[sane-devel] Epson ET-3710

Till Kamppeter till.kamppeter at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 23:14:22 GMT 2024

On 13/03/2024 21:41, ThierryFR via sane-devel wrote:
> Le 2024-03-13 20:01, henrichhartzer--- via sane-devel a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I tried using the Gitlab, but gitlab.com requires a phone number and payment 
>> method just to make an account. Not sure why that is.
>> I'm trying to use a Epson ET-3710 as a scanner. I don't see it listed with 
>> scanimage -L. I'm not sure this exact model is supported, but it seems like a 
>> similar one should be and maybe the driver is mostly the same?
> Hi
> Espon provides all the drivers for these devices, and the code is free.
> Finally, sane nativment supports AirScan, and ecoTank is fully supported.
> Thierry

Most modern printer/scanner multi-function devices are driverless. The printer 
part does driverless IPP printing and gets discovered by CUPS without any 
special setup and the scanner part does AirPrint (eSCL and/or WSD) and often 
(eSCL), thanks to Thierry's driver the device already works with sane-backends 
itself, but with Alexander Pevzner's sane-airscan more devices (supports both 
eSCL and WSD, or if special quirks need to get addressed) are supported. Both 
drivers come with all major distros.

See also 


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