Bug#411657: Transition from sarge-etch for zope packages

Fabio Tranchitella kobold at kobold.it
Wed Feb 21 15:23:01 CET 2007

* 2007-02-21 15:17, A Mennucc wrote:
> > 
> > Depends: python (>= 2.4) | python2.4, ...
> > 
> > would do the trick, leaving the old python package around without removing
> > python2.3, but I'm not even sure and to say the truth I do not understand
> > why the dependency on python2.4 has been replaced with python (>= 2.4).
> quite on the opposite, I fail to see why this would help.
> May you explain better?

Because zope-common requires python (>= 2.4), which conflicts with
the sarge version of python2.3. So far, so good.

If the user managed to install zope-common, he already has installed
python2.4 in his system (because zope-common only works with python2.4)
from sarge-backports, testing or unstable.

In this scenario, the dependency block "python (>= 2.4) | python2.4" is
satisfied because python2.4 is already installed and apt does not have to
install the new python package, which would lead to the python2.3 removal.

Urgh, my english is terrible.. Is it more clear now? I do not know if this
would actually work, and all I need now is a god fix for #411657.


Fabio Tranchitella                         http://www.kobold.it
Free Software Developer and Consultant     http://www.tranchitella.it
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