[Po4a-devel] A hackish way of generating bin/po4a.pot

Robert Luberda robert at debian.org
Sat Mar 20 10:20:26 UTC 2010


Yesterday, while updating Polish translations, I noticed that almost all
translations for the po4a-build script had been removed (see the bottom
of the
After some investigation it turned out that this had been caused by
passing the  `-L perl' option to xgettext.

I've found some workaround for the problem. The workaround replaces
the usual way of generating po4a.pot file with the following steps:
 1. create temporary symlinks (like po4a.TMP.pl pointing to po4a) to let
 xgettext guess the language from the extension);
 2. generate the POT file;
 3. fix locations in the POT file to make it refer to real files, not
the temporary ones;
 4. remove the symlinks.

The attached patch implements it and seems to work perfectly. What do
you think about it?


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