[Po4a-devel][CVS] po4a po4a,NONE,1.1

Martin Quinson po4a-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Fri, 16 Jul 2004 04:08:05 +0000

Update of /cvsroot/po4a/po4a
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv11730

Added Files:
Log Message:
The script we spoke about. At least, its first incarnation ;)

--- NEW FILE: po4a ---
#! /usr/bin/perl
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if $running_under_some_shell;

# po4a -- Update both the po files and translated documents in one shoot
# $Id: po4a,v 1.1 2004/07/16 04:08:03 mquinson-guest Exp $
# Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 by Martin Quinson <Martin.Quinson@ens-lyon.fr>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of GPL (see COPYING).

my $VERSION=$Locale::Po4a::TransTractor::VERSION;

=head1 NAME

po4a - Update both the po files and translated documents in one shoot


po4a [-dhvV] E<lt>config_fileE<gt>


The po4a (po for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and more
interstingly, the maintenance of translation) using gettext tools on areas
where they were not expected like documentation.

The C<po4a> program is in charge of updating both the po files (to sync
them to the original documents) and the translated documents (to sync 
them to the po files). The main point is to make the use of po4a easier
without having to remember of the command line options.

It also allows you to mix document having different formats into the same
pot files so that you can have only one such file per project.

This behaviour can be mimicked by the other tools of the po4a suite (for
example with makefiles), but it is rather difficult to do, and exausting to 
redo the same complicated makefiles for each project using po4a.


The (mandatory) argument is the path to the configuration file to use. 
Its syntax aims at being simple and close to the configuration files used 
by the intl-tools projects.

Comments in this files are noted by the char '#'. It comments everthing 
until the end of the line. Lines can be continued by escaping the end of line.
All non blank lines must begin with a [] command, followed by its arguments. 
(sound difficult said that way, but it is rather easy, I hope ;)

=head2 Specifying the paths to translator inputs

First, you have to specify where the translator input files (ie, the files 
used by translators to do their job) are located. It can be done by such a line:

 [po4a_paths] doc/l10n/project.doc.pot fr:doc/l10n/fr.po de:doc/l10n/de.po

The command is thus 'po4a_paths'. The first argument is the path to the pot 
file to use. All subsequent arguments are of the self-explanationary form: 

    <lang>:<path to the po file for this lang>

=head2 Specifying the documents to translates

You now naturally have to to specify which documents are translated, their 
format, and where to put the translations. It can be made by such lines:

 [type: sgml] doc/my_stuff.sgml fr:doc/fr/mon_truc.sgml de:doc/de/mein_cram.sgml
 [type: pod] script fr:doc/fr/script.1 de:doc/de/script.1 \

This should be rather self-explanationary also. Note that in the second case, 
doc/l10n/script.fr.add is an addendum to add to the french version of this document.
Please refer to po4a(7) for more information about the addendums.

More formally, the format is: 

 [type: <format>] <master_doc> <lang>:<localized_doc>* add_<lang>:<addendum>*

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item -h, --help

Show a short help message.

=item -V, --version

Displays the version of the script and exits.

=item -v, --verbose

Increase the verbosity of the program.

=item -q, --quiet

Decrease the verbosity of the program.

=item -d, --debug

Outputs some debugging informations.



=over 4


Does not allow to pass any options to the modules.


Does not allow to specify the threshold under which the translations are discarded.


Dupplicates some code with the po4a-* programs.


Patch welcome ;)

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<po4a(7)>, L<po4a-gettextize(1)>, L<po4a-updatepo(1)>, L<po4a-translate(1)>, L<po4a-normalize(1)>.

=head1 AUTHORS

 Denis Barbier <barbier@linuxfr.org>
 Martin Quinson <martin.quinson@tuxfamily.org>


Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 by SPI, inc.

This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of GPL (see COPYING file).


use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);

use Locale::Po4a::Chooser;
use Locale::Po4a::TransTractor;

use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);

use Locale::gettext;
use POSIX;     # Needed for setlocale()

setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "");

sub show_version {
    print sprintf(gettext(
          "%s version %s.\n".
          "written by Martin Quinson and Denis Barbier.\n\n".
          "Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 Software of Public Interest, Inc.\n".
          "This is free software; see source code for copying\n".
          "conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for\n".
          ), "po4a", $VERSION)."\n";
    exit 0;

my ($help,$type,$debug,$verbose,$quiet,@options);
$verbose = 0;
$debug = 0;
Getopt::Long::config('bundling', 'no_getopt_compat', 'no_auto_abbrev');
        'help|h'        => \$help,
        'verbose|v'     => \$verbose,
        'debug|d'       => \$debug,
        'quiet|q'       => \$quiet,
        'version|V'     => \&show_version
) or pod2usage(1);

# Argument check
$help && pod2usage (0);

$verbose = 1 if $debug;
$verbose = -1 if $quiet;
my %options = (
    "verbose" => $verbose,
    "debug" => $debug);

foreach (@options) {
    if (m/^([^=]*)=(.*)$/) {
    } else {

my $config_file= shift(@ARGV) || pod2usage(1);
# Check file existence
-e $config_file || die sprintf(gettext("File %s does not exist."),$config_file)."\n";

# Parse the config file
my ($pot_filename) = "";
my (%po_filename); # po_files: '$lang'=>'$path'
my (%document); # '$master'=> {'format'=>'$format'; '$lang'=>'$path'; 'add_$lang'=>('$path','$path') }
open CONFIG,"$config_file" || die sprintf(gettext("Can't open %s: %s"),$config_file,$!)."\n";
my ($line,$nb) = ("",0);
while (<CONFIG>) {
    next if ($line =~ s/\\$//);
    next unless ($line =~ /\S/);
    $line =~ s/ +/ /g;
    $line =~ s/^ //;
    $line =~ s/ $//;
    die sprintf("%s:%d: ".gettext("Syntax error.")."\n",$config_file,$nb)
      unless ($line =~ m/^\[([^\]]*)\] (\S+) (.*)?$/);
    my ($cmd,$main,$args)=($1,$2,$3);
    print "cmd=[$cmd]; main=$main; args=\"$args\"\n" if $debug;
    die sprintf("%s:%d: ".
	        gettext("The first argument (%s) must not contain any colon (':')")."\n",
      if ($main =~ /:/);
    if ($cmd eq "po4a_paths") {
	die sprintf("%s:%d: ".
	            gettext("'po4a_path' redeclared").
	  if (length $pot_filename);
	$pot_filename = $main;
	foreach my $arg (split(/ /,$args)) {
	    die sprintf("%s:%d: ".
		        gettext("Unparsable argument '%s'").
	      unless ($arg =~ /^([^:]*):(.*)/);
    } elsif ($cmd =~ m/type: *(.*)/) {
	$document{$main}{'format'} = $1;	
	foreach my $arg (split(/ /,$args)) {
	    die sprintf("%s:%d: ".
		        gettext("Unparsable argument '%s'").
	      unless ($arg =~ /^([^:]*):(.*)/);
	    push @{$document{$main}{$1}},$2;

    } else {
	die sprintf("%s:%d: ".
	            gettext("Unparsable command '%s'")."\n",
    $line = "";
close CONFIG; # don't care about error here
die gettext("po4a_paths not declared. Dunno where to find the pot and po files")."\n"
  unless (length $pot_filename);

# make a big pot
if (-e $pot_filename) {
    print sprintf(gettext("Updating %s:")."\n",$pot_filename)
      if $verbose;
} else {
    print sprintf(gettext("Creating %s:")."\n",$pot_filename)
      if $verbose;

my $potfile=Locale::Po4a::Po->new();
foreach my $master (keys %document) {
    my $doc=Locale::Po4a::Chooser::new($document{$master}{'format'},%options);
    my @file_in_name;
    push @file_in_name, $master;
    $doc->process('file_in_name' => \@file_in_name);
    $potfile = $doc->getpoout();

# update all po files
my $lang;
foreach $lang (sort keys %po_filename) {
    if (-e $po_filename{$lang}) {
	print STDERR sprintf(gettext("Updating %s:")."\n",$po_filename{$lang})
	    if $verbose;    
	system ("msgmerge","-U",$po_filename{$lang},$pot_filename) == 0 ||
	    die sprintf(gettext("Error while running msgmerge: %s"),$!)."\n";
	system "msgfmt --statistics -v -o /dev/null ".$po_filename{$lang} 
	  if $verbose;
    } else {
	print STDERR sprintf(gettext("Creating %s:")."\n",$po_filename{$lang}) 
	    if $verbose;    
	system ("cp",$pot_filename,$po_filename{$lang}) == 0 ||
	    die sprintf(gettext("Error while copying the po file: %s"),$!)."\n";

# update all translations
foreach my $master (keys %document) {
    LANG: foreach $lang (keys %{$document{$master}}) {
	next if $lang eq "format" || $lang =~ /^add_/;
	my $doc=Locale::Po4a::Chooser::new($document{$master}{'format'} ,%options);
	my (@file_in_name,@file_out_name,@po_in_name);
	push @file_in_name, $master;
	push @file_out_name, $document{$master}{$lang};
	push @po_in_name, $po_filename{$lang};
	$doc->process('file_in_name'  => \@file_in_name,
	              'file_out_name' => \@file_out_name,
	              'po_in_name'    => \@po_in_name);
	my ($percent,$hit,$queries) = $doc->stats();
	if ($percent<80)  {
	    print STDERR sprintf(gettext("Translation of %s discarded: only %s%% are translated."),
	    unlink($document{$master}{$lang}) if (-e $document{$master}{$lang});
	    next LANG;
	foreach my $add ($document{$master}{add_$lang}) {
	    if ( !$doc->addendum($_) ) {
		die sprintf(gettext("Addendum %s does apply to %s (translation discarded)."),
		unlink($document{$master}{$lang}) if (-e $document{$master}{$lang});
		next LANG;