[Python-apps-team] Bug#638720: JavaScript libraries

W. Martin Borgert debacle at debian.org
Tue Feb 26 00:04:44 UTC 2013

The Debian package "openerp" made by upstream developers,
contains a number of JavaScript libraries. Most are not yet
packaged for Debian, others have to be checked for patches by
the packagers.

backbone - libjs-backbone
cleditor - http://premiumsoftware.net/cleditor/
datejs - http://www.datejs.com/
jquery - libjs-jquery
jquery.autosize - http://www.jacklmoore.com/autosize
jquery.ba-bbq - http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-bbq-plugin/ (see #693816)
jquery.blockUI - http://malsup.com/jquery/block/
jquery.form - libjs-jquery-form
jquery.MD5 - https://github.com/placemarker/jQuery-MD5
jquery.scrollTo - http://flesler.blogspot.de/2007/10/jqueryscrollto.html
jquery.textext - http://textextjs.com/
jquery.timeago - http://timeago.yarp.com/ (is this really used?)
jquery.tipsy - libjs-jquery-tipsy
jquery.ui - libjs-jquery-ui
jquery.ui.bootstrap - http://addyosmani.github.com/jquery-ui-bootstrap
jquery.ui.notify - http://www.erichynds.com/jquery/a-jquery-ui-growl-ubuntu-notification-widget/
jquery.ui.timepicker - RFP #693884
jquery.validate - RFP #622257
py.js - https://bitbucket.org/masklinn/py.js
qunit - RFP #695662
qweb - template engine of OpenERP, probably not used by others
spinjs - http://fgnass.github.com/spin.js/
underscore - libjs-underscore

I suggest to use the Debian packages, where available and
package other JavaScript libraries later, esp. when they are
used by others as well, such as jquery.ba-bbq.

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