[sane-devel] CanoScan LiDE 120 supported or not?

Olaf Meeuwissen paddy-hack at member.fsf.org
Sat Oct 8 00:26:00 UTC 2016

Hi Fabrice,

Fabrice Delente writes:

> Hello,
> My PC is on fedora, when I install sane, its backends and the drivers
> I get my LiDE120 to "move" in xsane (motor gets activated) but can't
> get no image in return of a preview or a scan.
> The scanner is recognized with sane-find-scanner and scanimage -L
> Since scanning didn't work, I removed the fedora packages (version
> 1.0.25), and cloned the git repository, since I had read on some web
> pages that the scanner is supported in the latest dev. versions.

You removed the Fedora package.  That also means that the files below
/etc/sane.d/ are probably all gone as well as the udev .rules file that
is responsible for setting up read/write access to the device for users
other than "root".

> I have installed the git version, I manually added the USB ids in
> /etc/sane.d/genesys.conf (since they didn't appear there), but
> scanimage -L doesn't see the scanner...

If you ran configure without a --prefix option, everything got installed
below /usr/local/, including the configuration files.  That should not
be a problem though (since you removed the Fedora package) and scanimage
should find the genesys.conf file below /usr/local/.  That file should
have an entry for the LiDE 120.

I think your problem stems from the fact that the udev .rules didn't get
installed in a place where udev looks.  If my thought is right you
should be able to find the scanner with

  sudo scanimage -L

and scan by prefixing your command with `sudo`.

If that works, you can "fix" things with

  make -C tools udev/libsane.rules
  sudo cp tools/udev/libsane.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

> I found this page:
> http://sane.alioth.debian.org/lists/sane-mfgs-cvs.html#Z-CANON
> on which I read the CanoScan LiDE120 0x04a9/0x190e is completrly
> supported, but in this page
> http://www.sane-project.org/man/sane-genesys.5.html it doesn't appear.

That page is out-of-date :-(

> Can somebody help me make sense of all this? Thanks!

Hope this made sense,
Olaf Meeuwissen, LPIC-2            FSF Associate Member since 2004-01-27
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