[sane-devel] broken sane-config in sane-backends version 1.1.0

Chris Bagwell chris at cnpbagwell.com
Tue Mar 3 03:01:43 UTC 2009

Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
> szukw000 at arcor.de writes:
> I had to make some changes to get a working 'sane-config'. The result:
> LIBS="  -lgphoto2 -lgphoto2_port -lexif -lm -lusb -ldl"
> @GPHOTO2_LDFLAGS@ is empty
> I do not know whether this is sufficient. sane-backends-1.0.19 has a
> longer list for LIBS:
> LIBS="-lusb -lpthread -lm  -ljpeg -ltiff -lieee1284  -lgphoto2 -lgphoto2_port -lexif -lm -lusb -ldl"

OK, thanks for report... I submitted a version of your patches and now I 
get basically same as 1.0.19:

LIBS=" -ldl -lv4l1 -lv4l2 -lv4lconvert   -lm -ltiff -ljpeg  -lgphoto2 
-lgphoto2_port -lexif -lm -lusb       -lusb "

TODO: We should really strip out duplicates libraries...

TODO2: I don't think that LIBS in most systems should really contain 
*ANY* values because libsane.so is just libsane-dll.so and doesn't 
contain any code that requires linking to that stuff.  When you dlopen a 
backend, it also loads its dependencies that were linked into it as 
needed, right?  In that case, sane-config's LIBS should be built based 
on only whats in PRELOAD_BACKENDS (normally nothing).


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