r400 - in zope-rdfgrabber/trunk: . debian

Jonas Meurer mejo at alioth.debian.org
Wed Nov 1 22:20:19 CET 2006

Author: mejo
Date: 2006-11-01 22:20:19 +0100 (Wed, 01 Nov 2006)
New Revision: 400

clean up trunk

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/DumbDown.py
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/DumbDown.py	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/DumbDown.py	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-def calculateDumbDown(self, property, node):
-    rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
-    rdfs="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-schema-ns#"
-    dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
-    dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"
-    dcq=dct	#	old: "http://purl.org/dc/qualifiers/1.0/"
-    # care about cycles:
-    if visitedHash==None:
-        visitedHash={}
-	#
-    if node.is_literal():
-        return node
-    else:
-        if property == (dc + "identifier")\
-           or property == (dc + "reference")\
-           or property == (dc + "source"):
-            # preferably calculate a URI
-            # Bag or Seq ?:
-            if isinstance(node, rdf + "Bag") or 
-               isinstance(node, rdf + "Seq"):
-                return self.processBag_Seq(property,node,visitedHash)
-            # Alt ?
-            if isinstance(node, rdf+"Alt"):
-                return self._processAlt(property,node,visitedHash)
-            # URI ? 
-            if(node.getLabel != ""):
-                return (node.getLabel)
-            # rdfs:label ?
-            label=node.getChildsByProperty(rdfs+"label")
-            if label:
-                return map _.getLabel label
-            # has rdf:value?
-            rdfvalue=node.getChildsByProperty(rdf+"value")
-            if rdfvalue:
-                return self._process_rdf_value(property,visitedHash,rdfvalue)
-            # else: do nothing!
-            return None
-        else: 
-            # rdfs:label ?
-            label=node.getChildsByProperty(rdfs+"label")
-            if label:
-                return map _.getLabel label
-            # has rdf:value?
-            rdfvalue=node.getChildsByProperty(rdf+"value")
-            if rdfvalue:
-                return self._process_rdf_value(property,visitedHash,rdfvalue)
-            # Bag or Seq ?:
-            if isinstance(node, rdf+"Bag") or\
-               isinstance(node, rdf+"Seq"):
-                return self._processBag_Seq(property,node,visitedHash)
-            # Alt ?
-            if isinstance(node, rdf+"Alt"):
-                return self._processAlt(property,node,visitedHash)
-            # has dc:title?
-            title=node.getChildsByProperty(dc+"title")
-            if title:
-                return self._process_rdf_value(property,visitedHash,title)
-            # URI ? 
-            if(node.getLabel != ""):
-                return (node.getLabel)
-            # else: do nothing!
-            return None
-def _processBag_Seq (self,property,node,visitedHash):
-    elements=node.rdfPath('element()')
-    res=""
-    for each elem(elements):
-        res += (elem.getLabel + ";")
-        if isinstance(elem, 'Literal')
-        if isinstance(elem, 'Resource'):
-            res=res.join(' ',self._calculateDumbDown(property,elem,visitedHash))		
-    res=~s/\\s//
-    return (res)
-def _processAlt (self,property,node,visitedHash):
-    elements = node.rdfPath('element()')
-    erg = None
-    for each elem(elements):
-        push erg,elem.getLabel
-        if isinstance(elem, 'Literal')
-        if isinstance(elem, 'Resource'):
-            push erg,self._calculateDumbDown(property,elem,visitedHash)		
-    return erg	
-def _process_rdf_value (self,property,visitedHash,rdfvalue):
-    erg = None
-    for each elem(rdfvalue):
-        push erg,elem.getLabel
-        if isinstance(elem, 'Literal')
-        if isinstance(elem, 'Resource'):
-            push erg,self._calculateDumbDown(property,elem,visitedHash)
-    return erg

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/RDFGrabber.py
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/RDFGrabber.py	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/RDFGrabber.py	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
-# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-# rights and limitations under the License.
-# The Original Code is RDFGrabber version 1.0.
-# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is European Environment
-# Agency (EEA).  Portions created by EEA are
-# Copyright (C) European Environment Agency.  All
-# Rights Reserved.
-# Contributor(s):
-# Soren Roug, EEA
-# Tomas Hjelmberg, CMG
-# Here we put the Zope class stuff
-# Zope imports
-from DateTime import *
-import Globals
-from Globals import Persistent, Acquisition
-import OFS
-import AccessControl
-import binascii,md5
-import rdfparser, objects
-import pickle, types, os, string, re
-from os.path import join, isfile
-_repos = join(CLIENT_HOME, 'RDFGrabber')
-fixslash = string.maketrans('/','-')
-class SPO:
-    # Allow (reluctantly) access to unprotected attributes
-    __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__=1
-    def __init__(self, subject,predicate,object):
-        self._subject = subject
-        self._predicate = predicate
-        self._object = object
-    def strsubject(self):
-	return str(self._subject)
-    def strpredicate(self):
-	return str(self._predicate)
-    def strobject(self):
-	return str(self._object)
-    def subject(self):
-	return self._subject
-    def predicate(self):
-	return self._predicate
-    def object(self):
-	return self._object
-class RDFGrabber (
-    Acquisition.Implicit,
-    Persistent,
-    AccessControl.Role.RoleManager,
-    OFS.SimpleItem.Item):
-    "Retrieve RDF from other websites."
-    __ac_permissions__=(
-	('View management screens', ('manage_main',)),
-	('View', ('', 'index_html', 'update','dumbdown',
-	  'query', 'query_html', 'show_source','label_of',
-	  'rdfsources',
-	  )),
-	('Change RDFGrabbers', ('manage_edit',), ('Manager',)),
-	)
-    manage_options=(
-	{'label':'Properties', 'action':'manage_main'},
-        {'label':'Query', 'action':'query_html'},
-	{'label':'Triples', 'action':'triples_html'},
-	{'label':'Update', 'action':'update'},
-	{'label':'Source', 'action':'show_source'},
-	) + OFS.SimpleItem.SimpleItem.manage_options
-    meta_type = 'RDF Grabber'
-    triples_html = Globals.DTMLFile("htmlview", globals())
-    show_source = Globals.DTMLFile("source", globals())
-    manage_main = Globals.DTMLFile("edit_prop", globals())
-    query_html = Globals.DTMLFile("results", globals())
-    index_html = Globals.DTMLFile("index_html", globals())
-    def rdfsources(self,key):
-	"Returns a dictionary of sources where the key is the url"
-        return self._v_rdfsources[key]
-    def lastupdated(self):
-	return self._v_updatedate
-    def triples(self):
-        return self._v_triples
-    def subjects(self):
-        return self._v_subjects
-    def predicates(self):
-        return self._v_predicates
-    def objects(self):
-        return self._v_objects
-    def filename(self):
-	return self._filename
-    def lookup_subject(self,subject):
-	if not self._v_subjects.has_key(str(subject)):
-	    return []
-        return self._v_subjects[str(subject)]
-    def lookup_predicate(self,predicate):
-	if not self._v_predicates.has_key(str(predicate)):
-	    return []
-        return self._v_predicates[str(predicate)]
-    def lookup_object(self,object):
-	if not self._v_objects.has_key(str(object)):
-	    return []
-        return self._v_objects[str(object)]
-    def query(self,subject=None,predicate=None,object=None,onehit=None):
-	"Search triples that match the query"
-	res = []
-	try:
-	    if subject:
-		    tmp =  self._v_subjects[str(subject)]
-		    subject=None
-	    elif predicate:
-		tmp =  self._v_predicates[str(predicate)]
-		predicate=None
-	    elif object:
-		tmp =  self._v_objects[str(object)]
-		object=None
-	    else:
-		if onehit:
-		    return self._v_triples[0]
-		else:
-		    return self._v_triples
-	except:
-	    tmp = []
-	for x in tmp:
-	    c = x
-	    if subject and str(subject) != str(x.subject()):
-		c = None
-	    if c and predicate and str(predicate) != str(c.predicate()):
-		c = None
-	    if c and object and str(object) != str(c.object()):
-		c = None
-	    if c:
-		res.append(c)
-#	if self._v_subjects.has_key(str(subject)):
-#	    for x in self._v_subjects[str(subject)]:
-#		if str(x.predicate()) == str(predicate):
-#		    res.append(x)
-	if onehit:
-	    if len(res) > 0:
-		return res[0]
-	    else:
-		return None
-	else:
-	    return res
-    def label_of(self,predicate):
-        """Convenience to find the label for a predicate
-	   Assumes the RDF schema for that class has been loaded
-	"""
-	for item in self.lookup_subject(predicate):
-	    if item.strpredicate() == "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label":
-		return item.strobject()
-	return predicate
-    def dumbdown(self,object):
-	"""
-	This convenience method will find follow the pointers
-	(the generated identifiers) for a subject,predicate pair
-	and return a list of objects when it finds
-	an rdf:Bag or an rdf:value
-	"""
-	list = []
-	return self._dumbdown(self.lookup_object(str(object)),list)
-    def _dumbdown(self,spo,list):
-        for i in spo:
-            if i.object().is_anonymous() is None:
-                if i.strpredicate() == "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#value" \
-                or i.strpredicate()[:44] == "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_":
-                    list.append(i.strobject())
-            else:
-                self._dumbdown(self.lookup_subject(i.strobject()),list)
-        return list
-    def _loadpickles(self):
-        try:
-            f = open(self.physicalpath(self._filename), 'r')
-	    self._v_updatedate = pickle.load(f)
-            self._v_rdfsources = pickle.load(f)
-            self._v_triples = pickle.load(f)
-            self._v_subjects = pickle.load(f)
-            self._v_predicates = pickle.load(f)
-            self._v_objects = pickle.load(f)
-            f.close()
-        except IOError:
-	    self._v_updatedate = None
-            self._v_rdfsources = {}
-	    self._v_triples = []
-	    self._v_subjects = {}
-	    self._v_predicates = {}
-	    self._v_objects = {}
-    def __init__(self, id, title, rdfurls, http_proxy):
-        self.id = id
-        self.title = title
-        self.rdfurls = rdfurls
-        self.http_proxy = http_proxy
-	self._filename = ''
-        self._v_rdfsources = {}
-	self._v_updatedate = None
-	self._v_triples = []
-	self._v_subjects = {}
-	self._v_predicates = {}
-	self._v_objects = {}
-    def __setstate__(self,state):
-	Persistent.__setstate__(self,state)
-	if not hasattr(self, "_filename"): # backwards compatibility
-	    self._filename = self.id
-	if not hasattr(self, "rdfurls"): # backwards compatibility
-	    self.rdfurls = [ self.rdfurl ]
-	    delattr(self, "rdfurl")
-	self._loadpickles()
-    def _ICanAdd(self,subject, predicate, object):
-	# Assume spo is shared in all dictionaries
-	spo = SPO(subject, predicate, object)
-        self._v_triples.append(spo)
-	x = str(subject)
-	if not self._v_subjects.has_key(x):
-	    self._v_subjects[x] = []
-	self._v_subjects[x].append(spo)
-	x = str(predicate)
-	if not self._v_predicates.has_key(x):
-	    self._v_predicates[x] = []
-	self._v_predicates[x].append(spo)
-	x = str(object)
-	if not self._v_objects.has_key(x):
-	    self._v_objects[x] = []
-	self._v_objects[x].append(spo)
-    def manage_edit(self, title, rdfurls, http_proxy, REQUEST=None):
-	"Edits the grabber's characteristics"
-	self.title = title
-	self.rdfurls = rdfurls
-	self.http_proxy = http_proxy
-        return self.update(REQUEST)
-    def update(self, REQUEST=None):
-        "Call this function to get it to update its content"
-         # make the directories
-        if not os.path.isdir(_repos):
-            try:
-                os.makedirs(_repos)
-            except:
-                raise OSError, 'Can\'t create directory %s' % _repos
-	self._v_updatedate = DateTime()
-	self._v_triples = []
-	self._v_subjects = {}
-	self._v_predicates = {}
-	self._v_objects = {}
-	self._v_rdfsources = {}
-        p=rdfparser.RDFParser(self._ICanAdd, http_proxy=self.http_proxy)
-	for rdfurl in self.rdfurls:
-	    p.parse_url(rdfurl)
-            self._v_rdfsources[rdfurl] = p.rdfsource
-        fn = self.physicalpath(self._filename)
-        try:
-            os.rename(fn, fn+'.undo')
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        #write objects
-        f = open(fn, 'w')
-        pickle.dump(self._v_updatedate, f)
-        pickle.dump(self._v_rdfsources, f)
-        pickle.dump(self._v_triples, f)
-        pickle.dump(self._v_subjects, f)
-        pickle.dump(self._v_predicates, f)
-        pickle.dump(self._v_objects, f)
-        f.close()
-        if REQUEST is not None:
-	    return Globals.MessageDialog(
-		title='Updated',
-		message='Content of <strong>%s</strong> has been updated.<br>' %
-                self.id, action ='manage_main')
-    def _undo(self):
-        """ Restore filename after undo or copy-paste """
-	if self._filename == '':
-	    return
-	fn = self.physicalpath(self._filename)
-	if not isfile(fn) and isfile(fn+'.undo'):
-		os.rename(fn+'.undo', fn)
-	self._loadpickles()
-    def _copy(self, infile, outfile):
-	""" read binary data from infile and write it to outfile
-	    infile and outfile my be strings, in which case a file with that
-	    name is opened, or filehandles, in which case they are accessed
-	    directly.
-	"""
-	if type(infile) is types.StringType:
-		try:
-			instream = open(infile, 'rb')
-		except IOError:
-			self._undo()
-			try:
-				instream = open(infile, 'rb')
-			except IOError:
-				raise IOError, ("%s (%s)" %(self.id, infile))
-		close_in = 1
-	else:
-		instream = infile
-		close_in = 0
-	if type(outfile) is types.StringType:
-		try:
-			outstream = open(outfile, 'wb')
-		except IOError:
-			raise IOError, ("%s (%s)" %(self.id, outfile))
-		close_out = 1
-	else:
-		outstream = outfile
-		close_out = 0
-	try:
-		blocksize = 2<<16
-		block = instream.read(blocksize)
-		outstream.write(block)
-		while len(block)==blocksize:
-			block = instream.read(blocksize)
-			outstream.write(block)
-	except IOError:
-		raise IOError, ("%s (%s)" %(self.id, filename))
-	try: instream.seek(0)
-	except: pass
-	if close_in: instream.close()
-	if close_out: outstream.close()
-    def _get_new_ufn(self):
-	""" Create a new unique filename, drop the last newline
-	    The base64 set of characters are listed in rfc1341. Unfortunately
-	    it includes the / character, and I must deal with that in UNIX systems.
-	"""
-	return string.translate(binascii.b2a_base64(md5.new(self.absolute_url(1)).digest()),
-	  fixslash,'\r\n')
-    def physicalpath(self, filename=''):
-	""" Generate the full filename, including directories from
-	    _repos and self._filename
-	"""
-	path = _repos
-	if type(filename)==types.ListType:
-	    for item in filename:
-		path = join(path,item)
-	elif filename != '':
-	    path = join(path,filename)
-	return path
-    ################################
-    ## Special management methods  #
-    ################################
-    def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container, new_fn=None):
-        """ This method is called, whenever _setObject in ObjectManager gets
-        called. This is the case after a normal add and if the object is a
-        result of cut-paste- or rename-operation.
-        """
-	new_fn = new_fn or self._get_new_ufn()
-	if self._filename != '':
-	    old_fn = self.physicalpath(self._filename)
-	    if isfile(old_fn):
-		self._copy(old_fn, self.physicalpath(new_fn))
-	    else:
-		if isfile(old_fn+'.undo'):
-		    self._copy(old_fn+'.undo', self.physicalpath(new_fn))
-	self._filename = new_fn
-	self._loadpickles()
-        return RDFGrabber.inheritedAttribute ("manage_afterAdd") \
-               (self, item, container)
-    def manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container):
-        """ This method is called, when the object is deleted. To support
-        undo-functionality and because this happens too, when the object
-        is moved (cut-paste) or renamed, the external file is not deleted.
-        It is just renamed to filename.undo and remains in the
-        repository, until it is deleted manually.
-        """
-        fn = self.physicalpath(self._filename)
-        try:
-	    os.unlink(fn+'.undo')
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        try:
-            os.rename(fn, fn+'.undo')
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        return RDFGrabber.inheritedAttribute ("manage_beforeDelete") \
-               (self, item, container)
-    def manage_undo_transactions(self, transaction_info, REQUEST=None):
-        """ This method is called, when the user has chosen an Undo-action.
-        To support undo-functionality the external file is just renamed back from
-        filename.undo to filename.
-        """
-        fn = self.physicalpath(self._filename)
-        try:
-            os.rename(fn+'.undo', fn)
-	    self._loadpickles()
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        return RDFGrabber.inheritedAttribute ("manage_undo_transactions") \
-               (self, transaction_info, REQUEST)
-def manage_addRDFGrabber(self, id, title, rdfurls, http_proxy, REQUEST=None):
-    """Create an object and install it in its parent Folder.
-    The argument 'self' will be bound to the parent Folder.
-    """
-    grabber = RDFGrabber(id, title, rdfurls, http_proxy )
-    self._setObject(id, grabber)
-    if REQUEST is not None:
-        return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST)
-manage_addRDFGrabberForm = Globals.DTMLFile('add_grabber', globals())

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/README.txt
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/README.txt	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/README.txt	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-README for RDFGrabber
-   RDFGrabber is a product to search content from other web sites
-   provided they make it available in 
-   "RDF":http://www.w3.org/RDF/ format.
-   The benefit of doing it this way is that the data you get is not
-   encumbered with HTML, giving you more flexibility when applying your
-   own look and feel.
-How to use it
-   First you install RDFGrabber.tgz in the Products folder and restart
-   Zope. You will now be able to create objects of the type "RDF
-   Grabber". The form will ask you four questions: the id, title, URLs
-   of the RDF File/Files and an optional proxy.
-   You enter the URL that will return a correct RDF format. 
-   If your RDF file is password protected you can specify authentication 
-   parameters like this:
-   http://user:password@host.domain.com/file.rdf
-   I have created some test files on Zope.org:
-   Prefix all names with http://www.zope.org/Members/EIONET/RDFGrabber/
-   rdfexample1.rdf -- Simple example
-   rdfexample2.rdf -- The second example.
-   rdfexample2.rdf -- The third example.
-   When you have created the object, you must update or synchronize the
-   object with the content on the remote webserver. Click Update to
-   perform it. Most common mistake is bad encoding of the file in which
-   case you get a syntax error.
-   There is also an optional property for a proxy-server. You enter the
-   URL of the proxy as in http://proxy.mycompany.com:8080.
-   Let's say you have created a RDF-file called articledb. Then insert this
-   in your dtml-document to query the RDF:
-&lt;dtml-with articledb&gt;
-&lt;dtml-in "query(predicate='http://purl.org/metadata/dublin_core#Title')"&gt;
-	&lt;dtml-with sequence-item&gt;
-		&lt;dtml-var subject&gt;
-		&lt;dtml-var predicate&gt;
-		&lt;dtml-var object&gt;
-	&lt;/dtml-with&gt;
-   If you want your RDF object to import data on a regular basis, you
-   can write a program which updates the channel by doing a GET on the update
-   method as in lynx -source http://www.mysite.com/slashdot/update &gt;/dev/null
-How it works
-   An RDF-file consists of an triple (Subject, Predicate, Object). 
-   They are implemented as Python tuples.
-   A Python dictionary is also known as an associative array. It is kind
-   of like a sack, where you can put all your goodies tagged with a
-   keyword you can use to get them back.
-   RDFGrabber parses the RDF-file, and for each tag inside the four
-   main parts, it stores them under a keyword. Since there is only a few
-   mandatory tags, you must typically first check if the dictionary
-   contains the item before you can use it.
-   RDFGrabber supports the core RDF, and modules, for example:
-   syndication and Dublin Core. How it supports them is very simple. It
-   simply maps the namespaces to easily usable keywords. The Dublin Core
-   has one tag for dates, but RDFGrabber doesnt try to understand the
-   date. It just treats it as a string.
-  The RDF-file can be queried on its Predicates. The query-tab shows an
-  example of this as a combo-box presenting the parsed predicates. 
-  The user has also the possibility to fill in an arbitary expression-value.
-  the API 
-  The RDF-source is not stored in the ZODB because the object is likely to
-  be updated often, which means that the ZODB would grow a lot.
-  Therefore it is instead represented as volatile and dumped to the filesystem 
-  using the Python "pickle" command.
-Restrictions & peculiarities
-   Encoding -- The encoding from the xml processing instruction is saved and
-   added to the rdf dictionary.
-   HTML -- HTML (or XHTML) is not allowed inside an RDF file. This may
-   come as surprise to some, but this would circumvent what RDF is
-   trying to achieve.
-   Entities -- All known and unknown entities are supported.
-   The parser is inspired from the
-   <a href ="http://sourceforge.net/projects/redfoot">redfoot project</a>.

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/__init__.py
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/__init__.py	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/__init__.py	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-# rights and limitations under the License.
-# The Original Code is RDFGrabber version 1.0.
-# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is European Environment
-# Agency (EEA).  Portions created by EEA are
-# Copyright (C) European Environment Agency.  All
-# Rights Reserved.
-# Contributor(s):
-# Soren Roug, EEA
-# Tomas Hjelmberg, CMG
-import RDFGrabber
-def initialize(context):
-    """Initialize the RDFGrabber product.
-    """
-    context.registerClass(
-        RDFGrabber.RDFGrabber,
-        constructors = (RDFGrabber.manage_addRDFGrabberForm,
-                        RDFGrabber.manage_addRDFGrabber),
-        icon = 'rdf.gif')

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/add_grabber.dtml
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/add_grabber.dtml	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/add_grabber.dtml	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-<dtml-var manage_page_header>
-<dtml-var "manage_form_title(this(), _,
-           form_title='Add RDF Grabber')">
-    <form action="manage_addRDFGrabber" method="POST">
-      <table cellspacing="2">
-    <tr>
-      <th align="LEFT" valign="TOP">Id</th>
-      <td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
-	    <input type="TEXT" name="id" size="25">
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <th align="LEFT" valign="TOP"><em>Title</em></th>
-      <td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
-	    <input type="TEXT" name="title" size="50">
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <th align="LEFT" valign="TOP">URLs of RDF files</th>
-      <td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
-	  <textarea name="rdfurls:lines" rows="5" cols="50"></textarea>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <th align="LEFT" valign="TOP">Optional Proxy Server</th>
-      <td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
-	    <input type="TEXT" name="http_proxy" size="50">
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td></td>
-      <td><br><input type="SUBMIT" value="Add"></td>
-    </tr>
-    </table>
-    </form>
-<dtml-var manage_page_footer>

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/const.py
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/const.py	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/const.py	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-# rights and limitations under the License.
-# The Original Code is RDFGrabber version 1.0.
-# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is European Environment
-# Agency (EEA).  Portions created by EEA are
-# Copyright (C) European Environment Agency.  All
-# Rights Reserved.
-# Contributor(s):
-# Soren Roug, EEA
-from objects import resource
-# Useful RDF constants
-RDFNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
-TYPE = resource(RDFNS + "type")
-PROPERTY = resource(RDFNS + "Property")
-STATEMENT = resource(RDFNS + "Statement")
-SUBJECT = resource(RDFNS + "subject")
-PREDICATE = resource(RDFNS + "predicate")
-OBJECT = resource(RDFNS + "object")
-RDFSNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"
-CLASS = resource(RDFSNS + "Class")
-RESOURCE = resource(RDFSNS + "Resource")
-SUBCLASSOF = resource(RDFSNS + "subClassOf")
-LABEL = resource(RDFSNS + "label")
-COMMENT = resource(RDFSNS + "comment")
-RANGE = resource(RDFSNS + "range")
-DOMAIN = resource(RDFSNS + "domain")
-LITERAL = resource(RDFSNS + "Literal")
-CONTAINER = resource(RDFSNS + "Container")

Modified: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/debian/changelog
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+zope-rdfgrabber (0.4-8) unstable; urgency=low
+  * bump standards-version to 3.7.2
+  * bump debhelper compat and depends to 5
+  * move debhelper to Build-Depends
+ -- Jonas Meurer <mejo at debian.org>  Wed,  1 Nov 2006 22:17:57 +0100
 zope-rdfgrabber (0.4-7) unstable; urgency=low
   * fix dzproduct file (closes: #344319)

Modified: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/debian/compat
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/debian/compat	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/debian/compat	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1 +1 @@

Modified: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/debian/control
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/debian/control	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/debian/control	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
 Priority: extra
 Maintainer: Debian Zope team <pkg-zope-developers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Jonas Meurer <mejo at debian.org>
-Standards-Version: 3.6.2
-Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), zope-debhelper
+Standards-Version: 3.7.2
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5.0.0)
+Build-Depends-Indep: zope-debhelper
 Package: zope-rdfgrabber
 Architecture: all

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/edit_prop.dtml
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/edit_prop.dtml	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/edit_prop.dtml	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<dtml-var manage_page_header>
-<dtml-var manage_tabs>
-    <h2>Edit RDF Grabber</h2>
-    <form action="manage_edit" method="POST">
-      <table cellspacing="2">
-    <tr>
-      <th align="LEFT" valign="TOP">Id</th>
-      <td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
-	    &dtml-id;
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <th align="LEFT" valign="TOP">Filename</th>
-      <td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
-	    &dtml-filename;
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <th align="LEFT" valign="TOP"><em>Title</em></th>
-      <td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
-	    <input type="TEXT" name="title" size="50"
-	      value="&dtml-title;">
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <th align="LEFT" valign="TOP">RDFGrabber URLs</th>
-      <td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
-	    <textarea name="rdfurls:lines" cols="50"
-	    rows="5"><dtml-var "_.string.join(rdfurls,'\n')" html_quote></textarea>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <th align="LEFT" valign="TOP">Proxy Server</th>
-      <td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
-	    <input type="TEXT" name="http_proxy" size="50"
-	      value="<dtml-var http_proxy html_quote>">
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <th align="LEFT" valign="TOP">Last Update</th>
-      <td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
-	     <dtml-var lastupdated> 
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td></td>
-      <td><br><input type="SUBMIT" value="Change"></td>
-    </tr>
-    </table>
-    </form>
-<dtml-var manage_page_footer>

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/htmlview.dtml
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/htmlview.dtml	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/htmlview.dtml	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-<dtml-call "RESPONSE.setHeader('content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')">
-<dtml-var manage_page_header>
-<dtml-with "_(management_view='Triples')">
-<dtml-var manage_tabs>
-<h2>Parsed Content</h2>
-<table bgcolor="#f0f0f0" border=1 width="100%">
-  <caption>Properties</caption>
-  <tr>
-    <th>Id</th>
-    <td>&dtml-id;</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <th>Title</th>
-    <td>&dtml-title;</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <th>URLs</th>
-    <td><dtml-var "_.string.join(rdfurls,'\n')" html_quote newline_to_br></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <th>Last edited</th>
-    <td><dtml-var bobobase_modification_time></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <th>Last updated</th>
-    <td><dtml-var lastupdated></td>
-  </tr>
-<table bgcolor="#f0f0f0" border=1 width="100%">
-    <caption>Triples of the Data Model</caption>
-    <tr>	
-	<th>Number</th>
-     	<th>Subject</th>
-	<th>Predicate</th>
-	<th>Object</th>
-    </tr>
-    <dtml-in triples>
-	<dtml-with sequence-item>
-	    <tr>
-		<td><dtml-var sequence-index></td>
-		<td><a href="query_html?subject=<dtml-var subject url_quote>"><dtml-var subject></a></td>
-		<td><a href="query_html?predicate=<dtml-var predicate url_quote>"><dtml-var predicate></a></td>
-		<dtml-try>
-		<dtml-if "object().is_anonymous()">
-		    <td><a href="query_html?subject=<dtml-var object
-		    url_quote>"><dtml-var object></a></td>
-		<dtml-else>
-		    <td><dtml-var object></td>
-		</dtml-if>
-		<dtml-except>
-		  Problemer med <dtml-var object>
-		</dtml-try>
-	    </tr>
-	</dtml-with>
-    <dtml-else>
-    		<tr><th>
-    		Nothing imported
-    		</th></tr>
-     </dtml-in>
-<dtml-var manage_page_footer>

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/objects.py
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/objects.py	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/objects.py	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-# rights and limitations under the License.
-# The Original Code is RDFGrabber version 1.0.
-# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is European Environment
-# Agency (EEA).  Portions created by EEA are
-# Copyright (C) European Environment Agency.  All
-# Rights Reserved.
-# Contributor(s):
-# Soren Roug, EEA
-import string
-resources_dict = {}
-literal_dict = {}
-def resource(uri, anonymous=None):
-    if uri==None:
-        r = None
-    elif resources_dict.has_key(uri):
-        r = resources_dict[uri]
-    else:
-        r = resources_dict[uri] = Resource(uri, anonymous)
-    return r
-# fixme: What should happen if two different languages happen
-# to use the same word?
-def literal(value,lang):
-    if value==None:
-        r = None
-    elif literal_dict.has_key((value,lang)):
-        r = literal_dict[(value,lang)]
-    else:
-        r = literal_dict[(value,lang)] = Literal(value,lang)
-    return r
-class Resource:
-    def __init__(self, uri, anonymous):
-        self.uri = uri
-        self.anonymous = anonymous
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.uri
-    def is_literal(self):
-        return None
-    def is_resource(self):
-        return 1
-    def is_anonymous(self):
-        return self.anonymous
-class Literal:
-    def __init__(self, value,lang):
-        self.value = value
-	self.lang = lang
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.value
-    def is_literal(self):
-        return 1
-    def is_resource(self):
-        return None
-    def is_anonymous(self):
-        return None

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/parsed.dtml
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/parsed.dtml	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/parsed.dtml	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<dtml-var manage_page_header>
-<dtml-var manage_tabs>
-    <h2>Query</h2>
-<form action="query_html" method="POST">
-     <table cellspacing="2">
-  	<tr>
-	    <th align="LEFT" valign="TOP"><em>Predicate</em></th>
-	    <td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
-		<select name="predicate">
-		<dtml-in "predicates().keys()">
-		<option><dtml-var sequence-item html_quote></option>
-		</dtml-in>
-		</select>
-	    </td>
-    	</tr>
-  	<tr>
-	    <th align="LEFT" valign="TOP"><em>Expression</em></th>
-	    <td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
-		<input type="TEXT" name="question" size="50" value="">
-	    </td>
-    	</tr>
-	<tr>
-	    <td></td>
-	    <td><br><input type="SUBMIT"></td>
-    	</tr>
-    </table>
-<dtml-var manage_page_footer>

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/rdf.gif
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/rdfparser.py
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/rdfparser.py	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/rdfparser.py	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-# rights and limitations under the License.
-# The Original Code is RDFGrabber version 1.0.
-# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is European Environment
-# Agency (EEA).  Portions created by EEA are
-# Copyright (C) European Environment Agency.  All
-# Rights Reserved.
-# Contributor(s):
-# Soren Roug, EEA
-import operator, string, time
-    import urllib2 # Support for authenticated proxy
-    ulib2 = 1
-    import urllib
-    ulib2 = 0
-import xmllib
-import sys
-from types import *
-from objects import resource, literal
-from const import *
-from string import join, split
-ns_separator = " "
-ABOUT_ATTRIBUTE = RDFNS + ns_separator + "about"
-ID_ATTRIBUTE = RDFNS + ns_separator + "ID"
-RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE = RDFNS + ns_separator + "resource"
-PARSETYPE_ATTRIBUTE = RDFNS + ns_separator + "parseType"
-class Context:
-    def __init__(self,subject,lang,state):
-	self.subject = subject
-	self.lang = lang
-	self.state = state
-class RDFParser(xmllib.XMLParser):
-    """Parse an RDF file"""
-    def __init__(self,adder,http_proxy=None):
-	self.adder=adder
-        if http_proxy:
-	    self._proxies = { 'http': http_proxy }
-	else:
-	    self._proxies = {}
-	self.state = None
-	self.encoding = 'UTF-8'
-	self.context = []
-	self.subject = None
-	self.predicate = []
-	self.object=None
-	self.li_count = 0
-	self.anon_count = 0
-	self.__data = []
-	self.lang = ''
-	self.elements = {
-	# RDF
-	  RDFNS + ns_separator + 'RDF':
-		  (self.start_rdf,self.end_rdf),
-	  RDFNS + ns_separator + 'Description':
-		  (self.start_description,self.end_description),
-	  RDFNS + ns_separator + 'Seq':
-		  (self.start_container,self.end_container),
-	  RDFNS + ns_separator + 'Bag':
-		  (self.start_container,self.end_container),
-	  RDFNS + ns_separator + 'Alt':
-		  (self.start_container,self.end_container),
-	  RDFNS + ns_separator + 'li':
-		  (self.start_list,self.end_list),
-	  }
-	xmllib.XMLParser.__init__(self)
-    def push(self):
-	self.context.append(Context(self.subject, self.lang, self.state))
-    def pop(self):
-	self.context.pop()
-	self.lang = self.context[-1].lang
-	self.state = self.context[-1].state
-	self.subject = self.context[-1].subject
-    def dupcontext(self):
-	self.context.append(self.context[-1])
-    def generate_uri(self):
-	"Generate a unique id for an anonymous resource"
-	self.anon_count = self.anon_count + 1
-	return resource("genid:" + str(self.anon_count),anonymous=1)
-    def xmllang_attr(self,atts):
-	"Check attributes for xml:lang and delete it"
-        if atts.has_key("xml:lang"):
-	    self.lang = atts["xml:lang"]
-	    del atts["xml:lang"]
-    def about_id_attr(self,atts):
-        if atts.has_key(ABOUT_ATTRIBUTE):
-	    if atts[ABOUT_ATTRIBUTE][0] == "#":
-		self.subject = resource(self.baseurl + atts[ABOUT_ATTRIBUTE])
-	    else:
-		self.subject = resource(atts[ABOUT_ATTRIBUTE])
-	    self.push()
-	    del atts[ABOUT_ATTRIBUTE]
-        elif atts.has_key(ID_ATTRIBUTE):
-	    self.subject = resource(self.baseurl + "#" + atts[ID_ATTRIBUTE])
-            self.push()
-	    del atts[ID_ATTRIBUTE]
-        else:
-	    self.subject = self.generate_uri()
-            self.push()
-    def handle_xml(self,encoding,standalone):
-	if(encoding):
-	    self.encoding = encoding
-    def unknown_starttag(self, tag, atts):
-	if string.find(tag," ") == -1:
-	    if self.baseurl[-1] != '/' and self.baseurl[-1] != '#':
-		tag = self.baseurl + '#' + ns_separator + tag
-	    else:
-		tag = self.baseurl + ns_separator + tag
-	if self.state == EXPECT_RESOURCE:
-	    self.start_resource(tag, atts)
-	else:
-	    self.start_property(tag,atts)
-    def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
-	if string.find(tag," ") == -1:
-	    tag = self.baseurl + ns_separator + tag
-	if self.state == EXPECT_PROPERTY:
-	    self.end_resource(tag)
-	else:
-	    self.end_property(tag)
-    def start_property(self, tag, atts):
-	self.__data = []
-	self.object = None
-	self.state = EXPECT_RESOURCE
-	self.xmllang_attr(atts)
-	self.push()
-	tag = join(split(tag, ns_separator), "")
-        if atts.has_key(PARSETYPE_ATTRIBUTE):
-	    if atts[PARSETYPE_ATTRIBUTE] == "Resource":
-		newsub = self.generate_uri()
-		self.adder(self.subject,tag,newsub)
-		self.pop()
-		self.subject = newsub
-		self.state = EXPECT_PROPERTY
-		self.push()
-	    else: # Only Literal is allowed
-		self.setliteral()
-        elif atts.has_key(RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE):
-	    if atts[RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE][0] == "#":
-		self.object = resource(self.baseurl + atts[RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE])
-	    else:
-		self.object = resource(atts[RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE])
-	    del atts[RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE]
-	    for att in atts.keys():
-		if att == ID_ATTRIBUTE: # Just in case both about and ID
-		    pass
-		else:
-		    new_att = resource(join(split(att, ns_separator), ""))
-		    self.adder(self.object, new_att, literal(atts[att],self.lang))
-    def end_property(self, tag):
-	if self.object == None:
-	    self.object = literal(string.join(self.__data,""),self.lang)
-	self.pop()
-	type = resource(join(split(tag, ns_separator), ""))
-	self.adder(self.subject, type, self.object)
-	self.object = None
-    def start_resource(self, tag, atts):
-	self.state = EXPECT_PROPERTY
-	self.__data = []
-	self.object = None
-	self.anon_object=0
-	tag = join(split(tag, ns_separator), "")
-	self.xmllang_attr(atts)
-	self.about_id_attr(atts)
-	self.adder(self.context[-1].subject, TYPE, resource(tag))
-        for att in atts.keys():
-            if att == ID_ATTRIBUTE: # Just in case both about and ID
-                pass
-            else:
-                new_att = resource(join(split(att, ns_separator), ""))
-                self.adder(self.context[-1].subject, new_att, literal(atts[att],self.lang))
-    def end_resource(self,tag):
-	self.object = self.subject
-	self.pop()
-    def ignore_tag(self,atts=None):
-	pass
-    def handle_data(self, text):
-	self.__data.append(text)
-    def handle_cdata(self, text):
-        self.__data.append(text)
-    def handle_charref(self,ref):
-	self.handle_data('&#' + ref + ';')
-    def unknown_entityref(self,ref):
-	self.handle_data('&' + ref + ';')
-    def syntax_error(self,message):
-	pass
-    def start_rdf(self, tag, atts):
-	"Start of rdf info"
-	self.xmllang_attr(atts)
-	self.state = EXPECT_RESOURCE
-	self.subject = None
-	self.push()
-    def end_rdf(self,tag):
-	pass
-    def start_container(self, tag, atts):
-	self.xmllang_attr(atts)
-	self.about_id_attr(atts)
-	self.li_count = 0
-    def end_container(self,tag):
-	tag = join(split(tag, ns_separator), "")
-	self.adder(self.subject,TYPE,resource(tag))
-	self.pop()
-    def start_description(self, tag, atts):
-	"""
-	rdf:Descriptions are like classes, but don't generate a type
-	statement.
-	"""
-	self.__data = []
-	self.object = None
-	self.state = EXPECT_PROPERTY
-	self.xmllang_attr(atts)
-	self.about_id_attr(atts)
-        for att in atts.keys():
-            if att == ABOUT_ATTRIBUTE or att == ID_ATTRIBUTE:
-                pass
-            else:
-                new_att = resource(join(split(att, ns_separator), ""))
-                self.adder(self.context[-1].subject, new_att, literal(atts[att],self.lang))
-    def end_description(self,tag):
-	self.object = self.subject
-	self.pop()
-    def start_list(self, tag, atts):
-	self.__data = []
-	self.object = None
-	tag = join(split(tag, ns_separator), "")
-	self.li_count = self.li_count + 1
-	self.predicate.append(resource(RDFNS + '_' + str(self.li_count)))
-        if atts.has_key(RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE):
-	    if atts[RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE][0] == "#":
-		self.object = resource(self.baseurl + atts[RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE])
-	    else:
-		self.object = resource(atts[RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE])
-	    del atts[RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE]
-	    for att in atts.keys():
-		if att == ID_ATTRIBUTE: # Just in case both about and ID
-		    pass
-		else:
-		    new_att = resource(join(split(att, ns_separator), ""))
-		    self.adder(self.predicate[-1], new_att, literal(atts[att],self.lang))
-    def end_list(self, tag):
-	if self.object == None:
-	    self.object = literal(string.join(self.__data,""),self.lang)
-	self.adder(self.subject, self.predicate.pop(), self.object)
- 	self.object = self.subject
-    def handle_starttag(self, tag, method, atts):
-        method(tag,atts)
-    def handle_endtag(self, tag, method):
-        method(tag)
-    def parse_url(self, url):
-	"""
-	Grab the file from the webserver and feed it to the parser
-	"""
-	self.encoding = 'UTF-8'
-	self.state = None
-	self.context=[]
-	self.subject = None
-	self.predicate=[]
-	self.object=None
-	self.li_count = 0
-	self.__data=[]
-	self.lang = ''
-	self.baseurl = url
-        if ulib2 == 1:
-            proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler(self._proxies)
-            opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support,
-	       urllib2.HTTPHandler,urllib2.FileHandler)
-            urllib2.install_opener(opener)
-            f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
-        else:
-	    try:
-		u = urllib.URLopener(proxies=self._proxies)
-	    except IOError, e:
-		raise IOError, "Unsupported protocol"
-	    else:
-		u.addheader("User-agent", "RDFGrabber (helpdesk at eionet.eu.int)")
-		f = u.open(url)
-	if not f:
-	    raise IOError, "Failure in open %s" % url
-	self.rdfsource = f.read()
-	self.feed(self.rdfsource)
-	f.close()

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/results.dtml
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/results.dtml	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/results.dtml	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-<dtml-call "RESPONSE.setHeader('content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')">
-<dtml-var manage_page_header>
-<dtml-with "_(management_view='Query')">
-<dtml-var manage_tabs>
-<dtml-if "REQUEST.has_key('subject')">
-    <h2>Subject: <dtml-var subject html_quote></h2>
-     <table bgcolor="#f0f0f0" border=1 width="100%">
-     <tr><th>Predicate</th><th>Object</th></tr>
-        <dtml-in "query(subject=subject)">
-	<dtml-with sequence-item>
-            <tr>
-		<td><a href="query_html?predicate=<dtml-var predicate url_quote>"><dtml-var predicate></a></td>
-		<dtml-if "object().is_anonymous()">
-		<td><a href="query_html?subject=<dtml-var object
-                  url_quote>"><dtml-var object></a><br>
-                  <i>Dumbdown value(s):</i>
-                  <dtml-var "_.string.join(dumbdown(object()),'<br>')">
-		<dtml-else>
-		<td><a href="query_html?object=<dtml-var object
-		  url_quote>"><dtml-var object></a>
-		</dtml-if>
-		<dtml-if "object().is_resource()">
-		  <a href="<dtml-var object>">[Goto]</a>
-		</dtml-if>
-		</td>
-            </tr>
-        </dtml-with>
-        </dtml-in>
-    </table>
-    <a href="query_html?object=<dtml-var subject html_quote>">Are
-    there any triples where the object is pointing to this subject?</a>
-<dtml-elif "REQUEST.has_key('predicate')">
-<h2>Predicate <dtml-var predicate html_quote> contains
-    '<dtml-var question missing=Anything html_quote>'</h2>
-     <table bgcolor="#f0f0f0" border=1 width="100%">
-     <tr><th>Subject</th><th>Object</th></tr>
-     <dtml-if "REQUEST.has_key('question')">
-	 <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('question',_.string.lower(question))">
-     <dtml-else>
-	 <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('question',_.None)">
-     </dtml-if>
-	<dtml-in "query(predicate=predicate,object=question)">
-	<dtml-with sequence-item>
-	    <tr>
-		<td><a href="query_html?subject=<dtml-var subject url_quote>"><dtml-var subject></a></td>
-		<td>
-		<dtml-if "object().is_anonymous()">
-		<a href="query_html?subject=<dtml-var object
-                  url_quote>"><dtml-var object></a><br>
-                  <i>Dumbdown value(s):</i>
-                  <dtml-var "_.string.join(dumbdown(object()),'<br>')">
-		<dtml-else>
-		<a href="query_html?object=<dtml-var object
-		  url_quote>"><dtml-var object></a>
-		</dtml-if>
-		<dtml-if "object().is_resource()">
-		  <a href="<dtml-var object>">[Goto]</a>
-		</dtml-if>
-		</td>
-	    </tr>
-	</dtml-with>
-	</dtml-in>
-    </table>
-<dtml-elif "REQUEST.has_key('object')">
-    <h2>Object: <dtml-var object html_quote></h2>
-     <table bgcolor="#f0f0f0" border=1 width="100%">
-     <tr><th>Subject</th><th>Predicate</th></tr>
-        <dtml-in "query(object=object)">
-	<dtml-with sequence-item>
-            <tr>
-		<td><a href="query_html?subject=<dtml-var subject url_quote>"><dtml-var subject></a></td>
-		<td><a href="query_html?predicate=<dtml-var predicate url_quote>"><dtml-var predicate></a></td>
-            </tr>
-        </dtml-with>
-        </dtml-in>
-    </table>
-<form action="query_html" method="POST">
-     <table cellspacing="2">
-  	<tr>
-	    <th align="LEFT" valign="TOP"><em>Predicate</em></th>
-	    <td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
-		<select name="predicate">
-		<dtml-in "predicates().keys()">
-		<option><dtml-var "label_of(_['sequence-item'])" html_quote></option>
-		</dtml-in>
-		</select>
-	    </td>
-    	</tr>
-  	<tr>
-	    <th align="LEFT" valign="TOP"><em>Expression</em></th>
-	    <td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
-		<input type="TEXT" name="question" size="50" value="">
-	    </td>
-    	</tr>
-	<tr>
-	    <td></td>
-	    <td><br><input type="submit"> <input type="reset"></td>
-    	</tr>
-    </table>
-<dtml-var manage_page_footer>

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/source.dtml
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/source.dtml	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/source.dtml	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<dtml-call "RESPONSE.setHeader('content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')">
-<dtml-var manage_page_header>
-<dtml-var manage_tabs>
-    <h2>Source</h2>
-  <th>Id:</th>
-  <td>&dtml-id;</td>
-  <th>Title:</th>
-  <td>&dtml-title;</td>
-  <th>URLs:</th>
-  <td><dtml-var "_.string.join(rdfurls,'\n')" html_quote newline_to_br></td>
-<dtml-in rdfurls>
-<h3><dtml-var sequence-item html_quote></h3>
-<dtml-var "rdfsources(_['sequence-item'])" html_quote>
-You either haven't imported anything, or the last import went wrong.
-<dtml-var manage_page_footer>

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/testparser.py
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/testparser.py	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/testparser.py	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-# rights and limitations under the License.
-# The Original Code is RDFGrabber version 1.0.
-# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is European Environment
-# Agency (EEA).  Portions created by EEA are
-# Copyright (C) European Environment Agency.  All
-# Rights Reserved.
-# Contributor(s):
-# Soren Roug, EEA
-from sys import argv
-import rdfparser
-from objects import *
-# Constants for the tupples in ICanAdd()
-class SPO:
-    def __init__(self, subject,predicate,object):
-        self._subject = subject
-        self._predicate = predicate
-        self._object = object
-    def strsubject(self):
-        return str(self._subject)
-    def strpredicate(self):
-        return str(self._predicate)
-    def strobject(self):
-        return str(self._object)
-    def subject(self):
-        return self._subject
-    def predicate(self):
-        return self._predicate
-    def object(self):
-        return self._object
-class RDFGrabber:
-    def __init__(self):
-	self.triples = []
-	self.subjects = {}
-	self.predicates = {}
-	self.objects = {}
-    def ICanAdd(self,subject, predicate, object):
-	# Assume spo is shared in all dictionaries
-	spo = SPO(subject, predicate, object)
-	if object.is_literal():
-	    print '<%s> <%s> "%s (%s)" .' % (subject, predicate, object,object.lang)
-	else:
-	    print "<%s> <%s> <%s> ." % (subject, predicate, object)
-        self.triples.append(spo)
-	x = str(subject)
-	if not self.subjects.has_key(x):
-	    self.subjects[x] = []
-	self.subjects[x].append(spo)
-	x = str(predicate)
-	if not self.predicates.has_key(x):
-	    self.predicates[x] = []
-	self.predicates[x].append(spo)
-	x = str(object)
-	if not self.objects.has_key(x):
-	    self.objects[x] = []
-	self.objects[x].append(spo)
-    def lookup_predicate(self,predicate):
-        if not self.predicates.has_key(predicate):
-            return []
-        return self.predicates[predicate]
-    def dumbdown(self,spo,list=[]):
-	for i in spo:
-	    if i[4] == 0:
-		if i[1] == "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#value" \
-		or i[1][:44] == "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_":
-		    list.append(i[2])
-	    else:
-		self.dumbdown(self.subjects[i[2]],list)
-	return list
-    def runtest(self,argv):
-	p=rdfparser.RDFParser(self.ICanAdd)
-	for arg in argv[1:]:
-	    p.parse_url(arg)
-r = RDFGrabber()
-s = r.lookup_predicate("http://purl.org/metadata/dublin_core#Publisher")
-if s != []:
-    print s[0].subject()
-#print "TRIPLES"
-#for x in r.triples:
-#   print "(%s | %s | %s)" % ( x[SUBJECT], x[PREDICATE], x[OBJECT][0:20] )
-#   print "(%s | %s | %s)" % ( x[SUBJECT][0:20], x[PREDICATE][0:20], x[OBJECT][0:20] )
-#for x in r.predicates['http://purl.org/metadata/dublin_core#Title']:
-#    print x[OBJECT]
-#print r.predicates
-#print "DUMB DOWN OF genid:1"
-#print r.dumbdown(r.objects["genid:1"])

Deleted: zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/version.txt
--- zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/version.txt	2006-11-01 21:16:40 UTC (rev 399)
+++ zope-rdfgrabber/trunk/version.txt	2006-11-01 21:20:19 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@

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