[sane-devel] How get scanner commands on kds.log with a Kodak i1440 USB scanner

Jose Guadalupe Osuna Chavez jose.chaves at sat.gob.mx
Wed Oct 22 23:59:58 UTC 2008


	I'm trying to make a program on Linux that work with a Kodak i1440 USB scanner. I'm using the method of get commands of the kds.log file, generated on window's driver, and emulate on Linux.

	This has worked on a Kodak i260 FireWire Scanner, all the commands was logged in this file; just after modify the C:\WINDOWS\twain_32\kodak\kds\const.ini file with 

	But on the i1440 the C:\WINDOWS\twain_32\kodak\kds\kds.log doesn't show scanner commands. I believe that this only works on SCSI and firewire scanners.

	The C:\WINDOWS\twain_32\kodak\kds\kds.log had lines like this.

00154 114901212 kdsdat     234   183 S3 ### dsIdentity <Mnft:'Eastman Kodak Company'  Prdnm:'Digital Science'  Prdfm:'Kodak Document Imaging Scanner'  v2.1  Lang:13  Ctry:1  Info:'KDS v2.1.29 2001/05/09'  TWAIN:1.9  Grps:0x1003>
00155 114901212 kdsdat     234   183 S3 ### appIdentity <Mnft:''  Prdnm:''  Prdfm:''  v0.0  Lang:0  Ctry:0  Info:''  TWAIN:0.0  Grps:0x0>
00156 114901212 kdsdat     234   183 S3 >>> DS_Entry(DG_CONTROL/DAT_IDENTITY/MSG_GET) = (TWRC_SUCCESS/TWCC_SUCCESS,0) ***Exit***
	Nothing like a GetConfig o GetWindow command or a wr_cwirebae module.

	¿Somebody knows another method?

Thank you

Jose Gpe Osuna Chavez

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