[Python-apps-team] (no subject)

THE NATIONAL LOTTERY BOARD info at winners.com
Sun Dec 13 01:15:54 UTC 2009

Your Email account have won the sum of £891,934.00 GBP, Pounds sterling 
from the ballot lottery international program, Promotion; you are 
hereby advised to get back to us, to claim your prize. Contact our 
claims agent for validation:

Mr.Fred Martins
Email:lottsclaims08 at w.cn

Tel :+44-7011-1275-22

1. Full name:
2. Home Address:
3. Age:
4. Sex:
5. Phone Number:
6. Country of Residence:
7. Occupation:

Dianne Thompson.

Ce message a ete envoye par IMP, grace a l'Universite Paris 10 Nanterre

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