[Pkg-xfce-devel] [LightDM] Linux container for X sessions

Simon Désaulniers sim.desaulniers at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 21:08:24 UTC 2017


> What do you mean “inside lightdm”?

I mean after lightdm has spawned my window manager in the X server. That's what
I mean by "inside lightdm". I'm sorry for my initial expression which was

> LightDM doesn't know anything about containers.

Then, how do you explain what I asked you about intially, i.e. why doesn't
`pgrep awesome` show the running window manager process ID ? I'm literally using
it, so the process must be running, but it doesn't appear from `pgrep`'s output.
I did try `pgrep` as root also and the process didn't appear.

> Your .bashrc file is only for bash, not for anything else. If you want to set
> custom environment variable for your X session, use .xsessionrc.

The fact of the matter is that when awesome does spawn, it should spawn in an
environment in such a way that subshells spawned by awesome inherit from my
bash configs. In fact, this is exactly one of awesome's feature [1]. However, as
I told you before, when I do call

    awful.spawn.with_shell("printenv >/tmp/myenv")

the resulting file `/tmp/myenv` shows that the environment is not inherited from
my bash configs.

HOWEVER, when I do spawn awesome manually myself from a TTY shell:

    X &
    env DISPLAY=:0.0 awesome

And try the same thing inside awesome, i.e. I call

    awful.spawn.with_shell("printenv >/tmp/myenv")

I can confirm that awesome's subshells spawn with an environment inherited from
my bashrc configs. So what's going on? What is it that LightDM does that
prevents this from working as it does when I spawn awesome by hand?

Therefore, the combination of the fact that I cannot see the PID of the running
awesome process and that environment variables are not inherited in subshells
spawned by awesome, this leads to the idea that the window manager may have been
contained at some layers. I do understand what you said: "LightDM doesn't know
anything about containers". However, how do you explain my issue?


[1]: https://awesomewm.org/apidoc/libraries/awful.spawn.html#with_shell

On Thu, Feb 09, 2017 at 06:08:39PM +0100, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> On Mon, 2017-02-06 at 22:48 -0500, Simon Désaulniers wrote:
> > When awesome is launched by lightdm and that I run the command "pgrep awesome"
> > inside lightdm, "awesome" doesn't show up as a running process.
> What do you mean “inside lightdm”?
> >  As if LightDM
> > was running awesome inside a separate container I cannot reach.
> LightDM doesn't know anything about containers.
> >  This is a bit
> > tiring because, it has the effect that awesome is not aware of my shell
> > environment configs when I ask him to run some commands for me. For instance,
> > when I ask awesome to run
> > 
> >     printenv >/tmp/myenv
> > 
> > I can see that the username is set right, but my custom PATH is not set as per
> > my .bashrc file.
> Your .bashrc file is only for bash, not for anything else. If you want to set
> custom environment variable for your X session, use .xsessionrc.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Yves-Alexis

Simon Désaulniers
sim.desaulniers at gmail.com
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