[Python-modules-team] Bug#897660: Bug#897660: qscintilla2: Please update symbols for riscv64

Scott Kitterman sklist at kitterman.com
Sat Feb 23 09:27:32 GMT 2019

That only means Qt5 or pyqt5 is out of date on riscv64, so python-pyqt5 isn't installable.  Qscintilla2 is the victim here.  Nothing you did wrong.

Scott K

On February 23, 2019 7:31:23 AM UTC, "Gudjon I. Gudjonsson" <gudjon at gudjon.org> wrote:
>Hi Manuel
>Sorry for a slow response. But can you please take at look at
>This status points to a bigger problem:
>"qscintilla2 build-depends on:
>- python-pyqt5:riscv64
>python-pyqt5 depends on missing:
>- qtbase-abi-5-10-0:riscv64"
>I hope I have not done any silly change to the symbols files with
>symbols helper but then I will have to revert it.
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