r823 - in zenoss/trunk: . Products/DataCollector/plugins debian

Bernd Zeimetz bzed-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu Apr 19 22:09:35 UTC 2007

Author: bzed-guest
Date: 2007-04-19 22:09:34 +0000 (Thu, 19 Apr 2007)
New Revision: 823

updating get-orig-source

Deleted: zenoss/trunk/Products/DataCollector/plugins/setignore.sh
--- zenoss/trunk/Products/DataCollector/plugins/setignore.sh	2007-04-19 22:04:21 UTC (rev 822)
+++ zenoss/trunk/Products/DataCollector/plugins/setignore.sh	2007-04-19 22:09:34 UTC (rev 823)
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-find . -not -path \*.svn\* -type d -exec svn propset svn:ignore "*.pyc" {} \;

Modified: zenoss/trunk/debian/rules
--- zenoss/trunk/debian/rules	2007-04-19 22:04:21 UTC (rev 822)
+++ zenoss/trunk/debian/rules	2007-04-19 22:09:34 UTC (rev 823)
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
 	pushd . ;\
 	cd $$packdir ;\
 	find $$srcdir -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec mv "{}" . \; ;\
-	rm *.spec ;\
+	rm -f *.spec ;\
 	tar xfz $$srcdir/libzenoss/bin.tar.gz ;\
 	if [ ! -d $$srcdir/fs ]; then \
 		mkdir -p fs/etc ;\
@@ -139,6 +139,8 @@
 	else \
 		mv $$srcdir/fs . ;\
 	fi ;\
+	mv $$srcdir/docs . ;\
+	mv $$srcdir/conf . ;\
 	tar xfz $$srcdir/externallibs/PDIS-XPath-0.3.tar.gz ;\
 	tar xfj $$srcdir/externallibs/testgen-0.0-r3649.tar.bz2 ;\
 	mv testgen-* testgen ;\
@@ -152,6 +154,7 @@
 	rm -rf Products/PluggableAuthService/ ;\
 	rm -rf Products/PluginRegistry/ ;\
 	rm -f  Products/DataCollector/dtml/.addDataCollector.dtml.swp ;\
+	rm -f  Products/DataCollector/plugins/setignore.sh ;\
 	rm -f docs/BUILD_* ;\
 	rm -f docs/INSTALL_* ;\
 	rm -f docs/UPGRADE.txt ;\
@@ -160,9 +163,11 @@
 	rm -f docs/*.doc ;\
 	rm -f docs/ZenossAdminGuide-1.0.0.pdf ;\
 	rm -f docs/ZenossQStart-1.0.pdf ;\
+	rm -rf docs/QuickStartGuide-1.0 ;\
+	rm -rf docs/Admin_Guide_1.0_Screens ;\
 	find . -name \.cvsignore -exec rm -f {} \; ;\
 	find . -name \.svnignore -exec rm -f {} \; ;\
-	find testgen PDIS-XPath-0.3 docs -type f -perm /100 -print0 | \
+	find Products/ZenModel testgen PDIS-XPath-0.3 docs -type f -perm /100 -print0 | \
 		xargs -0 chmod 0644 ;\
 	cd .. ;\
 	tar cvf - zenoss-$(VERSION).orig | gzip --best - \
@@ -206,9 +211,11 @@
 	rm -rf Products/PluggableAuthService/ ;\
 	rm -rf Products/PluginRegistry/ ;\
 	rm -f  Products/DataCollector/dtml/.addDataCollector.dtml.swp ;\
+	rm -f  Products/DataCollector/plugins/setignore.sh ;\
 	svn -N export $(ZENOSS_SVN)/inst ;\
 	mv inst/* . ;\
 	rmdir inst ;\
+	rm -f *.spec ;\
 	svn -N export $(ZENOSS_SVN)/inst/docs ;\
 	svn export $(ZENOSS_SVN)/inst/conf/ ;\
 	svn export $(ZENOSS_SVN)/inst/fs ;\
@@ -231,7 +238,7 @@
 	rm -f docs/ZenossQStart-1.0.pdf ;\
 	find . -name \.cvsignore -exec rm -f {} \; ;\
 	find . -name \.svnignore -exec rm -f {} \; ;\
-	find testgen PDIS-XPath-0.3 docs -type f -perm /100 -print0 | \
+	find Products/ZenModel testgen PDIS-XPath-0.3 docs -type f -perm /100 -print0 | \
 		xargs -0 chmod 0644 ;\
 	cd .. ;\
 	tar cvf - zenoss-$(VERSION).orig | gzip --best - \

Deleted: zenoss/trunk/zenoss-plugins.spec
--- zenoss/trunk/zenoss-plugins.spec	2007-04-19 22:04:21 UTC (rev 822)
+++ zenoss/trunk/zenoss-plugins.spec	2007-04-19 22:09:34 UTC (rev 823)
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# This spec file defines the input constraints and build system for
-# the zenoss-plugins when they are installed onto an RPM based system.
-# the location where the plugins are installed
-%define plugin_home /opt/zenplugins
-# set to 1 if the version of the software to be built is the trunk
-# if current is set to 0 the version will be extrapolated from the
-# rpm information contained in the %{version} and %{release} vars
-%define trunk 1
-# the RPM meta information
-Name:     zenoss-plugins
-Summary:  Plugins for the Zenoss Open Source Network Management System
-Version:  0.1
-Release:  0
-License:  GPL
-Vendor:   Zenoss, Inc.
-Packager: Christopher Blunck <chris at zenoss.com>
-Group:    Management/Network
-Requires: python >= 2.3.4
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
-BuildArchitectures: noarch
-# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-Zenoss-plugins are a set of python programs that gather information
-about the operating system environment, and report them back to the
-caller in name-value pair format.  They are fast-running low-overhead
-standalone programs that can be run on a regular schedule by the
-Zenoss Open Source Network Management System in order to obtain
-information about the host platform.  They are ideal in situations
-where system administrators do not wish to install an SNMP agent, but
-still wish to permit basic monitoring.
-# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-# clean up the old build if it is still laying around
-rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
-# pull out the trunk if the trunk flag is set to true
-if [ "%{trunk}" = "1" ]; then
-    SVNTAG="trunk"
-    SVNTAG="tags/%{name}-%{version}.%{release}"
-# build the software
-if [ ! -d ${DIRNAME} ]; then
-    mkdir -p ${DIRNAME}
-cd ${DIRNAME}
-svn co http://dev.zenoss.org/svn/${SVNTAG}/${BASENAME} ${BASENAME}
-# remove the CM artifacts
-find ${PLUGIN_HOME} -name .svn | xargs rm -rf
-# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}

Deleted: zenoss/trunk/zenoss.spec
--- zenoss/trunk/zenoss.spec	2007-04-19 22:04:21 UTC (rev 822)
+++ zenoss/trunk/zenoss.spec	2007-04-19 22:09:34 UTC (rev 823)
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-# This spec file defines the input constraints and build system for
-# Zenoss when it is installed onto an RPM based system.
-# For information on what arguments are passed to %pre, %post, %preun,
-# and %postun see the following URL:
-#   http://tinyurl.com/sjyfp
-# the location where zenoss is installed
-%define zenhome /opt/zenoss
-# mysql is used for the events database
-%define mysql_username zenoss
-%define mysql_passwd zenoss
-%define mysql_database events
-# zope is used for the web interface
-%define zope_passwd zenoss
-# a shell account controls the zenoss processes
-%define os_username zenoss
-%define os_home /home/zenoss
-%define os_shell /bin/bash
-# set to 1 if the version of the software to be built is the trunk
-# if trunk is set to 0 the version will be extrapolated from the
-# rpm information contained in the %{version} and %{release} vars
-%define trunk 0
-# the name of the ctl file for zenoss (in /etc/rc.d/rc#.d)
-%define S_zenoss S99zenoss
-# the location of the snmp configuration file and sudoers
-%define snmpd_conf /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
-%define sudoers /etc/sudoers
-# the RPM meta information
-Name:     zenoss
-Summary:  The Open Source Network Management System
-Version: 1.1.1
-Release: 0
-License:  GPL
-Vendor:   Zenoss, Inc.
-Packager: Christopher Blunck <chris at zenoss.com>
-Group:    Management/Network
-Source0:  %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.tar.bz2
-Prereq:   /usr/sbin/useradd
-Prereq:   /usr/sbin/userdel
-Requires: MySQL-server-standard >= 5.0.22
-Requires: MySQL-client-standard >= 5.0.22
-Requires: python >= 2.3.4
-Requires: net-snmp
-Requires: sudo
-BuildRequires: MySQL-devel-standard >= 5.0.22
-BuildRequires: MySQL-shared-standard >= 5.0.22
-BuildRequires: MySQL-server-standard >= 5.0.22
-BuildRequires: python-devel >= 2.3.4
-BuildRequires: python >= 2.3.4
-BuildRequires: sudo
-BuildRequires: gcc-c++ 
-BuildRequires: gcc 
-BuildRequires: subversion
-BuildRequires: zlib-devel
-BuildRequires: make
-BuildRequires: patch
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
-# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-Zenoss is an IT infrastructure monitoring product that allows you to
-monitor your entire infrastructure within a single, integrated
-software application.
-Key features include:
-  * Monitors the entire stack
-    o networks, servers, applications, services, power, environment, etc...
-  * Monitors across all perspectives
-    o discovery, configuration, availability, performance, events, alerts, etc.
-  * Affordable and easy to use
-    o unlike the big suites offered by IBM, HP, BMC, CA, etc...
-    o unlike first generation open source tools...
-  * Complete open source package
-    o complete solution available as free, open source software
-# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-# clean up the old build if it is still laying around
-rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
-# map environment variables to .spec variables
-export ZENHOME=%{zenhome}
-export ZOPEPASSWORD=%{zope_passwd}
-export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python
-# load up the build functions
-. ${ZEN_BUILD_DIR}/build-functions.sh
-# set up make and the python path
-# set the SVNTAG variable and honor the trunk flag
-if [ "%{trunk}" = "1" ]; then
-    SVNTAG="trunk"
-    SVNTAG="tags/%{name}-%{version}"
-# compile external libs and pull down zenoss
-# remove the CM artifacts
-find ${ZEN_INST_DIR} -name .svn | xargs rm -rf
-# remove the .conf files but leave the .conf.examples
-rm ${ZEN_INST_DIR}/etc/*.conf
-# copy some configuration files to the /etc installation directory
-mkdir -p ${ZEN_INST_DIR}/etc
-cp ${CONF_DIR}/snmpd.conf ${ZEN_INST_DIR}/etc
-cp ${CONF_DIR}/sudoers ${ZEN_INST_DIR}/etc
-mkdir ${ZEN_INST_DIR}/log
-# land the zenctl into the init.d directory as "zenoss"
-mkdir -p ${INIT_SCRIPT_DIR}
-cp ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{zenhome}/bin/zenctl ${START_SCRIPT}
-for file in \
-    replace "**OS_USERNAME**" "%{os_username}" -- ${file}
-    replace "**ZENHOME**" "%{zenhome}" -- ${file}
-    replace "**MYSQL_USERNAME**" "%{mysql_username}" -- ${file}
-    replace "**MYSQL_PASSWD**" "%{mysql_passwd}" -- ${file}
-    replace "**MYSQL_DATABASE**" "%{mysql_database}" -- ${file}
-    replace "**ZOPE_PASSWD**" "%{zope_passwd}" -- ${file}
-    replace "**SNMPD_CONF**" "%{snmpd_conf}" -- ${file}
-    replace "**SUDOERS**" "%{sudoers}" -- ${file}
-# copy the [install,shared]-functions because they are used by zenoss_init
-cp ${ZEN_BUILD_DIR}/shared-functions.sh ${ZEN_INST_DIR}/bin
-cp ${ZEN_BUILD_DIR}/install-functions.sh ${ZEN_INST_DIR}/bin
-# copy the cron scripts into /etc/cron.XXX
-for script in \
-    `find cron -type f | grep -v .svn`
-    DEST=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/${script}
-    DIR=`dirname $DEST`
-    if [ ! -d ${DIR} ]; then
-        mkdir -p ${DIR}
-    fi
-    cp ${script} ${DEST}
-# copy the logrotate script into /etc/logrotate.d
-mkdir -p ${LOGROTATE_DIR}
-cp ${ZEN_BUILD_DIR}/logrotate.d/* ${LOGROTATE_DIR}
-for file in \
-    `ls ${LOGROTATE_DIR}`
-    replace "**ZENHOME**" "%{zenhome}" -- ${LOGROTATE_DIR}/${file}
-# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-%doc %{zenhome}/Products/LICENSE.txt
-%doc %{zenhome}/Products/COPYRIGHT.txt
-# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-export ZENHOME=%{zenhome}
-if [ $1 -eq 2 ]; then
-    TEMP_DIR=/tmp/zenossrpmupgrade/$$
-    mkdir -p $TEMP_DIR
-    cp ${ZENHOME}/etc/*.conf $TEMP_DIR
-    echo $TEMP_DIR > /tmp/zenossrpmupgrade/dirname.txt
-# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-# load up the install functions
-export ZENHOME=%{zenhome}
-. ${ZENHOME}/bin/shared-functions.sh
-. ${ZENHOME}/bin/install-functions.sh
-# kill off any zeo/zope/zen processes that are running
-# run these commands when installing, but not upgrading or reinstalling
-if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then
-    # set environment variables
-    export OS_USERNAME=%{os_username}
-    export OS_HOME=%{os_home}
-    export OS_SHELL=%{os_shell}
-    # create the zenoss user
-    add_user
-    # set up symlinks for all the runlevels
-    for runlevel in \
-        1 2 3 4 5 6
-    do
-        ln -sf ../init.d/zenoss /etc/rc.d/rc${runlevel}.d/%{S_zenoss}
-    done
-    # test if we need to set ZENHOME in the user's .bashrc
-    LOGINZENHOME=`grep ZENHOME %{os_home}`
-    if [ -z "${LOGINZENHOME}" ]; then
-        echo "export ZENHOME=%{zenhome}" >> %{os_home}/.bashrc 
-        echo "export PATH=${ZENHOME}/bin:${PATH}" >> %{os_home}/.bashrc
-        echo "export PYTHONPATH=%{zenhome}/lib/python" >> %{os_home}/.bashrc
-        chown %{os_username} %{os_home}/.bashrc
-    fi
-    # set the flag to identify this as a fresh install (rather than an
-    # upgrade)
-    touch ${ZENHOME}/.fresh_install
-# run these commands when upgrading (but not installing or reinstalling)
-if [ $1 -eq 2 ]; then
-    # set the flag to identify this as an upgrade (rather than a fresh
-    # install)
-    touch ${ZENHOME}/.upgraded
-# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-# load up the install functions
-. %{zenhome}/bin/shared-functions.sh
-. %{zenhome}/bin/install-functions.sh
-# kill off any zeo/zope/zen processes that are running
-# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-# called when we are erasing the package (but not upgrading)
-if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
-    # restore sudoers and snmpd.conf
-    cp %{sudoers}.orig %{sudoers}
-    cp %{snmpd_conf}.orig %{snmpd_conf}
-    # remove shell account 
-    /usr/sbin/userdel %{os_username}
-    # clean up the various files written by the application
-    for target in \
-        %{zenhome}/Products \
-        %{zenhome}/log
-    do
-        rm -rf ${target}
-    done
-# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-#rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}

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