[sane-devel] QuickCam USB support on Linux

Peter Leif Rasmussen (PLR) PLR at tt.dk
Fri Aug 31 09:59:41 BST 2001

I downloaded 1.05, built it and looked through manpages and such for info
about support for the Logitech (now Connectix or just a name?) QuickCam
using USB and not the parallel port. Not finding even a whiff of suggestion
that it at all exists I looked through the archives and found in 1999 some
mentioning of the camera at all, but still only with parallel port support.

Now I just happen to have such a camera and wondered what happened? I
suppose it is the same old story about not being able to get info about the
hardware, but isn't there any way to work around that, the parallel version
working and USB being a known standard?

I know it is getting ridiculously old, but as I now happen to have the USB
one and would like to make it work I wondered what I could do?

Anyone tried something already? Any hints or suggestions?



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