Hello, <br><br>I would like to suggest a patch to add a new option to scanimage.<br>The idea is to allow user to sleep scanner for a time between two scans in batch mode.<br><br>I did this patch because I wanted to scan a book manually, and batch mode was too fast (not enough time to turn page), whereas a script looping on normal mode was too slow (at least 6 seconds between two scans with my scanner).<br>
So this patch add an option (--batch-delay=INT) that sleep scanimage for INT seconds.<br><br>This patch have been generated on sane-backends-1.0.22 with "diff -cr sane-backends-1.0.22-old/ sane-backends-1.0.22/ > patch.diff"<br>
<br>I hope you will accept it.<br><br>Best regards.<br><br>Yoann<br>