[sane-devel] epson 1650

khk at khk.net khk at khk.net
Tue Sep 24 13:46:33 BST 2002

I am not familiar with "Linux Libranet v2.7", but I would assume it's
similar to all the other Linux distributions out there.

If it has hotplug support, make sure that the scanner is listed in
the hotplug configuration files (usb.distmap).

Make sure that the scanner device file (very likely /dev/usb/scanner0)
is read _AND_ writable for all users who should have access to the
scanner (you can do this either with a chmod 666 to allow everybody
to access the scanner, or you can use a group for all scanner users).

Add a line (or enable the line that's already there by removing the
comment sign) "usb /dev/usb/scanner0" to the file epson.conf (very
likely in /etc/sane.d)

If you run into any problems, disable all other backends besided "epson"
in dll.conf.

If your scanner is still not working and it is connected via a hub,
remove the hub and connect it directly.

If it's still not working, please let me know.

Karl Heinz

> G'Day,
> Can someone please tell me how to get a Epson 1650 scanner working on
> Linux Libranet v2.7 .
> Thankyou,
> Rodney.
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