[sane-devel] Partial success using Iriscan Express 3

Stephane Louise stephane.r.louise at gmail.com
Tue Sep 19 10:11:55 BST 2023


I wanted to report a partial success using Iriscan Express 3 scanner with
sane (it is an oldy, but it was given to me so why not give it a try).
For that, I probed the scanner using sane-find-scanner and scanimage -L,
and was pretty confident that it was a gt6816 based scanner. Therefore I
overrode the detection of the scanner to iriscan-express-2, in gt68xx.conf
and it kind-of worked.

The results: the commands are accurately given to the scanner, and it can
scan in its highest resolution (600dpi) without crashing or endomaging the
hardware. The main caveat is the fact that the output file is a horizontal
gradient of the picture which is "not optimal" (looks like e.g. a Prewitt
filter applied to the output). N.B: there are miss-alignments with lower
resolutions also but for me it is still minor as long as I could make the
native resolution work.

Here are the information gathered by sane-find-scanner:
<device descriptor of 0x07b3/0x0475 at 001:038 (600dpi USB Scanner)>
bLength               18
bDescriptorType       1
bcdUSB                1.10
bDeviceClass          0
bDeviceSubClass       0
bDeviceProtocol       0
bMaxPacketSize0       64
idVendor              0x07B3
idProduct             0x0475
bcdDevice             5.01
iManufacturer         0 ()
iProduct              1 (600dpi USB Scanner)
iSerialNumber         0 ()
bNumConfigurations    1
 <configuration 0>
 bLength              9
 bDescriptorType      2
 wTotalLength         32
 bNumInterfaces       1
 bConfigurationValue  1
 iConfiguration       0 ()
 bmAttributes         160 (Remote Wakeup)
 MaxPower             500 mA
  <interface 0>
   <altsetting 0>
   bLength            9
   bDescriptorType    4
   bInterfaceNumber   0
   bAlternateSetting  0
   bNumEndpoints      2
   bInterfaceClass    255
   bInterfaceSubClass 255
   bInterfaceProtocol 255
   iInterface         0 ()
    <endpoint 0>
    bLength           7
    bDescriptorType   5
    bEndpointAddress  0x81 (in 0x01)
    bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
    wMaxPacketSize    64
    bInterval         0 ms
    bRefresh          0
    bSynchAddress     0
    <endpoint 1>
    bLength           7
    bDescriptorType   5
    bEndpointAddress  0x02 (out 0x02)
    bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
    wMaxPacketSize    64
    bInterval         0 ms
    bRefresh          0
    bSynchAddress     0

<trying to find out which USB chip is used>
    checking for LM983[1,2,3] ...
    this is not a LM983x (bNumEndpoints = 2)
    checking for GT-6801 ...
    this is not a GT-6801 (bDeviceClass = 0)
    checking for GT-6816 ...
<This USB chip looks like a GT-6816 (result from sane-backends

found possible USB scanner (vendor=0x07b3, product=0x0475 [600dpi USB
Scanner], chip=GT-6816) at libusb:001:038
and the override I utilized:

# Iriscan Express 3:
usb 0x07b3 0x0475
override "iriscan-express-2"

Let me know if  you want more information or if you think of something to
avoid the gradient effect.
(I can link to a test scan if you want but it is 105MB large)

Best regards,

Stéphane Louise
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