[Pkg-xen-devel] Xen 4.1.1 packaging enhancement

Thomas Goirand zigo at debian.org
Wed Aug 10 10:07:18 UTC 2011


This email is mainly addressed at Waldi (Bastian Blank). I'm resending it
since the previous one is waiting for approval due to its size being
bigger than 40k (I compressed the .diff this time, so it should be ok).

I have worked on enhancing the current packaging of Xen 4.1.1 over the
last weeks. The main goal was to package the OCaml libraries of Xen as
separated binary packages, and doing so, I have also reduced a lot the
output of lintian -Ii checkings. Here's the list of changes:

* Now builds and ships libxen-ocaml and libxen-ocaml-dev.
* Better long desc (fixes: I: xen source: duplicate-long-description)
and more generaly reviewed package descriptions (Closes: #466683).
* Bumped StandardVersion to 3.9.2.
* Added (very short) manpages for the xenstore binaries.
* Enabled Qemu audio drivers and SDL support (Closes: #635166).
* Removed Julien Danjou <acid at debian.org> as per request (Closes: #590439).
* Added comments for each Quilt patches.

I would love to see these changes be included and uploaded shortly to
SID, if it fits. Please let me know ASAP if there's any issue in my
changes, or if my patch can be applied.

Currently, Xen seems to be maintained using SVN. Would it be possible to
move it to Git? I know nothing about SVN, I've switched directly from
CVS to Git few years ago, and I never learned SVN. I don't wish to learn
it, as I know it's something of the past. And by the way, source control
fields are missing from debian/control, and it would be great to have it

Now, I'm moving to work on packaging Xen-Api itself (which I already
started), but it wont be possible to upload without the needed Xen 4.1.1
OCaml libs (since xen-api-libs build-depends on it).


Thomas Goirand (zigo)
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