[sane-devel] Firmware for Epson Stylus CX-1500?

baoloc1970-mail at yahoo.com baoloc1970-mail at yahoo.com
Wed May 2 10:36:53 UTC 2007

Oliver Schwartz <Oliver.Schwartz at gmx.de> wrote:
Yes, your version of SANE is too old. Support for the CX-1500 was  
added in sane-backends 1.0.18, so you should upgrade your SANE  
packages. Make sure to uninstall your old version of SANE before you  
install a new one.


Yes! After upgrade to 1.0.18, it works.
Thank you very much!

LE Hong Boi
Homepage: http://lhboi.homelinux.net
Hãy ghé qua trang chủ Yahoo! Việt Nam!
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