[Po4a-devel]Are reference of composite sgml files now fixed?

Martin Quinson mquinson@ens-lyon.fr
Tue, 20 Jul 2004 17:57:11 -0700


I suspect that the bug #300589 on alioth is now fixed by this change:

po4a (0.16.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
  Jordi Vilalta
    * [TransTractor.pm] Fix a by one offset in the line number reference

Could someone check that? I have no composite document at hand (file
including files).

The question is to know whether the reference (file:line stuff in the
comments) is right even if there is some included files. In perticular, the
content of the included file may well suffer of a -1 offset:

    # Prepare the reference indirection stuff
    my @refs;
    my @lines = split(/\n/, $origfile);
    for (my $i=0; $i<scalar @lines; $i++) {
        push @refs,"$filename:$i";
We may want to push "$filename:".($i+1);

Then, the rest of the file after the include may also suffer from an offset,
not sure about that.

Thanks, Mt.

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   -- Frères misère