[sane-devel] Re: RE: Epson 1650 USB SUSE 7.3

Klaas Freitag freitag at suse.de
Wed Sep 11 14:35:48 BST 2002

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:


> > I'm about ready to give up on this approach, and simply expect that if I want
> > to use my scanner, I'll have to do it from Window$. This sane stuff is driving
> > me IN-sane.
> If it's that bad, consider upgrading to SuSE 8.0. This scanner gave me
> one of the best hardware experiences ever: plug in and go. (This
> device-ID problem was not an issue, but I am in New Zealand, perhaps the
> scanners sold here are a little different?)

the problem with Epson 1650 USB and SuSE 7.3 was definetely a kernel
issue. I was not able to bring my own 1650 to work on 7.3, upgrading
the kernel fixed the problem.  With 8.0, it works out of the box.
The only thing is that sane reports to a Epson GT800? scanner model,
but works nice. BTW, sane 1.0.8 still reports that.

> Linux-USB has a somewhat bad reputation, I have trouble with my USB
> printer locking up 90% through a 3EUR-ink-job. Buggy USB software. It
> is entirely possible that the newer kernel of 8.0 has better USB
> support. You could just install the 8.0 kernel if you don't want to
> upgrade the whole way, it's 1 wget and 1 rpm -Uvh.

You should not forget mk_initrd and to call lilo to reinstall the
bootmanager after installing the new kernel.

> Beats using M$ for scanning...
That's intention ;-))



 Was auch immer geschieht :                                Klaas Freitag
 Nie dürft ihr so tief sinken,                      mail freitag at suse.de
 von dem Kakao, durch den man euch zieht,           SuSE Labs, Nuernberg
 auch noch zu trinken! - E. Kaestner

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