[Reportbug-maint] reportbug commit notifications [Was: Re: Fwd: [reportbug] r596 - in /trunk: reportbug reportbug_4merge]

Y Giridhar Appaji Nag giridhar at appaji.net
Thu Aug 7 07:03:40 UTC 2008

[Cc:ing reportbug-maint for the benefit of others]

On 08/08/07 08:32 +0200, Sandro Tosi said ...
> Hi Giridhar,

Hi Sandro,

> since I'm now subscribed to reportbug-commit ml, how can I stop cia.vc
> sending this email to me? is it something on the website or in the svn
> post-commit hook on alioth?

These are not being sent by cia.vc.  All that cia.vc does is to store commit
notifications in its DB and show them at http://cia.vc/stats/project/reportbug

Notifications (to CIA.vc as well as to mailing lists) are sent by the
svnmailer package supported by alioth admins.  See
http://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/PackagingProject and

For reportbug, the commit mails are sent to:

(A) The "cvs" keyword of the PTS (dev-ref 4.10.3) via the post-commit hooks --
which is actually mails Bcc:ed to reportbug_cvs at packages.qa.debian.org but has
the address reportbug at packages.qa.debian.org in the To: field.  These are sent
by svnmailer, See http://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Svn

(B) The reportbug-commits mailing list, sent by the svnlog program that you
added to the post-commit hook.

You are getting mails from both A and B.  You could choose to either remove
the cvs keyword (dev-ref 4.10.1) for reportbug PTS subscription or unsubscribe
from the reportbug-commits mailing list.

However, please don't remove the svnmailer hook that sends mails to the PTS
cvs keyword.  Since it is documented in the dev-ref, that is the first place
people expect to receive commit nofitications :)



PS: when you created the reportbug-commits mailing list, I could not comment
on it because I was off for a few days and then it was too late :).  One could
send mails to reportbug-commits _also_ via svnmailer.

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From:  <morph-guest at users.alioth.debian.org>
> Date: Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 23:49
> Subject: [reportbug] r596 - in /trunk: reportbug reportbug_4merge
> To: reportbug at packages.qa.debian.org
> Author: morph-guest
> Date: Wed Aug  6 21:49:13 2008
> New Revision: 596
> URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/reportbug/?sc=1&rev=596
> Log:
> renaming reportbug exec to easy branches/modules merge
> Added:
>    trunk/reportbug_4merge   (props changed)
>      - copied unchanged from r594, trunk/reportbug
> Removed:
>    trunk/reportbug
> Propchange: trunk/reportbug_4merge
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    svn:executable = *
> Propchange: trunk/reportbug_4merge
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    svn:mergeinfo =
> -- 
> Sandro Tosi (aka morph, Morpheus, matrixhasu)
> My website: http://matrixhasu.altervista.org/
> Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi

Y Giridhar Appaji Nag | http://appaji.net/
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