kernel = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader" builder = 'hvm' memory = 512 name = "hvm-vm-config-example" vcpus=1 cpus = "1" # Setting these to zero didn't work at all for me pae=1 acpi=1 apic=1 # model= can also use rtl8139 or ne2k_pci # set the MAC address to something not in your LAN yet... vif = [ 'type=ioemu, mac=00:00:20:12:34:56, model=e1000, bridge=eth0' ] # Best is to use hda for your HDD, and hdc for your CDROM disk=[ 'phy:/dev/mapper/vg0-mylvmhda,hda,w','file:/path/to/iso/to/boot.iso,hdc:cdrom,r' ] # This asks to bind VNC to port 5900 + 21 (eg: 5921) with password XXXX # This is good for a server setup. vfb = ["type=vnc,vncdisplay=21,vncpasswd=XXXX"] # If you are running on your desktop, then you might want to use # the video in an SDL window #vfb = ["type=sdl"] device_model='/usr/lib/xen-4.0/bin/qemu-dm' #cdrom="/path/to/iso/to/boot.iso" # c for hdd, d for cdrom boot="d" nographic=0 #vnc=1 #vncviewer=1 stdvga=1 serial='pty' # ac97 is the most optimized sound board model. #soundhw=ac97