[sane-devel] Canon F56000 & Ubuntu

Sab sab1703 at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 5 13:59:50 UTC 2016

Hi !

Yesterday I installed UBUNTU 14.10 but the driver of the scaner didn't 
run properly eventhough the Canon F5600 is recognised by the system and 
In the Terminal I put this command : sane-pygtk --help and I received 
this following answer : "/usr/bin/sane-pygtk:76: GtkWarning: 
GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated
   xml = gtk.glade.XML(sys.prefix + 
'/share/sane-pygtk/glade/sane-pygtk.glade', 'window1', app_name)
[genesys] WARNING: Your scanner is not fully supported or at least
[genesys]          had only limited testing. Please be careful and
[genesys]          report any failure/success to
[genesys]          sane-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org. Please provide as 
[genesys]          details as possible, e.g. the exact name of your
[genesys]          scanner and what does (not) work.
/usr/bin/sane-pygtk:560: GtkWarning: GtkSpinButton: setting an 
adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated
   self.spinbutton_resolution.set_range(options[8][0], options[8][-1])
usage: hocr-sane.py [--file IMAGE_OUT_FILENAME]"

Can you help, please.

Best regards,
PS: sorry for the mistakes I wrote in english which it isn't my mother 
tongue... I'm a french-spoken.

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