[sane-devel] HP 3300C and FreeBSD flatbed not detecting physical scan area height

felipe.jensen.casado at estumail.ucm.es felipe.jensen.casado at estumail.ucm.es
Wed Aug 27 15:02:09 UTC 2008

Hi all:

A few days ago I posted an email regarding problems with this scanner and the 1.0.19 backends in 
FreeBSD. I have now tried with 1.0.18 and 1.0.17 and those work better, allowing me to scan. 
However, the phisical scan area is still not properly detected, and if you try «preview» in xsane, it will 
hit the lower bottom of the scan area. So this scanner doesn't work in freebsd, and it should be stated 
that using the sane-backends in this OS might damage the machine. Should this also be mailed to 
other lists? Maybe the FreeBSD port guy or something?


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