[sane-devel] XSane (and maybe other frontends) backend name detection problem

Michael Herder crapsite@gmx.net
Sat, 16 Nov 2002 18:18:33 +0100

Henning Meier-Geinitz, Samstag, 16. November 2002 15:29:
> > Henning Meier-Geinitz schrieb:
> > > Examples: "mustek_usb:/dev/scanner" --> "mustek_usb"
> > >           "mustek_usb:libusb:001:002" --> "001"
> >
> > Is ":libusb" a keyword we can search for in thos way:
> > if ":libusb" is part of the device name then use the
> > text before ":libusb" instead of before the last ":" ?
> I think so. The "device" file names are always:
> libusb:bus:device
> Only the "bus" and "device" parts vary. They can be numbers or paths.
> The reast of the name is from dll.c, if I remember correctly. So dll.c
> adds "mustek_usb:" in front of the "libusb:bus:device".
> By the way: I think there is no way to detect the backend name if the
> backend is linked to xsane directly (without sane-dll).

I actually tried merging all translation files of a given language to one .po 
file which I then transform to a .qm file (for QuiteInsane).
.po size: 45.5 kB
.qm size: 3.4 kB (at least the resulting filesize isn't a problem)
The only problem with this approach is, that the translation from one backend 
could be overwritten with the translation of another one.
On the other hand, there are no problems with finding the correct translation 
file, and backends, which only use strings from saneopts.h get translated 
