[sane-devel] sane and gt-2500

Alesh Slovak alesh.slovak at avasys.jp
Tue Jul 6 23:19:38 UTC 2010

On 07/06/2010 07:21 PM, Alessandro wrote:
> In fact it seems to me that it is not exatly what I need. You said to
> "click on iscan's Scan button".. this means that iscan is a graphics
> software (with a main window, buttons, etc..), but I want use the
> command line.
> Fortunately this button is not necessary and however if iscan can check
> that button I think I will be able to check it too with a custom script.

Yes, there is an option exposed (wait-for-button) that when activated will wait 
for you to press the scanner's scan button before proceeding with the scan. It 
should be available from scanimage. This was only ever meant to work with 
flatbed scanning, not sure how well it will work with the ADF, if at all.

Happy scanning,
Alesh Slovak                    Linux Team -- AVASYS Corporation
alesh.slovak at avasys.jp          http://avasys.jp

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