[Reportbug-maint] reportbug patch for windows

Ritesh Raj Sarraf rrs at researchut.com
Tue Apr 7 09:29:12 UTC 2009

Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:

> Attached is a patch for reportbug (querybts) to make it run on Windows.
> There are 2 modules, pwd and tempfile, which are platform dependent, not
> available on Windows. These 2 modules are only needed for the reportbug
> tool and are not required for a query to the BTS.
> I have a plain patch to just handle imports for these 2 modules. Another
> option could be to separate platform specific modules to a separate file.
> Why this should be done?
> I have an application, pypt-offline, an offline package manager for
> Debian. One of the core features for it is to be able to download bug
> reports and make it available offline.
> I'd like to use reportbug for my app's bug fetch requirement because
> reportbug is the most used bts tool in Debian and thus the best
> maintained. :-)


Can you please provide some feedback on this ?

The plan is not to make *reportbug* platform independent but at least have 
its modules be. Because that way, I can add my own wrapper on top of 
reportbug modules and fetch bugs on a non-linux box, and still be able to 
not worry about any changes in the BTS interface.

Another question I had was regarding SOAP. My understanding was that we were 
planning to move towards the SOAP interface, to interact with the BTS. But 
still with the new release (4.0), it still is using the CGI interface.

If possible, Please CC me when replying. I'm not subscribed to the list.

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