[Popcon-developers] Bug#707951: popularity-contest: please leak less private information

Bernhard R. Link brlink at debian.org
Sun May 12 09:53:17 UTC 2013

Package: popularity-contest
Version: 1.57

Please do not send second resolution information about program usage.
Best only send out information what is actually used by the resulting
graphs (i.e. a per-package NO-FILES/OLD/RECENT-CTIME/VOTE information
and nothing else).
Without that installing popularity-contest on any computers with actual
users is simply impossible, as it is too much of a hassle to get consent
from all the users (not too speak about even explaining them what you
seek consent for), as given that much information there is simply no
way to can legally run it without informed consent.

Additionally it would be nice to have a blacklist of packages to not
send information from. Or perhaps some filter on packagename
(mycompany-*) or sections (local/*).

        Bernhard R. Link

P.S: I thought that was old news, but I was told it is not, so here your
bug report.

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