[sane-devel] [Brother] brscan2 backend

m.v.wesstein m.v.wesstein at hccnet.nl
Mon Feb 6 15:32:54 UTC 2006


Last month I contacted Brother about my MFC5440CN "All-in-one" about 
it's scanning capabilities via the network interface. According to an 
explanation by a Suse developer some time ago on this list the brscan2 
backend provided by Brother is written exclusively for use via USB.

Brother replied today (10 days after I submitted my question, which is 
reasonably quick given it's technical nature and probably contacting 
Brother HQ in Japan) that they are willing to look in to the matter and 
make scanning via the network interface possible. However, they couldn't 
give a timeframe for it to happen.

The process might be speeded up if more people who want to use the 
brscan2 backend via the network interface express their interest to Brother.


M.V. Wesstein
the Netherlands

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