[Po4a-devel] Xhtml module: Integrated comments and strange whitespace

Kaloian Doganov kaloian at doganov.org
Sun Aug 12 20:31:54 UTC 2007

Nicolas François <nicolas.francois at centraliens.net> writes:
    One option could be to use another trick:
            <timestamp date="$Date: 2007/06/19 00:02:58 $">
    This could be generated by the preprocessor, and the timestamp could be
    restored afterward by the postprocessor.

Oh, looks like a viable option.  Thanks for the idea!  I'll try it out
as soon as I can.
    I can try to add an option to handle comments differently.  I will
    work on it after the 0.32 release.

Such an option would be very useful improvement.  Of course, there is
no rush.  Wish you good luck with the incoming release and thank you
for your invaluable help!

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