[sane-devel] Debian stretch: canon lide 110 problems

Renato Pontefice renato.pontefice at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 10:03:02 UTC 2015

I would look for help, with my prob:
Last night I've installed a "brand new" Debian stretch, on my laptop. Then,
I've installed a SANE (and xsane) to drive a canon lide 110 scanner.

My prob is: when I try to scan an image,
- the scanner emits noise, but the light does not light
- at the end, I receive an image that is a page with no scan text, but just
black and white pixel

- I already had problem like this (with a previous installation stretch)
solved re-installing stretch.
- I' ve downloaded vuescan, to try the scanner and connection, an it works
great. So, I think prob are on some file that drive the process of scanner.

I would not repeat the a new install process (because I'm a little tired
:-( )

Can someone show me some solution (i.e. remove all the stack of  SANE and
scanner and reinstall "brand new") or similar?

Thank you

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