QA before uploading zope packages

Arnaud Fontaine arnau at
Mon Nov 7 16:24:50 UTC 2011


Gediminas Paulauskas <menesis at> writes:

> You have insisted on me adding debian/clean to all packages before you
> will upload them.
> It did look suspicious to  delete .egg-info directory from source, you
> get  a   few  lines  of   warnings  'Ignoring  deletion   of...'  from
> dpkg-buildpackage -S.
> And as I feared, there are problems with this approach.

Well, you  could have tested  them after making the  changes, apparently
you didn't  check them,  and in  your email you're  only saying  it's my
fault, come  on... So  easy to  complain about  the sponsor  whereas the
sponsoree is usually the person who knows the packages the most.

On the other hands, it's also my fault because if I could have tested it
myself, I would  have probably figured it out, meaning  that I obviously
don't know enough  about these packages to upload them,  so I should not
do it again, this was a mistake... Sorry about that.

>> Also,  for    debian/control,  please  don't  forget    Homepage  and
>> Vcs-Browser fields  and for  debian/changelog  "Team  upload" like  I
>>  did to  avoid lintian warning about NMUs.
>> I know  I'm far too fuzzy  about  details, hope that does  not bother
>> you too much ;).
> It does bother me.

Stop arguing and complaining, it's getting really tiresome. For example,
you  spent  a  lot  of  time  to  complain  about  adding  Homepage  and
Vcs-Browser fields, whereas you could  have just added them instead. I'm
getting  so tired  of your  attitude, because  most sponsorees  just say
thanks for taking care of details, but you're the only one I know who is
arguing so loudly.

Yes, adding debian/clean was perhaps a mistake, but if we didn't do such
changes,  we  would have  got  many  serious  bugs when  rebuilding  the
archive (and again, see the bug  report we got for another package which
was reproducible with *ALL* or almost all the packages you prepared).

> Packages may  not be perfect,  but if they contain  significant fixes,
> they are  worth an upload. I  have asked several times  to just upload
> packages that were already in Ubuntu.

When you  will be able to  upload the packages yourself,  you can upload
anything you want, but now that's not the case.

Anyhow, as I said above, 1/ I'm not a good sponsor for Zope package as I
don't  know/use them  enough, 2/  I'm so  tired of  you complaining  and
arguing for nothing, therefore, feel  free to find another sponsor (BTW,
I did the uploads just to help because nobody else seemed to care enough
to sponsor them...).

Arnaud Fontaine

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