[Python-apps-team] Bug#587370: please fix rdiff-backup in debian stable or squeeze-backports

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at powercraft.nl
Fri Aug 5 11:13:26 UTC 2011

Using the 1.2.8-6 rdiff-backup in debian stable also breaks the
backupninja scripts in many ways! The backupninja setup does a sanity
check and it fails hard! During the runs it generates warnings that will
be sent to the administrator everyday!

There is also no updated version in squeeze-backports. Please fix this
issue in debian stable/testing or make a squeeze-backports release so
users at leasted have a option to install something that ain’t broken.

Thank you in advance,

Kind regards,

Jelle de Jong

Debug: check_perms /etc/backup.d

Debug: perms: drwxrwx---
Debug: gperm: rwx
Debug: wperm: ---
Debug: check_perms /etc/backup.d/90.rdiff
Debug: perms: -rw-------
Debug: gperm: ---
Debug: wperm: ---
Info: >>>> starting action /etc/backup.d/90.rdiff (because of --now)
Debug: yes
Debug: (local is assumed to be a good connection)
Debug: ssh  -o PasswordAuthentication=no something.example.nl -l
server-backup 'echo -n 1'
host is alive
Debug: Connected to something.example.nl as server-backup successfully
Debug: /usr/bin/rdiff-backup -V
Debug: ssh  something.example.nl -l server-backup '/usr/bin/rdiff-backup -V'
Debug: /usr/bin/rdiff-backup  --force --remove-older-than 30D
server-backup at something.example.nl::backups/rdiff/
DeprecationWarning: os.popen2 is deprecated. Use the subprocess module.
stdin, stdout = os.popen2(remote_cmd) Fatal Error: Bad directory
backups/rdiff. It doesn't appear to be an rdiff-backup destination dir
Fatal Error: Lost connection to the remote system
Warning: Failed removing backups older than 30D.
Debug: /usr/bin/rdiff-backup  --print-statistics --exclude
'/home/*/.gnupg' --exclude '/home/*/.local/share/Trash' --exclude
'/home/*/.Trash' --exclude '/home/*/.thumbnails' --exclude
'/home/*/.beagle' --exclude '/home/*/.aMule' --exclude
'/home/*/gtk-gnutella-downloads' --exclude
'/var/cache/backupninja/duplicity' --include '/var/spool/cron/crontabs'
--include '/var/backups' --include '/etc' --include '/root' --include
'/home' --include '/usr/local/*bin' --include '/var/lib/dpkg/status*'
--include '/var/log' --exclude '/*' /
server-backup at something.example.nl::backups/rdiff/
Debug: /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/rdiff_backup/SetConnections.py:148:
DeprecationWarning: os.popen2 is deprecated. Use the subprocess module.
stdin, stdout = os.popen2(remote_cmd) --------------[ Session statistics
]-------------- StartTime 1312542485.00 (Fri Aug 5 13:08:05 2011)
EndTime 1312542224.59 (Fri Aug 5 13:03:44 2011) ElapsedTime -260.41 (55
minutes 39.59 seconds) SourceFiles 3192 SourceFileSize 165593585 (158
MB) MirrorFiles 1 MirrorFileSize 0 (0 bytes) NewFiles 3191 NewFileSize
165593585 (158 MB) DeletedFiles 0 DeletedFileSize 0 (0 bytes)
ChangedFiles 1 ChangedSourceSize 0 (0 bytes) ChangedMirrorSize 0 (0
bytes) IncrementFiles 0 IncrementFileSize 0 (0 bytes)
TotalDestinationSizeChange 165593585 (158 MB) Errors 0
Info: Successfully finished backing up source
Warning: <<<< finished action /etc/backup.d/90.rdiff: WARNING
Debug: send report to root
Info: FINISHED: 1 actions run. 0 fatal. 0 error. 2 warning.
Hit return to continue...

-------------- next part --------------
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