[Pkg-zope-developers] Re: about the pkg-zope repositories

Andreas Tille tillea at rki.de
Wed Aug 17 20:45:05 UTC 2005

On Wed, 17 Aug 2005, martin f krafft wrote:

>>> own. You should always try to keep things in unstable installable.
>>                          ^^^
>> "Try" means fix problems quickly if something is broken.
> Yeah, in *one* package. But we're talking 10+ packages here...
Yes.  One or two packages par day makes a week of broken packages.
Just do no apt-get upgrade on your production server for this

>> They should definitely not *stay* broken, but if thing *might* break for
>> a short time, I would call this "unstable".
> Plone is broken until Zope, CMF, and 6 other dependencies are fixed.
Plone was broken for more than a week in the past.

> Which is why we should be documenting everything and encourage other
> people to work. pkg-zope exists precisely to get rid of
> a bottleneck.
Sure and this coordination list is a very good thing.  But adding
extra repositories etc. will generate even more work.

But well, I'm not the person who would keep away others from work. :)
If it will accomplished it is definitely a good thing.

Kind regards



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