[sane-devel] Linotype X-ray Scanner

Piernicola Oliva oliva at df.unipi.it
Wed Nov 20 18:28:15 GMT 2002

another problem arised...
Now the images are ok, 12bits deep.
When the scanner is in standby for more than half an hour (I think) the lamp 
turns off.
I made some other acquisitions after this (using the same command and the 
same image) and I noticed a different histogram for the same image (say the 
mean vaule was 4000 instead of 2500).This difference appears only for the 
first image acquired after the turning off of the lamp.
So I waited for another turning off of the lamp and started again a set of 
acquisition... and the computer freezed completely (also the caps-lock light 
didn't work) and I had to reset the computer.
I made this only one time, so I don't know if it happens every time the lamp 
turns off.

Do I have to say  in some way to the scanner to turn on the lamp?

Thank you,

    \        name:     Piernicola OLIVA
   o/\_      address:  Universita' degli Studi di Sassari
  <\__,\               Struttura Dipartimentale di Matematica e Fisica
   ">   |              via Vienna 2, 07100, Sassari, Italia
    `   |    tel:      +39/079229486     (office)
         \             +39/3401450473    (mobile)  
          \  fax:      +39/079229482
           \ e-mail:   oliva at uniss.it

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