[sane-devel] scanbd daemon does not load firmware

Wilhelm wilhelm.meier at fh-kl.de
Thu Aug 29 13:53:10 UTC 2013

Am 29.08.2013 15:33, schrieb Wilhelm:
> Hi Ilja,
> Am 29.08.2013 15:25, schrieb Ilya V. Ivanchenko:
>> Hi Wilhelm,
>> *>*is there a special reason using the (old) scanbuttond-backends and not
>>> sane-backends?
>> I first tried sane-backends, and apparently it does not read the buttons
>> for Epson GT-1500.
> did you use the epkowa backend? The sane-support-page says, that this
> backend supports most features of the GT-1500.
>> I tried various things with sane-backends, but
>> "scanimage -A" gives no button options and it was very unclear how to
>> patch sane-backends or even where to start. So I quickly gave up and
>> moved to scanbuttond-backends where it was easy to figure out a patch
>> and it worked right away. I'd be glad if sane backend worked, but even
>> Epson's iscan does not support buttons (seemingly on any of their
>> scanners).
>>> If you plugin / poweron the scanner for the first time, who does the
>>> firmware get loaded in this case?
>> Good question. Now retracing my steps backwards, I think I got
>> iscan+sane to load the drivers the very first time and I did not notice
>> this problem. When I tested things, I always used "scanimage -L" as a
>> quick test, and it pulled the string up to the firmware loading (at
>> which moment scanner clearly does a whizz sound moving the head in its
>> POST). It appears to me that scanbd somehow misses calling the firmware
>> load on USB insert (before reading buttons), but does it on scanimage
>> -L. Perhaps it is due to the use of scanbuttond-backends and not
>> sane-backends.
>> So my current conclusions are that there are two potential issues to fix:
>>   1. Make sane-backends support buttons that scanbuttond-backends
>> support.
> that would be the best choice, since I have no real plans to support the
> scanbuttond backends.
>>   2. When using scanbuttond-backends, fix loading firmware on USB insert.
> what I could imagine is to fix this problem with a special
> shell-callback, when scanbd detects a device inserion / removal.

Forgot to say: would you like to write a patch for that? I will provide 
you with the neccessary info to do that. Shouldn't be too much work ;-)

>> Please correct me if I'm wrong here.
>> --
>> Wilhelm
>> w.meier at unix.net <mailto:w.meier at unix.net>

w.meier at unix.net

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