[Python-modules-team] Bug#640940: Bug#640940: python-numpy: numpy.distutils not multiarch aware

Julian Taylor jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 8 17:15:10 UTC 2011

On 09/08/2011 07:05 PM, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> please, try to use Debian versions when reporting bugs against Debian packages.

this applies the debian package 1:1.5.1-2. I just reported it from ubuntu.

> indeed; please bring the problem upstream.

the problem is that there is no good way for upstream to do that yet, as
there is no standard way to obtain the triplet in different distros.
For now this is a debian issue and warrants a debian only solution.

>> one could also use gcc -print-multiarch to obtain the triplet instead of dpkg-
>> architecture
> so we have to depends on gcc, sorry no.

I agree, I only mentioned it as the gcc variant is slightly better
suited for upstreaming.

Btw. python-enable worked around this with a patch:
But it should be fixed at the source.

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