[Pkg-zope-developers] Re: Can show bug :was :dzhandle wants a version parameter but doesn't know it

Fabio Tranchitella kobold at debian.org
Fri Jun 16 07:20:38 UTC 2006

Il giorno gio, 15/06/2006 alle 21.49 +0200, Norbert Klamann (p) ha
> root at c001:/opt/Plone-2.1.3# dzhandle make-instance zp040 -m manual -t
> linked -z 2.8
> usage: dzhandle [<option> ...] make-instance <instance-name> [<option> ...]

Note that the first set of options is different from the second set.
The switch "-z" is part of the first set, so your command should look

# dzhandle -z 2.8 make-instance zp040 -m manual -t linked


Fabio Tranchitella <kobold at debian.org>                        .''`.
Proud Debian GNU/Linux developer, admin and user.            : :'  :
                                                             `. `'`
   http://people.debian.org/~kobold/                           `-
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