[sane-devel] Scanning With Nikon Coolscan LS40 / IVED

Leon Hauck leon at progcpu.net
Sat Jul 29 02:14:24 UTC 2017

Sorry - it doesn't timeout/error out, it returns with

scanimage: no SANE devices found

The version of libsane in Stretch is 1.0.25 (not working)

The version of libsane in Jessie is 1.0.24 (working)

On 07/28/2017 07:02 PM, Leon Hauck wrote:
> TLDR: are there any known issues using a Nikon Coolscan IV ED with
> libusb 0.1.12-30 and kernel 4.9.0?
> ---------------------------------------
> I'm trying to get an Coolscan IV ED (LS40) to work with Debian Stretch
> (current stable release).
> scanimage -L
> properly identifies the scanner, however
> scanimage > testme.pnm
> hangs and eventually errors out due to an i/o error.
> I connected this scanner to a laptop running the same software with the
> same results.
> I connected the scanner to an older laptop running Debian Jessie
> (previous stable release), and it works fine, and I can also pass along
> additional command line arguments for white balance, auto-focus, etc.
> I'm guessing something may have changed in libusb and/or the kernel,
> which is preventing communication with this older USB1.1 unit.
> Are there any known issues with this setup?

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