Hello,<br> sorry that I was wrong about libusb function, the right one is usb_set_configuration(), I saw in sanei_usb the place of usb_set_configuration is before usb_claim_interface being used, but when I saw in sane-backend for 1.0.16 , the sm3600 was usb_claim_interface first after that is usb_set_configuration , so I follow that way, after that I don't exactly understand why, but for now is already works, I will going to change and to use sanei_usb.h .<br> <br> and I see the chip is SQ113<br> <device descriptor of 0x05da/0x3021 at 001:009 (Prolific Technology Inc. USB Scanner )><br> bLength 18<br> bDescriptorType 1<br> bcdUSB 2.00<br>
bDeviceClass 0<br> bDeviceSubClass 0<br> bDeviceProtocol 0<br> bMaxPacketSize0 64<br> idVendor 0x05DA<br> idProduct 0x3021<br> bcdDevice 1.00<br> iManufacturer 1 (Prolific Technology Inc.)<br> iProduct 2 (USB Scanner )<br> iSerialNumber 0 ()<br> bNumConfigurations 1<br> <configuration 0><br>
bLength 9<br> bDescriptorType 2<br> wTotalLength 39<br> bNumInterfaces 1<br> bConfigurationValue 1<br> iConfiguration 0 ()<br> bmAttributes 192 (Self-powered)<br> MaxPower 100 mA<br> <interface 0><br> <altsetting 0><br> bLength 9<br> bDescriptorType 4<br> bInterfaceNumber 0<br> bAlternateSetting 0<br> bNumEndpoints 3<br>
bInterfaceClass 255<br> bInterfaceSubClass 255<br> bInterfaceProtocol 255<br> iInterface 0 ()<br> <endpoint 0><br> bLength 7<br> bDescriptorType 5<br> bEndpointAddress 0x01 (out 0x01)<br> bmAttributes 2 (bulk)<br> wMaxPacketSize 512<br> bInterval 0 ms<br> bRefresh 0<br> bSynchAddress 0<br> <endpoint 1><br> bLength 7<br>
bDescriptorType 5<br> bEndpointAddress 0x82 (in 0x02)<br> bmAttributes 2 (bulk)<br> wMaxPacketSize 512<br> bInterval 0 ms<br> bRefresh 0<br> bSynchAddress 0<br> <endpoint 2><br> bLength 7<br> bDescriptorType 5<br> bEndpointAddress 0x83 (in 0x03)<br> bmAttributes 3 (interrupt)<br> wMaxPacketSize 1<br> bInterval 3 ms<br>
bRefresh 0<br> bSynchAddress 0<br> <br> <trying to find out which USB chip is used><br> checking for GT-6801 ...<br> this is not a GT-6801 (bDeviceClass = 0)<br> checking for GT-6816 ...<br> this is not a GT-6816 (bcdUSB = 0x200)<br> checking for GT-8911 ...<br> this is not a GT-8911 (check 2, bcdUSB = 0x200)<br> checking for MA-1017 ...<br> this is not a MA-1017 (bDeviceClass = 0, bInterfaceClass = 255)<br> checking for MA-1015 ...<br> this is not a MA-1015 (bDeviceClass = 0)<br> checking for MA-1509 ...<br> this is not a MA-1509 (bDeviceClass = 0)<br> checking for LM983[1,2,3] ...<br> this is not a LM983x
(bcdUSB = 0x200)<br> checking for GL646 ...<br> this is not a GL646 (bDeviceClass = 0, bInterfaceClass = 255)<br> checking for GL646_HP ...<br> this is not a GL646_HP (bDeviceClass = 0, bInterfaceClass = 255)<br> checking for GL660+GL646 ...<br> this is not a GL660+GL646 (bDeviceClass = 0, bInterfaceClass = 255)<br> checking for GL841 ...<br> this is not a GL841 (bDeviceClass = 0, bInterfaceClass = 255)<br> checking for ICM532B ...<br> this is not a ICM532B (check 1, bDeviceClass = 0, bInterfaceClass = 255)<br> checking for PV8630/LM9830 ...<br> this is not a PV8630/LM9830 (bcdUSB = 0x200)<br> checking for M011 ...<br> this is not a M011 (bDeviceClass = 0)<br> checking for RTS8822L-01H ...<br>
this is not a RTS8822L-01H (bEndpointAddress = 0x1, bmAttributes = 0x2, wMaxPacketSize = 0x200, bInterval = 0x0)<br> checking for rts8858c ...<br> this is not a rts8858c (bcdUSB = 0x200)<br> checking for SQ113 ...<br> <This USB chip looks like a SQ113><br> <br> found USB scanner (vendor=0x05da [Prolific Technology Inc.], product=0x3021 [USB Scanner ], chip=SQ113) at libusb:001:009<br> <br> <br> <br><p>
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