
+    if (error != noErr) {
+        return nil;
+    }
+    // Get the pieces of the path.
+    carbonPathPieces = [NSMutableArray array];
+    for (;;) {
+        error = FSGetCatalogInfo(&ref, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, &nameString, NULL, &parentRef);
+        if (error != noErr) {
+            return nil;
+        }
+        [carbonPathPieces insertObject:[NSString stringWithCharacters:nameString.unicode length:nameString.length] atIndex:0];
+        if (FSCompareFSRefs(&ref, &rootRef) == noErr) {
+            break;
+        }
+        ref = parentRef;
+    }
+    // Volume names need trailing : character.
+    if ([carbonPathPieces count] == 1) {
+        [carbonPathPieces addObject:@""];
+    }
+    return [carbonPathPieces componentsJoinedByString:@":"];
diff --git a/WebKit/Plugins.subproj/WebPluginStream.m b/WebKit/Plugins.subproj/WebPluginStream.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..256738d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WebKit/Plugins.subproj/WebPluginStream.m
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+    IFPluginStream.m
+	Copyright 2002, Apple, Inc. All rights reserved.
+#import "IFPluginStream.h"
+#import <WebFoundation/WebFoundation.h>
+#import <WebKitDebug.h>
+#import <WebKit/IFLoadProgress.h>
+#import <WebKit/IFBaseWebController.h>
+#import <WebKit/IFWebController.h>
+static NSString *getCarbonPath(NSString *posixPath);
+ at implementation IFPluginStream
+- initWithURL:(NSURL *)theURL pluginPointer:(NPP)thePluginPointer
+    return [self initWithURL:theURL pluginPointer:thePluginPointer notifyData:nil attributes:nil];
+- initWithURL:(NSURL *)theURL pluginPointer:(NPP)thePluginPointer notifyData:(void *)theNotifyData
+    return [self initWithURL:theURL pluginPointer:thePluginPointer notifyData:theNotifyData attributes:nil];
+- initWithURL:(NSURL *)theURL pluginPointer:(NPP)thePluginPointer notifyData:(void *)theNotifyData attributes:(NSDictionary *)theAttributes
+    NSString *URLString;
+    char * cURL;
+    [super init];
+    if(!theURL)
+        return nil;
+    if(!thePluginPointer)
+       return nil;
+    view = [(IFPluginView *)thePluginPointer->ndata retain];
+    URL = [theURL retain];
+    instance = thePluginPointer;
+    notifyData = theNotifyData;
+    NPP_NewStream = 	[view NPP_NewStream];
+    NPP_WriteReady = 	[view NPP_WriteReady];
+    NPP_Write = 	[view NPP_Write];
+    NPP_StreamAsFile = 	[view NPP_StreamAsFile];
+    NPP_DestroyStream = [view NPP_DestroyStream];
+    NPP_URLNotify = 	[view NPP_URLNotify];
+    URLString = [theURL absoluteString];
+    cURL = (char *)malloc([URLString length]+1);
+    [URLString getCString:cURL];
+    npStream.ndata = self;
+    npStream.url = cURL;
+    npStream.end = 0;
+    npStream.lastmodified = 0;
+    npStream.notifyData = notifyData;
+    offset = 0;
+    receivedFirstChunk = NO;
+    stopped = NO;
+    URLHandle = [[IFURLHandle alloc] initWithURL:URL attributes:theAttributes flags:0];
+    if(URLHandle){
+        [URLHandle addClient:self];
+        [URLHandle loadInBackground];
+    }else{
+        return nil;
+    }
+    return self;
+- (void) dealloc
+    [self stop];
+    NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
+    if(path)
+        [fileManager removeFileAtPath:path handler:nil];
+    [path release];
+    free((void *)npStream.url);
+    [URL release];
+    [super dealloc];
+- (void)IFURLHandleResourceDidBeginLoading:(IFURLHandle *)sender
+- (void)IFURLHandle:(IFURLHandle *)sender resourceDataDidBecomeAvailable:(NSData *)data
+    int32 numBytes;
+    NPError npErr;
+    if(!receivedFirstChunk){
+        receivedFirstChunk = YES;
+        //FIXME: Need a way to check if stream is seekable
+        npErr = NPP_NewStream(instance, (char *)[[sender contentType] cString], &npStream, NO, &transferMode);
+        WEBKITDEBUGLEVEL(WEBKIT_LOG_PLUGINS, "NPP_NewStream: %d %s\n", npErr, [[URL absoluteString] cString]);
+        if(npErr != NPERR_NO_ERROR){
+            [self stop];
+            return;
+        }
+        if(transferMode == NP_NORMAL)
+        else if(transferMode == NP_ASFILEONLY)
+        else if(transferMode == NP_ASFILE)
+        else if(transferMode == NP_SEEK){
+            WEBKITDEBUGLEVEL(WEBKIT_LOG_PLUGINS, "Stream type: NP_SEEK not yet supported\n");
+            [self stop];
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    if(transferMode != NP_ASFILEONLY){
+        numBytes = NPP_WriteReady(instance, &npStream);
+        WEBKITDEBUGLEVEL(WEBKIT_LOG_PLUGINS, "NPP_WriteReady bytes=%lu\n", numBytes);
+        numBytes = NPP_Write(instance, &npStream, offset, [data length], (void *)[data bytes]);
+        WEBKITDEBUGLEVEL(WEBKIT_LOG_PLUGINS, "NPP_Write bytes=%lu\n", numBytes);
+        offset += [data length];
+    }
+    IFLoadProgress *loadProgress = [[IFLoadProgress alloc] init];
+    loadProgress->totalToLoad = [sender contentLength];
+    loadProgress->bytesSoFar = [sender contentLengthReceived];
+    loadProgress->type = IF_LOAD_TYPE_PLUGIN;
+    [[view webController] receivedProgress: (IFLoadProgress *)loadProgress
+        forResource: [[sender url] absoluteString] fromDataSource: [view webDataSource]];
+    [loadProgress release];
+- (void)IFURLHandleResourceDidFinishLoading:(IFURLHandle *)sender data: (NSData *)data
+    NPError npErr;
+    NSFileManager *fileManager;
+    NSString *filename;
+    // FIXME: Need a better way to get a file name from a URL
+    filename = [[URL absoluteString] lastPathComponent];
+    if(transferMode == NP_ASFILE || transferMode == NP_ASFILEONLY) {
+        // FIXME: Need to use something like mkstemp?
+        path = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/tmp/%@", filename] retain];        
+        fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
+        [fileManager removeFileAtPath:path handler:nil];
+        [fileManager createFileAtPath:path contents:data attributes:nil];
+        // FIXME: Will cString use the correct character set?
+        NPP_StreamAsFile(instance, &npStream, [getCarbonPath(path) cString]);
+        WEBKITDEBUGLEVEL(WEBKIT_LOG_PLUGINS, "NPP_StreamAsFile: %s\n", [getCarbonPath(path) cString]);
+    }
+    npErr = NPP_DestroyStream(instance, &npStream, NPRES_DONE);
+    WEBKITDEBUGLEVEL(WEBKIT_LOG_PLUGINS, "NPP_DestroyStream: %d\n", npErr);
+    if(notifyData){
+        NPP_URLNotify(instance, [[URL absoluteString] cString], NPRES_DONE, notifyData);
+    }
+    IFLoadProgress *loadProgress = [[IFLoadProgress alloc] init];
+    loadProgress->totalToLoad = [data length];
+    loadProgress->bytesSoFar = [data length];
+    loadProgress->type = IF_LOAD_TYPE_PLUGIN;
+    [[view webController] receivedProgress: (IFLoadProgress *)loadProgress 
+        forResource: [[sender url] absoluteString] fromDataSource: [view webDataSource]];
+    [loadProgress release];
+    [self stop];
+- (void)IFURLHandleResourceDidCancelLoading:(IFURLHandle *)sender
+    // Need webController and data source
+    IFLoadProgress *loadProgress = [[IFLoadProgress alloc] init];
+    loadProgress->totalToLoad = -1;
+    loadProgress->bytesSoFar = -1;
+    loadProgress->type = IF_LOAD_TYPE_PLUGIN;
+    [[view webController] receivedProgress: (IFLoadProgress *)loadProgress 
+        forResource: [[sender url] absoluteString] fromDataSource: [view webDataSource]];
+    [loadProgress release];
+    [self stop];
+- (void)IFURLHandle:(IFURLHandle *)sender resourceDidFailLoadingWithResult:(IFError *)result
+    IFLoadProgress *loadProgress = [[IFLoadProgress alloc] init];
+    loadProgress->totalToLoad = [sender contentLength];
+    loadProgress->bytesSoFar = [sender contentLengthReceived];
+    loadProgress->type = IF_LOAD_TYPE_PLUGIN;
+    [[view webController] receivedError: result forResource: [[sender url] absoluteString] 
+        partialProgress: loadProgress fromDataSource: [view webDataSource]];
+    [loadProgress release];
+    [self stop];
+- (void)IFURLHandle:(IFURLHandle *)sender didRedirectToURL:(NSURL *)url
+- (void)stop
+    if(!stopped){
+        stopped = YES;
+        if([URLHandle statusCode] == IFURLHandleStatusLoading)
+            [URLHandle cancelLoadInBackground];
+        [URLHandle removeClient:self];
+        [URLHandle release];
+        [view release];
+    }
+ at end
+static NSString *getCarbonPath(NSString *posixPath)
+    OSStatus error;
+    FSRef ref, rootRef, parentRef;
+    FSCatalogInfo info;
+    NSMutableArray *carbonPathPieces;
+    HFSUniStr255 nameString;
+    // Make an FSRef.
+    error = FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8 *)[[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileSystemRepresentationWithPath:posixPath], &ref, NULL);
+    if (error != noErr) {
+        return nil;
+    }
+    // Get volume refNum.
+    error = FSGetCatalogInfo(&ref, kFSCatInfoVolume, &info, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    if (error != noErr) {
+        return nil;
+    }
+    // Get root directory FSRef.
+    error = FSGetVolumeInfo(info.volume, 0, NULL, kFSVolInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &rootRef);
+    if (error != noErr) {
+        return nil;
+    }
+    // Get the pieces of the path.
+    carbonPathPieces = [NSMutableArray array];
+    for (;;) {
+        error = FSGetCatalogInfo(&ref, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, &nameString, NULL, &parentRef);
+        if (error != noErr) {
+            return nil;
+        }
+        [carbonPathPieces insertObject:[NSString stringWithCharacters:nameString.unicode length:nameString.length] atIndex:0];
+        if (FSCompareFSRefs(&ref, &rootRef) == noErr) {
+            break;
+        }
+        ref = parentRef;
+    }
+    // Volume names need trailing : character.
+    if ([carbonPathPieces count] == 1) {
+        [carbonPathPieces addObject:@""];
+    }
+    return [carbonPathPieces componentsJoinedByString:@":"];

WebKit Debian packaging

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