[Python-modules-team] Bug#462842: (no subject)

Mike O'Connor stew at vireo.org
Fri Mar 14 13:48:11 UTC 2008

tags 462842 + unreproducible
tags 462842 + moreinfo

I am able to get information out of get_best_auth:

$ python -c "from Xlib.xauth import * ; print Xauthority().get_best_auth( FamilyLocal, 'localhost.localdomain', 0 )"
('MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1', 'Vp\xdc\xee\xa2u\xfe\x03b\x01[f;y\xf3\x86')

Can you give more information about how you were trying to call get_best_auth?

Perhaps you should look at Xauthority().entries which is the list of all known auth methods.

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