[Pkg-xfce-commits] r2309 - in desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian: . patches

corsac at alioth.debian.org corsac at alioth.debian.org
Fri Sep 19 07:15:16 UTC 2008

Author: corsac
Date: 2008-09-19 07:15:13 +0000 (Fri, 19 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 2309

  - remove dep on xfce4-mcs-manager and replace it by xfconf,
* debian/patches:
  - 06_rephrase-tips removed.

Modified: desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian/changelog
--- desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian/changelog	2008-09-17 06:26:38 UTC (rev 2308)
+++ desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian/changelog	2008-09-19 07:15:13 UTC (rev 2309)
@@ -6,8 +6,12 @@
     - update standards version to 3.8.0.
     - replace recommends on xbase-clients by x11-xserver-utils.
     - swap calls to dh_makeshlibs and dh_installdeb. 
+    - remove dep on xfce4-mcs-manager and replace it by xfconf,
+      xfce4-settings.
+  * debian/patches:
+    - 06_rephrase-tips removed.
- -- Yves-Alexis Perez <corsac at debian.org>  Sun, 24 Aug 2008 14:13:10 +0200
+ -- Yves-Alexis Perez <corsac at debian.org>  Fri, 19 Sep 2008 07:45:32 +0200
 xfce4-session (4.4.2-6) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian/control
--- desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian/control	2008-09-17 06:26:38 UTC (rev 2308)
+++ desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian/control	2008-09-19 07:15:13 UTC (rev 2309)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 Package: xfce4-session
 Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, fortune-mod, xfce4-mcs-manager
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, fortune-mod, xfce4-settings, xfconf
 Recommends: xfwm4, xfce4-utils, xfdesktop4, xfce4-panel, hal, dbus-x11, x11-xserver-utils
 Suggests: sudo
 Provides: x-session-manager

Deleted: desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian/patches/06_rephrase-tip.patch
--- desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian/patches/06_rephrase-tip.patch	2008-09-17 06:26:38 UTC (rev 2308)
+++ desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian/patches/06_rephrase-tip.patch	2008-09-19 07:15:13 UTC (rev 2309)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/xfce4-tips/data/tips b/xfce4-tips/data/tips
-index 0eed74f..d0f09fb 100644
---- a/xfce4-tips/data/tips
-+++ b/xfce4-tips/data/tips
-@@ -88,13 +88,13 @@ corresponding workspace
- The Thunar file manager can be driven with the keyboard.
- Have a look at Xfce 4 manual to learn more about its commands.
- %
--xfprint4 provides a graphical frontend for printing. It supports either 
--CUPS, BSD-LPR or a file as destination, and printers are retrieved from 
--the printing system you choosed.
-+xfprint4 provides a graphical frontend for printing. It supports CUPS, 
-+BSD-LPR or a file as the destination, and printers are retrieved from
-+the chosen printing system.
--Just configure your printer with the xfprint-manager application, then 
--use drag and drop to xfprint4 icon on the panel (or the 'xfprint4 file' 
--command) to print.
-+Just configure your printer with the xfprint-manager application, then
-+use drag and drop to the xfprint4 icon on the panel (or the 'xfprint4
-+file' command) to print.
- %
- Select the "Always on top" option in the Xfce Panel settings dialog if 
- your want the panel to always stay above all other windows, and keep its

Added: desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian/patches/07_parallel-startup.patch
--- desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian/patches/07_parallel-startup.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian/patches/07_parallel-startup.patch	2008-09-19 07:15:13 UTC (rev 2309)
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+diff --git a/xfce4-session/xfsm-manager.c b/xfce4-session/xfsm-manager.c
+index c404506..f0827c4 100644
+--- a/xfce4-session/xfsm-manager.c
++++ b/xfce4-session/xfsm-manager.c
+@@ -71,12 +71,10 @@
+    Prototypes
+  */
+ static gboolean   xfsm_manager_startup (void);
+-static void       xfsm_manager_handle_failed (void);
+-static gboolean   xfsm_manager_startup_timedout (gpointer user_data);
+ static void       xfsm_manager_load_settings (XfceRc *rc);
+ static gboolean   xfsm_manager_load_session (void);
+ static GdkPixbuf *xfsm_manager_load_session_preview (const gchar *name);
++static void       xfsm_manager_startup_done (void);
+ /*
+    Static data
+@@ -84,7 +82,6 @@ static GdkPixbuf *xfsm_manager_load_session_preview (const gchar *name);
+ static XfsmManagerState state = XFSM_MANAGER_STARTUP;
+ static gboolean         session_chooser = FALSE;
+ static guint            die_timeout_id = 0;
+-static guint            startup_timeout_id = 0;
+ static gboolean
+@@ -93,7 +90,7 @@ xfsm_manager_startup (void)
+   xfsm_startup_foreign ();
+   pending_properties = g_list_sort (pending_properties,
+                                     (GCompareFunc) xfsm_properties_compare);
+-  xfsm_manager_startup_continue (NULL);
++  xfsm_manager_begin_startup ();
+   return FALSE;
+ }
+@@ -127,36 +124,40 @@ xfsm_manager_restore_active_workspace (XfceRc *rc)
+ }
+-static void
+-xfsm_manager_handle_failed (void)
++xfsm_manager_handle_failed_client (XfsmProperties *properties)
+ {
+-  /* Handle apps that failed to start here */
+-  XfsmProperties *properties;
+-  GList          *lp;
++  GList *lp;
+-  for (lp = starting_properties; lp != NULL; lp = lp->next)
++  if ((lp = g_list_find (starting_properties, properties)) == NULL)
+     {
+-      properties = XFSM_PROPERTIES (lp->data);
+-      if (properties->discard_command != NULL)
+-        {
+-          xfsm_verbose ("Client Id = %s failed to start, running discard "
+-                        "command now.\n\n", properties->client_id);
+-          g_spawn_sync (properties->current_directory,
+-                        properties->discard_command,
+-                        properties->environment,
+-                        G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH,
+-                        NULL, NULL,
+-                        NULL, NULL,
+-                        NULL, NULL);
+-        }
++      xfsm_verbose("Client Id = %s failed to start, but not found in "
++                   "startup properties list.\n\n", properties->client_id);
++      return;
++    }
+-      xfsm_properties_free (properties);
++  if (properties->discard_command != NULL)
++    {
++      xfsm_verbose ("Client Id = %s failed to start, running discard "
++                    "command now.\n\n", properties->client_id);
++      g_spawn_sync (properties->current_directory,
++                    properties->discard_command,
++                    properties->environment,
++                    G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH,
++                    NULL, NULL,
++                    NULL, NULL,
++                    NULL, NULL);
+     }
+-  g_list_free (starting_properties);
+-  starting_properties = NULL;
++    xfsm_properties_free (properties);
++    starting_properties = g_list_delete_link (starting_properties, lp);
++    if (starting_properties == NULL && state == XFSM_MANAGER_STARTUP)
++      {
++        xfsm_manager_startup_done ();
++      }
+ }
+@@ -437,71 +438,38 @@ xfsm_manager_restart (void)
+ void
+-xfsm_manager_startup_continue (const gchar *previous_id)
++xfsm_manager_begin_startup (void)
+ {
+-  gboolean startup_done = FALSE;
+-  gchar buffer[1024];
+-  XfceRc *rc;
+-  xfsm_verbose ("Manager startup continues [Previous Id = %s]\n\n",
+-                previous_id != NULL ? previous_id : "None");
++  xfsm_startup_begin ();
+-  if (startup_timeout_id != 0)
+-    {
+-      g_source_remove (startup_timeout_id);
+-      startup_timeout_id = 0;
+-      /* work around broken clients */
+-      if (state != XFSM_MANAGER_STARTUP)
+-        return;
+-    }
++static void
++xfsm_manager_startup_done (void)
++  gchar buffer[1024];
++  XfceRc *rc;
+-  startup_done = xfsm_startup_continue (previous_id);
++  xfsm_verbose ("Manager finished startup, entering IDLE mode now\n\n");
++  state = XFSM_MANAGER_IDLE;
+-  if (startup_done)
++  if (!failsafe_mode)
+     {
+-      xfsm_verbose ("Manager finished startup, entering IDLE mode now\n\n");
+-      state = XFSM_MANAGER_IDLE;
+-      if (!failsafe_mode)
+-        {
+-          /* handle apps that failed to start */
+-          xfsm_manager_handle_failed ();
+-          /* restore active workspace, this has to be done after the
+-           * window manager is up, so we do it last.
+-           */
+-          g_snprintf (buffer, 1024, "Session: %s", session_name);
+-          rc = xfce_rc_simple_open (session_file, TRUE);
+-          xfce_rc_set_group (rc, buffer);
+-          xfsm_manager_restore_active_workspace (rc);
+-          xfce_rc_close (rc);
++      /* restore active workspace, this has to be done after the
++       * window manager is up, so we do it last.
++       */
++      g_snprintf (buffer, 1024, "Session: %s", session_name);
++      rc = xfce_rc_simple_open (session_file, TRUE);
++      xfce_rc_set_group (rc, buffer);
++      xfsm_manager_restore_active_workspace (rc);
++      xfce_rc_close (rc);
+-          /* start legacy applications now */
+-          xfsm_legacy_startup ();
+-        }
+-    }
+-  else
+-    {
+-      startup_timeout_id = g_timeout_add (STARTUP_TIMEOUT,
+-                                          xfsm_manager_startup_timedout,
+-                                          NULL);
++      /* start legacy applications now */
++      xfsm_legacy_startup ();
+     }
+ }
+-static gboolean
+-xfsm_manager_startup_timedout (gpointer user_data)
+-  xfsm_verbose ("Manager startup timed out\n\n");
+-  startup_timeout_id = 0; /* will be removed automagically once we return */
+-  xfsm_manager_startup_continue (NULL);
+-  return FALSE;
+ gchar*
+ xfsm_manager_generate_client_id (SmsConn sms_conn)
+ {
+@@ -600,6 +568,12 @@ xfsm_manager_register_client (XfsmClient  *client,
+       if (properties == NULL)
+         return FALSE;
++      if (properties->startup_timeout_id)
++        {
++          g_source_remove (properties->startup_timeout_id);
++          properties->startup_timeout_id = 0;
++        }
+       xfsm_client_set_initial_properties (client, properties);
+     }
+   else
+@@ -626,6 +600,7 @@ xfsm_manager_register_client (XfsmClient  *client,
+   if ((failsafe_mode || previous_id != NULL) && state == XFSM_MANAGER_STARTUP)
+     {
++#if 0
+       /* Only continue the startup if we are either in Failsafe mode (which
+        * means that we don't have any previous_id at all) or the previous_id
+        * matched one of the starting_properties. If there was no match
+@@ -633,6 +608,12 @@ xfsm_manager_register_client (XfsmClient  *client,
+        * See http://bugs.xfce.org/view_bug_page.php?f_id=212 for details.
+        */
+       xfsm_manager_startup_continue (previous_id);
++      if (starting_properties == NULL)
++        {
++          xfsm_manager_startup_done ();
++        }
+     }
+   return TRUE;
+diff --git a/xfce4-session/xfsm-manager.h b/xfce4-session/xfsm-manager.h
+index c005a3b..b0ffc7a 100644
+--- a/xfce4-session/xfsm-manager.h
++++ b/xfce4-session/xfsm-manager.h
+@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ void xfsm_manager_init (XfceRc *rc);
+ gboolean xfsm_manager_restart (void);
+-void xfsm_manager_startup_continue (const gchar *previous_id);
++void xfsm_manager_begin_startup (void);
++void xfsm_manager_handle_failed_client (XfsmProperties *properties);
+ gchar* xfsm_manager_generate_client_id (SmsConn sms_conn) G_GNUC_PURE;
+diff --git a/xfce4-session/xfsm-properties.h b/xfce4-session/xfsm-properties.h
+index 62c6e5f..9be0a1c 100644
+--- a/xfce4-session/xfsm-properties.h
++++ b/xfce4-session/xfsm-properties.h
+@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ struct _XfsmProperties
+   gchar **restart_command;
+   gint    restart_style_hint;
+   gchar  *user_id;
++  guint startup_timeout_id;
+ };
+diff --git a/xfce4-session/xfsm-startup.c b/xfce4-session/xfsm-startup.c
+index a9eb278..2e3f975 100644
+--- a/xfce4-session/xfsm-startup.c
++++ b/xfce4-session/xfsm-startup.c
+@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
+ /*
+    Prototypes
+  */
+-static gboolean xfsm_startup_continue_failsafe    (void);
+-static gboolean xfsm_startup_continue_session     (const gchar *previous_id);
++static void     xfsm_startup_begin_failsafe       (void);
++static void     xfsm_startup_begin_session        (void);
+ static void     xfsm_startup_child_watch          (GPid         pid,
+                                                    gint         status,
+                                                    gpointer     user_data);
+@@ -417,6 +417,13 @@ xfsm_startup_autostart (void)
+ }
++static gboolean
++xfsm_startup_autostart_idled (gpointer data)
++  xfsm_startup_autostart ();
++  return FALSE;
+ void
+ xfsm_startup_foreign (void)
+@@ -429,126 +436,146 @@ xfsm_startup_foreign (void)
+ }
+-/* Returns TRUE if done, else FALSE */
+-xfsm_startup_continue (const gchar *previous_id)
++xfsm_startup_begin (void)
+ {
+-  gboolean startup_done = FALSE;
+   if (failsafe_mode)
+-    startup_done = xfsm_startup_continue_failsafe ();
++    xfsm_startup_begin_failsafe ();
+   else
+-    startup_done = xfsm_startup_continue_session (previous_id);
++    xfsm_startup_begin_session ();
+-  /* perform Autostart */
+-  if (startup_done)
+-    xfsm_startup_autostart ();
+-  return startup_done;
++  /* FIXME: not sure if i want to do it this way */
++  g_idle_add (xfsm_startup_autostart_idled, NULL);
+ }
+ static gboolean
+-xfsm_startup_continue_failsafe (void)
+-  FailsafeClient *fclient;
+-  fclient = (FailsafeClient *) g_list_nth_data (failsafe_clients, 0);
+-  if (fclient != NULL)
++xfsm_start_failsafe_client_idled (gpointer data)
++  FailsafeClient *fclient = data;
++  /* FIXME: SPLASH */
++  /* let the user know whats going on */
++  if (G_LIKELY (splash_screen != NULL))
+     {
+-      /* let the user know whats going on */
+-      if (G_LIKELY (splash_screen != NULL))
+-        {
+-          xfsm_splash_screen_next (splash_screen,
+-                                   figure_app_name (fclient->command[0]));
+-        }
++      xfsm_splash_screen_next (splash_screen,
++                               figure_app_name (fclient->command[0]));
++    }
++  /* start the application */
++  xfsm_start_application (fclient->command, NULL, fclient->screen,
++                          NULL, NULL, NULL);
++  g_strfreev (fclient->command);
++  g_free (fclient);
++  return FALSE;
+-      /* start the application */
+-      xfsm_start_application (fclient->command, NULL, fclient->screen,
+-                              NULL, NULL, NULL);
+-      failsafe_clients = g_list_remove (failsafe_clients, fclient);
+-      g_strfreev (fclient->command);
+-      g_free (fclient);
+-      /* there are more to come */
+-      return FALSE;
++static void
++xfsm_startup_begin_failsafe (void)
++  GList *lp;
++  for(lp = g_list_first (failsafe_clients); lp; lp = g_list_next (lp))
++    {
++      g_idle_add (xfsm_start_failsafe_client_idled, lp->data);
+     }
+-  return TRUE;
++  g_list_free (failsafe_clients);
++  failsafe_clients = NULL;
+ }
+ static gboolean
+-xfsm_startup_continue_session (const gchar *previous_id)
++xfsm_startup_client_timedout (gpointer data)
+ {
+-  XfsmProperties *properties;
++  XfsmProperties *properties = XFSM_PROPERTIES (data);
++  properties->startup_timeout_id = 0;
++  xfsm_manager_handle_failed_client (properties);
++  return FALSE;
++static gboolean
++xfsm_start_client_idled (gpointer data)
++  XfsmProperties *properties = XFSM_PROPERTIES (data);
+   gchar         **argv;
+   gint            argc;
+   GPid            pid;
+   gint            n;
+-  properties = (XfsmProperties *) g_list_nth_data (pending_properties, 0);
+-  if (properties != NULL)
+-    {
+-      if (G_LIKELY (splash_screen != NULL))
+-        {
+-          xfsm_splash_screen_next (splash_screen,
+-                                   figure_app_name (properties->program));
+-        }
+-      /* drop the properties from the pending list */
+-      pending_properties = g_list_remove (pending_properties, properties);
++  /* FIXME: SPLASH */
++  if (G_LIKELY (splash_screen != NULL))
++    {
++      xfsm_splash_screen_next (splash_screen,
++                               figure_app_name (properties->program));
++    }
+-      /* generate the argument vector for the application (expanding variables) */
+-      argc = g_strv_length (properties->restart_command);
+-      argv = g_new (gchar *, argc + 1);
+-      for (n = 0; n < argc; ++n)
+-        argv[n] = xfce_expand_variables (properties->restart_command[n], NULL);
+-      argv[n] = NULL;
++  /* generate the argument vector for the application (expanding variables) */
++  argc = g_strv_length (properties->restart_command);
++  argv = g_new (gchar *, argc + 1);
++  for (n = 0; n < argc; ++n)
++    argv[n] = xfce_expand_variables (properties->restart_command[n], NULL);
++  argv[n] = NULL;
+-      /* fork a new process for the application */
++  /* fork a new process for the application */
+ #ifdef HAVE_VFORK
+-      pid = vfork ();
++  pid = vfork ();
+ #else
+-      pid = fork ();
++  pid = fork ();
+ #endif
+-      /* handle the child process */
+-      if (pid == 0)
+-        {
+-          /* execute the application here */
+-          execvp (argv[0], argv);
+-          _exit (127);
+-        }
++  /* handle the child process */
++  if (pid == 0)
++    {
++      /* execute the application here */
++      execvp (argv[0], argv);
++      _exit (127);
++    }
+-      /* check if we failed to fork */
+-      if (G_UNLIKELY (pid < 0))
+-        {
+-          /* tell the user that we failed to fork */
+-          perror ("Failed to fork new process");
+-        }
+-      else
+-        {
+-          /* watch the child process */
+-          g_child_watch_add_full (G_PRIORITY_LOW, pid, xfsm_startup_child_watch, g_strdup (properties->client_id), xfsm_startup_child_watch_destroy);
+-        }
++  /* check if we failed to fork */
++  if (G_UNLIKELY (pid < 0))
++    {
++      /* tell the user that we failed to fork */
++      perror ("Failed to fork new process");
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      /* watch the child process */
++      g_child_watch_add_full (G_PRIORITY_LOW, pid, xfsm_startup_child_watch, g_strdup (properties->client_id), xfsm_startup_child_watch_destroy);
++    }
+-      /* cleanup */
+-      g_strfreev (argv);
++  /* cleanup */
++  g_strfreev (argv);
++  /* move the properties to the list of starting applications */
++  starting_properties = g_list_append (starting_properties, properties);
+-      /* move the properties to the list of starting applications */
+-      starting_properties = g_list_append (starting_properties, properties);
++  /* set a timeout; client must register with SM before time runs out */
++  properties->startup_timeout_id = g_timeout_add (STARTUP_TIMEOUT,
++                                                  xfsm_startup_client_timedout,
++                                                  properties);
+-      /* try with the next pending if fork() failed */
+-      if (G_UNLIKELY (pid < 0))
+-        goto again;
++  return FALSE;
+-      /* more to come... */
+-      return FALSE;
++static void
++xfsm_startup_begin_session (void)
++  GList *lp;
++  for(lp = g_list_first (pending_properties); lp; lp = g_list_next (lp))
++    {
++      g_idle_add (xfsm_start_client_idled, lp->data);
+     }
+-  return TRUE;
++  g_list_free (pending_properties);
++  pending_properties = NULL;
+ }
+@@ -569,7 +596,13 @@ xfsm_startup_child_watch (GPid     pid,
+       if (strcmp (properties->client_id, client_id) == 0)
+         {
+           /* continue startup, this client failed most probably */
+-          xfsm_manager_startup_continue (NULL);
++          xfsm_verbose ("Client with id %s appears to have failed", client_id);
++          if (properties->startup_timeout_id)
++            {
++              g_source_remove (properties->startup_timeout_id);
++              properties->startup_timeout_id = 0;
++            }
++          xfsm_manager_handle_failed_client (properties);
+           break;
+         }
+     }
+diff --git a/xfce4-session/xfsm-startup.h b/xfce4-session/xfsm-startup.h
+index 1640239..0315ba8 100644
+--- a/xfce4-session/xfsm-startup.h
++++ b/xfce4-session/xfsm-startup.h
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
+ void xfsm_startup_init (XfceRc *rc);
+ void xfsm_startup_foreign (void);
+-gboolean xfsm_startup_continue (const gchar *previous_id);
++void xfsm_startup_begin (void);
+ #endif /* !__XFSM_STARTUP_H__ */

Modified: desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian/patches/series
--- desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian/patches/series	2008-09-17 06:26:38 UTC (rev 2308)
+++ desktop/branches/svn-snapshots/xfce4-session/debian/patches/series	2008-09-19 07:15:13 UTC (rev 2309)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

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