[Python-modules-team] Bug#854496: What about python-qtawesome? [python-qtpy: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)]

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 15:27:33 UTC 2017

Hi Santiago, thanks for reporting this issue,

> The bug should be reproducible with sbuild on a single CPU virtual machine,
> provided you try enough times (as the failure happens randomly).

Could you apply the same tests to src:python-qtawesome and report
whether you get the same outcome (i.e. random success / failure).

If that's the case, perhaps the following fix applied to the Ubuntu
package (thanks to the Ubuntu guys for not forwarding it, *sigh*) may

python-qtawesome (0.4.3-1ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium

  * Call xvfb-run with -a -s "-screen 0 1024x768x24 +extension GLX" options,
    to fix segmentation faults.

 -- Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at ubuntu.com>  Wed, 01 Feb 2017 23:36:29 +0300

Please let me know,

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