[Reportbug-maint] Bug#493049: Bug#493049: reportbug: text width and dependencies status

Riccardo Stagni unriccio at email.it
Thu Jul 31 11:50:39 UTC 2008

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 08:40:30AM +0200, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> This is a conservative setup: there are still many MTA that wrap
> emails at 80th char, or MUA on terminals limited to 80 chars, so
> having that informations stored in 80 columns is helpful for the
> maintainer to have a "snapshot" of the installed package in his/her
> full screen.
> Moreover, those are info needed by the maintainer to know what
> packages are installed on your system, so cutting off some of the
> package name or description is usually safe, since the maint knows
> enught about the package to map the cutted name to the real package
> name.

But if (like in the openoffice example) the cutted package name is "lib"
the maintainer could have some problems guessing the name. One could say
"use the version/description", but if there are some packages with the
same version? (e.g. libgtk/libglib*)

> Anyhow, what would be your suggestion? take the whole dpkg -l <pkg>
> and use it for the report?

This could be a solution, or also you could remove the description column
(since a package maintainer "should" know what packages he depends on).

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